
Holocene paleoenvironmental reconstruction in the Eastern Amazonian Basin: Comprido Lake

Geology / Geophysics / Glaciology / Palaeoecology / Flood plain ecology and management / Carbon accumilation

Dissolution of Entrapped DNAPLs in Variable Aperture Fractures:  Experimental Data and Empirical Model

Geology / Environmental Monitoring / Multidisciplinary / Environmental science and technology / Solubility / Theoretical Models / Trichloroethylene / Soil Pollutants / Solvents / Theoretical Models / Trichloroethylene / Soil Pollutants / Solvents

Trans-dimensional inverse problems, model comparison and the evidence

Geology / Geophysics / Markov Chain Monte Carlo / Marginal Likelihood / Geomatic Engineering / Inverse Problem / Geophysical / High Dimensionality / Sampling Technique / Inverse Problem / Geophysical / High Dimensionality / Sampling Technique
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