
Porosidad de los yacimientos naturalmente fracturados:una clasifi cación fractal

Geology / Structure / Porosity / Digital Images / Fractal Dimension

Late Pleistocene alluvial plain sedimentation in Lower Narmada Valley, Western India: Palaeoenvironmental implications

Geology / Geochemistry / Geophysics / Late Pleistocene / Large River Ecology / Last Glacial Maximum / Large Scale / Last Glacial Maximum / Large Scale


Geology / Paleontology / Sedimentology / Stratigraphy / Vertebrate Paleontology / Sedimentary geology and stratigraphy

The Quebradagrande Complex: A Lower Cretaceous ensialic marginal basin in the Central Cordillera of the Colombian Andes

Geology / Geophysics / Colombia / Extensional Tectonics / Arc Rocks / Back Arc / Volcanic Rock / Tethys Oceanic Crust / Spatial Relationships / Back Arc / Volcanic Rock / Tethys Oceanic Crust / Spatial Relationships

Geosenderos en el marco de la propuesta de Geoparque Yanhuitlán, en la Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca

Geography / Geology / Geoturismo / Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Mn oxides as efficient traps for metal pollutants in a polyphase low-temperature Pliocene environment: A case study in the Tamra iron mine, Nefza mining district, Tunisia

Geology / Geophysics / Case Study / Heavy Metal / Drinking Water / Iron Oxide / Iron / Surface Area / Layered Structure / World Health Organization / Metal ion / Low Temperature / Thermal Gradient / Iron Oxide / Iron / Surface Area / Layered Structure / World Health Organization / Metal ion / Low Temperature / Thermal Gradient

Pliocene–Pleistocene rocky shorelines trace coastal development of Bahı́a Concepción, gulf coast of Baja California Sur (Mexico)

Evolutionary Biology / Geology / Wave Energy / Ecology / Sea Level / Seismic stratigraphy / Rocky Shore / Baja California Sur / Gulf of California / Relative Sea Level / Seismic stratigraphy / Rocky Shore / Baja California Sur / Gulf of California / Relative Sea Level

A low δ7Li lower crustal component: Evidence from an alkalic intraplate volcanic series (Chaîne des Puys, French Massif Central)

Geology / Geochemistry / Chemical Geology / Pb isotopes / Crustal contamination / Trace element

A low δ 7Li lower crustal component: Evidence from an alkalic intraplate volcanic series (Chaîne des Puys, French Massif Central)

Geology / Geochemistry / Chemical Geology / Pb isotopes / Crustal contamination / Trace element
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