Baroque Art and Literature / Intellectual History of the Baroque Period / Classical Mythology / Spanish Medieval and Golden Age Literature / Conde De Villamediana
Portraits / Baroque Art and Literature / Portraiture / Nobility / Intellectual History of the Baroque Period / Baroque art and architecture / Imagen visual en el Barroco / Aristocracy / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Nobiltà / Juan Carreño de Miranda / Retrato / Pintura Barroca Española / SPANISH NOBILITY HISTORY / Spanish Court Art / Duques Del Infantado / Historia De La Nobleza Española / Spanish Aristocracy / Spanish Fashion in Europe, XVI-XVIIth c. / Duque De Pastrana / Baroque art and architecture / Imagen visual en el Barroco / Aristocracy / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Nobiltà / Juan Carreño de Miranda / Retrato / Pintura Barroca Española / SPANISH NOBILITY HISTORY / Spanish Court Art / Duques Del Infantado / Historia De La Nobleza Española / Spanish Aristocracy / Spanish Fashion in Europe, XVI-XVIIth c. / Duque De Pastrana
Early Modern History / Cultural Heritage / Renaissance Studies / Urban History / Intellectual History of the Baroque Period / Early modern Spain / Patrimonio Cultural / Spanish Monarchy / Early modern Spain / Patrimonio Cultural / Spanish Monarchy
Aesthetics / History of Ideas / Martin Heidegger / Intellectual History of the Baroque Period / Stéphane Mallarmé / Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz / Encyclopedism / Novalis / Barocco / Athanasius Kircher / Diderot and D'Alembert's Encyclopedia / Alsted, Johann Heinrich / Dictionaries and Encyclopedias / Continental Philosophy and Aesthetics / Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz / Encyclopedism / Novalis / Barocco / Athanasius Kircher / Diderot and D'Alembert's Encyclopedia / Alsted, Johann Heinrich / Dictionaries and Encyclopedias / Continental Philosophy and Aesthetics
Mythology / Baroque Art and Literature / Intellectual History of the Baroque Period / Classical Mythology / Reception of Antiquity / Fiction / Ecphrasis / Mitologia / Fabulas / Fiction / Ecphrasis / Mitologia / Fabulas
Latin-American Film / Intellectual History of the Baroque Period / Latin American Cinema / Raoul Ruiz / Chilean Cinema / Raul Ruiz / Barroco americano / Cine Chileno / Raul Ruiz / Barroco americano / Cine Chileno
Mexican Studies / Mexico History / Baroque Art and Literature / Intellectual History of the Baroque Period / History of Colonial Mexico / Sor Juana / Barroco novohispano / Estética, Filosofía Barroca, Hermenéutica / Nueva España / Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz / New Spain / Mexican History / Poesía mexicana / Historia De Las Mujeres / New Spain, 17th Century / Catholic Church History / Barroco americano / Literatura de la Nueva España / Literatura y cultura española de los siglos XVI- XVII (Francisco de Quevedo, Diego Saavedra Fajardo, Baltasar Gracián) / la iglesia en el siglo XVII / Historia de México / Sor Juana, Octavio Paz, Trampas de la fe / Siglo XVII / Arte Barroco / Dramaturgia Femenina Mexicana / Movimientos Feministas Y De Mujeres / Historia de la Iglesia en la América colonial. Historia de género en el México colonial / Historia de la Iglesia Católica en México y América Latina (s. XVI-XX) / Sor Juana / Barroco novohispano / Estética, Filosofía Barroca, Hermenéutica / Nueva España / Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz / New Spain / Mexican History / Poesía mexicana / Historia De Las Mujeres / New Spain, 17th Century / Catholic Church History / Barroco americano / Literatura de la Nueva España / Literatura y cultura española de los siglos XVI- XVII (Francisco de Quevedo, Diego Saavedra Fajardo, Baltasar Gracián) / la iglesia en el siglo XVII / Historia de México / Sor Juana, Octavio Paz, Trampas de la fe / Siglo XVII / Arte Barroco / Dramaturgia Femenina Mexicana / Movimientos Feministas Y De Mujeres / Historia de la Iglesia en la América colonial. Historia de género en el México colonial / Historia de la Iglesia Católica en México y América Latina (s. XVI-XX)
European Studies / Spanish Literature / Rhetoric / Natural Language Processing / Renaissance Studies / Renaissance Humanism / Mnemonics / Mediterranean Studies / Emblem studies / Hermes Trismegistus and Hermetica / Early Modern Literature / Intellectual History of the Baroque Period / Affect Theory / Rationalism / Affect/Emotion / Affect Studies / Affect (Cultural Theory) / Affect / Voice / Hermeticism / Teatro del Siglo de Oro / Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz / French, Italian, and Spanish Medieval and Early Modern literature and cultural productions. Law and Literature. Religious discourses. Early Modern Iberian Worlds. Early Modern printing culture. / Teatro Siglo de Oro Español / Emblemática / Affect Studies and Affective Labour / Rhetorical Gesture / Renaissance Humanism / Mnemonics / Mediterranean Studies / Emblem studies / Hermes Trismegistus and Hermetica / Early Modern Literature / Intellectual History of the Baroque Period / Affect Theory / Rationalism / Affect/Emotion / Affect Studies / Affect (Cultural Theory) / Affect / Voice / Hermeticism / Teatro del Siglo de Oro / Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz / French, Italian, and Spanish Medieval and Early Modern literature and cultural productions. Law and Literature. Religious discourses. Early Modern Iberian Worlds. Early Modern printing culture. / Teatro Siglo de Oro Español / Emblemática / Affect Studies and Affective Labour / Rhetorical Gesture
Comparative Literature / Spanish Literature / Gender Studies / Rhetoric / Gesture Studies / Gesture / Mnemonics / Stereotypes and Prejudice / Early Modern Europe / Silence / Neo-latin literature / Early Modern Literature / Intellectual History of the Baroque Period / Early Modern Intellectual History / Early Modern Italy / Affect/Emotion / Spanish Siglo de Oro Drama / Affect (Cultural Theory) / Lope de Vega / Gender stereotypes / Neolatin Literature / Literatura española del Siglo de Oro / Counter-Reformation / Literatura y cultura española de los siglos XVI- XVII (Francisco de Quevedo, Diego Saavedra Fajardo, Baltasar Gracián) / Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz / Francisco de Quevedo / Early Modern Iberian Worlds / French, Italian, and Spanish Medieval and Early Modern literature and cultural productions. Law and Literature. Religious discourses. Early Modern Iberian Worlds. Early Modern printing culture. / Teatro Siglo de Oro Español / Gesture / Mnemonics / Stereotypes and Prejudice / Early Modern Europe / Silence / Neo-latin literature / Early Modern Literature / Intellectual History of the Baroque Period / Early Modern Intellectual History / Early Modern Italy / Affect/Emotion / Spanish Siglo de Oro Drama / Affect (Cultural Theory) / Lope de Vega / Gender stereotypes / Neolatin Literature / Literatura española del Siglo de Oro / Counter-Reformation / Literatura y cultura española de los siglos XVI- XVII (Francisco de Quevedo, Diego Saavedra Fajardo, Baltasar Gracián) / Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz / Francisco de Quevedo / Early Modern Iberian Worlds / French, Italian, and Spanish Medieval and Early Modern literature and cultural productions. Law and Literature. Religious discourses. Early Modern Iberian Worlds. Early Modern printing culture. / Teatro Siglo de Oro Español
Iconography / Drawing / Intellectual History of the Baroque Period / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / 16-18th century Spain; Spanish drawings and drawing theory. Also researching the biography of Mary Philadelphia Merrifield, 19th century contributer to the literature of technical art history.
Christianity / Mathematics / Art History / Theology / Architecture / Research Methodology / History of Perspective in Painting / Painting / Baroque Art and Literature / Biography / Intellectual History of the Baroque Period / Biographical Methods / Baroque art and architecture / Teologia / Conferences / Historia del Arte / Pintura / Giorgio Vasari / Baroque Wall Painting (Quadratura) / Museo del Prado / Barroco / Diego Velazquez / Siglo de Oro / Simposium / Antonio Palomino / Pintura de el Siglo de Oro / Research Methodology / History of Perspective in Painting / Painting / Baroque Art and Literature / Biography / Intellectual History of the Baroque Period / Biographical Methods / Baroque art and architecture / Teologia / Conferences / Historia del Arte / Pintura / Giorgio Vasari / Baroque Wall Painting (Quadratura) / Museo del Prado / Barroco / Diego Velazquez / Siglo de Oro / Simposium / Antonio Palomino / Pintura de el Siglo de Oro
Eighteenth Century History / Intellectual History of the Baroque Period / Historia Política y Social Siglos XVIII-XIX / Neoclassicism / Historia Cultural / Barroco / Historia Moderna De España / Barroco / Historia Moderna De España
Reception Studies / Intellectual History of the Baroque Period / Bibliotecas / Literatura española del Siglo de Oro / Book Collections / Bibliofilia / Felipe IV / Sociologia de la Cultura, Estudios Culturales, Historia de la Lectura / Count Duke of Olivares / Conde Duque De Olivares / Bibliofilia / Felipe IV / Sociologia de la Cultura, Estudios Culturales, Historia de la Lectura / Count Duke of Olivares / Conde Duque De Olivares