
Trans-dimensional inverse problems, model comparison and the evidence

Geology / Geophysics / Markov Chain Monte Carlo / Marginal Likelihood / Geomatic Engineering / Inverse Problem / Geophysical / High Dimensionality / Sampling Technique / Inverse Problem / Geophysical / High Dimensionality / Sampling Technique

Characteristics, extentandorigin ofhydrothermal alterationatMountRainier Volcano, Cascades Arc, USA: Implications for debris-flow hazards and mineral deposits

Geology / Geochemistry / Geophysics / Stable Isotope / Silica / Debris Flow / Water Table / Hydrothermal Alteration / Low Temperature / Unsaturated Zone / Debris Flow / Water Table / Hydrothermal Alteration / Low Temperature / Unsaturated Zone

Jabal an Nar: An upper miocene volcanic centre near Al Mukha (Yemen Arab Republic)

Geology / Geochemistry / Geophysics / Volcanology / Neogene / Volcanic Rocks / Basalts / Tertiary / Trace Elements / Igneous Rocks / Volcanic Rocks / Basalts / Tertiary / Trace Elements / Igneous Rocks
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