
Stratigraphy, and spatial and temporal paleoclimatic trends in Southeastern/Eastern European loess–paleosol sequences

Palaeoclimatology / Archaeology / Geology / Eastern Europe / Climate Change / Quaternary Geology / Quaternary / Loess / Marine Isotope Stage / Sedimentation Rate / Quaternary Geology / Quaternary / Loess / Marine Isotope Stage / Sedimentation Rate

Middle and Late Pleistocene loess sequences at Batajnica, Vojvodina, Serbia

Archaeology / Geology / Rock magnetism / Quaternary Geology / Quaternary / Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene / Late Pleistocene / Loess / Magnetic Susceptibility / Indexation / Deep Sea / Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene / Late Pleistocene / Loess / Magnetic Susceptibility / Indexation / Deep Sea

Efecto del acondicionado previo al almacenaje refrigerado sobre la calidad de ciruelas \'Constanza

Geology / Weight Loss / Conditioning / Chilling Injury / Cold Storage / Stone Fruit
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