
Mesozoic-Tertiary structural evolution of an extensional gneiss dome - The Kesebir-Kardamos dome, eastern Rhodope (Bulgaria-Greece)

Earth Sciences / Geology / Late Miocene / Late Cretaceous / Structure Analysis / Open Space

Potential influence of sulphur bacteria on Palaeoproterozoic phosphogenesis

Geology / Geobiology / Multidisciplinary / Bacteria / Phosphate solubilizing bacteria / Atmospheric Oxygen / Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes / Palaeoproterozoic / Oceanic Anoxia / Early Life on Earth / Atmospheric Oxygen / Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes / Palaeoproterozoic / Oceanic Anoxia / Early Life on Earth

Bolide summer: The Paleocene/Eocene thermal maximum as a response to an extraterrestrial trigger

Evolutionary Biology / Geology / Ecology / Carbon Cycle / Global Warming / High Resolution / Carbon Isotope / Organic carbon / High Resolution / Carbon Isotope / Organic carbon
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