
Geomorfología de la salina de Sauca, costa nororiental del estado Falcón, Venezuela

Geology / Geomorphology / Sedimentology / Wetlands / Coastal Geomorphology / Geomorfologia / Geologia / Sedimentary Geology / Humedales / Geomorfología litoral / Sedimentologia / Geomorfologia / Geologia / Sedimentary Geology / Humedales / Geomorfología litoral / Sedimentologia

Biogeochemical sulphur cycle in an extreme environment—lifebeneath a high arctic glacier, Nunavut, Canada

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Características geoquímicas de los sedimentos del humedal salina de Sauca, estado Falcón, Venezuela

Geology / Geochemistry / Geomorphology / Wetlands / Coastal Geomorphology / Inorganic Geochemistry / LAGUNAS COSTERAS / Geomorfologia / Geologia / Geoquímica / Sediments / Marine sediments / Humedales / Coastal Lagoons / Salinas / Geomorfología litoral / Sedimentos / Salines / Inorganic Geochemistry / LAGUNAS COSTERAS / Geomorfologia / Geologia / Geoquímica / Sediments / Marine sediments / Humedales / Coastal Lagoons / Salinas / Geomorfología litoral / Sedimentos / Salines


Geology / Petroleum geology / Plate Tectonics / Geotectonics / Petroleum, Geology, Oil and Gas / Petroleum Geoscience / Geotectonics and Geodynamics / Geotectônica / Geotectonica / Petroleum Geoscience / Geotectonics and Geodynamics / Geotectônica / Geotectonica
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