
Guía de la Naturaleza de Pájara

Herpetology / Geology / Paleontology / Natural Science / Enviromental Studies / Tourism / Birds / Botanica / Canary Islands / Fuerteventura / Archeology / Tourism / Birds / Botanica / Canary Islands / Fuerteventura / Archeology

Magma flow, exsolution processes and rock metasomatism in the Great Messejana-Plasencia dyke (Iberian Peninsula)

Geology / Geophysics / Scanning Electron Microscopy / Magnetic Properties / Geomatic Engineering / Iberian Peninsula / Grain size / High Temperature / Cross Section / Geophysical / Large Igneous Province / Iberian Peninsula / Grain size / High Temperature / Cross Section / Geophysical / Large Igneous Province

Rocas Igneas de Margenes Continentales - Suite Ofiolita

Geology / Petrology / Igneous petrology / Plate Tectonics / Geologia / Petrologia / Tectonica De Placas / Petrologia / Tectonica De Placas

Trace elements of Paleocene Táchira coals, southwestern Venezuela: a geochemical study

Genetics / Geology / Geophysics / Multivariate Statistics / Clay Minerals / Factor analysis / Atomic Absorption Spectrometry / Trace element / Coal Geochemistry / Factor analysis / Atomic Absorption Spectrometry / Trace element / Coal Geochemistry
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