
Las publicaciones periódicas de la oposición al franquismo en Canarias (1959-1975). Una primera aproximación

History / Cultural History / Social Movements / Social Movement / Spanish History / Political History / Dictatorships / Spain under Franco / Historia / Periodismo / Movimientos sociales / Francoism / Transición de la Dictadura a la Democracia / Political History / Dictatorships / Spain under Franco / Historia / Periodismo / Movimientos sociales / Francoism / Transición de la Dictadura a la Democracia

El poder naval de Grecia en el s. V a.C. (The Greek sea power in s. V B.C.)

Naval Architecture / Religion / History / Ancient History / Cultural History / Economic History / Cultural Studies / Geography / Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / Maritime Archaeology / Near Eastern Archaeology / Anthropology / Classics / Greek Literature / Art History / Cultural Heritage / Landscape Archaeology / Maritime History / War Studies / Culture / Greek Archaeology / Ancient Near East / Sparta / Ancient Greek History / Mediterranean archaeology / Ancient Shipwrecks / Historia / Seafarers / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Antropología / Ship Design / Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering / Economic History / Cultural Studies / Geography / Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / Maritime Archaeology / Near Eastern Archaeology / Anthropology / Classics / Greek Literature / Art History / Cultural Heritage / Landscape Archaeology / Maritime History / War Studies / Culture / Greek Archaeology / Ancient Near East / Sparta / Ancient Greek History / Mediterranean archaeology / Ancient Shipwrecks / Historia / Seafarers / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Antropología / Ship Design / Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

L\'analisi storica in Borges (Los Teologos, El Muerto)

History / Latin American Studies / Jorge Luis Borges / Latin American literature / Storia Romana / Storia / Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire / Edward Gibbon / Borges / The Aleph / I Teologi / Il Morto / Storia / Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire / Edward Gibbon / Borges / The Aleph / I Teologi / Il Morto

La estación de autobuses y la Vitoria del primer franquismo

History / Historia Social / Historia / Franquismo / Sociedad en el franquismo

Review of Claudio Lomnitz, The Return of Comrade Ricardo Flores Magón (Zone Books: 2014)

History / Mexican Studies / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Anarchism / 19th Century Mexican History / Internationalism / Transnationalism, internationalism / Mexican Literature / Mexican Revolution / 20th Century Mexican History / Mexican History / Theories of Socialism / Revolución Mexicana / Cultura Mexicana / Ricardo Flores Magòn / Internationalism / Transnationalism, internationalism / Mexican Literature / Mexican Revolution / 20th Century Mexican History / Mexican History / Theories of Socialism / Revolución Mexicana / Cultura Mexicana / Ricardo Flores Magòn

La Gran Guerra en la historiografía: la cuestión de la culpa

History / European History / German History / First World War / History of Historiography

Acerca de la negatividad psicológica. Michel Foucault y la verdadera psicología

History / Michel Foucault / Psicología / Psicoanálisis / Negative Dialectics

El espíritu de La Mancha: pan, vino y aceite.

Religion / History / Sociology / Cultural Heritage

Dictadura y desarrollismo. El franquismo en Álava

History / Franquismo / Dictadura / Historia Política España siglos XIX y XX / DICTADURA FRANQUISTA


History / Second World War / Historia / Nazism / Adolf Hitler / SEGUNDA GUERRA MUNDIAL / Corrupción / Nazismo / Historia Contemporánea / Contemporany history / SEGUNDA GUERRA MUNDIAL / Corrupción / Nazismo / Historia Contemporánea / Contemporany history


History / Archaeology / Medieval History / Portuguese Studies / Galician Studies / Medieval Studies / Portuguese History / Portuguese Medieval History / Late Antique Archaeology / Settlement Patterns / Early Medieval Archaeology / Early Medieval History / Medieval Archaeology / Late Antiquity / Early Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology) / Medieval rural settlement / Medieval Spain / Settlement archaeology / Portugal / Arqueologia Medieval / Archeologia medievale / Medieval Galicia / Galicia and Portugal Medieval History / Medieval Portugal / Medieval Studies / Portuguese History / Portuguese Medieval History / Late Antique Archaeology / Settlement Patterns / Early Medieval Archaeology / Early Medieval History / Medieval Archaeology / Late Antiquity / Early Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology) / Medieval rural settlement / Medieval Spain / Settlement archaeology / Portugal / Arqueologia Medieval / Archeologia medievale / Medieval Galicia / Galicia and Portugal Medieval History / Medieval Portugal

HERNÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ, P.; HERNÁNDEZ SÁNCHEZ, G.; ORTEGA MARTÍNEZ, P.; PÍRIZ GONZÁLEZ, C.; POVEDA ARIAS, P. (coord.) Amor y sexualidad en la Historia. Hergar Ediciones Antema, Salamanca, 2015. ISBN: 978-84-943493-3-1

History / Sexuality / History of Sexuality / Love / Gender and Sexuality Studies / Sexuality And Culture / Sexuality Studies / Philosophy of Love and Sex / Sexuality And Culture / Sexuality Studies / Philosophy of Love and Sex

Los Iskobakebo: Historia de un pueblo originario en peligro de extinción (2014)

History / Ethnohistory / Anthropology / Indigenous Studies / Indigenous or Aboriginal Studies / Social Anthropology / Social Sciences / Ethnomusicology / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Indigenous Politics / Indigenous Peoples Rights / Peruvian History / Cultural Anthropology / Lingüística / Etnohistoria / Historia / Linguistica aplicada / Antropología / Etnomusicologia / Pueblos indígenas / Lenguas / Nomadic/Indigenous People / Social Anthropology / Social Sciences / Ethnomusicology / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Indigenous Politics / Indigenous Peoples Rights / Peruvian History / Cultural Anthropology / Lingüística / Etnohistoria / Historia / Linguistica aplicada / Antropología / Etnomusicologia / Pueblos indígenas / Lenguas / Nomadic/Indigenous People

“EN EL LUGAR DE LOS ZAPOTES.” Traza, transformación y expansión urbana de la antigua villa de Zapopán.

History / Urbanism / Arquitetura e Urbanismo / History of Jalisco / Historia De Jalisco / historia de Zapopan

Central Peripheries. Empires and Elites across the Byzantine-Arab Frontier in Comparison (700–1100)

History / Medieval History / Medieval Islam / Byzantine Studies / Islamic Studies / Abbasid History / Historical Network Research / Relation between Byzantium and China / Byzantium and Asia / Abbasid History / Historical Network Research / Relation between Byzantium and China / Byzantium and Asia
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