

History / Historia / Adolf Hitler / SEGUNDA GUERRA MUNDIAL / Corrupción / siglo XX / Historia Contemporánea / siglo XX / Historia Contemporánea

El museo “La Casa Encantada” de Briones en la enseñanza de la Historia: propuesta para una salida escolar para Educación Primaria

History / Museum Studies / History Education / Museum and Heritage Studies / Primary Education / Didáctica de la Historia

La figura de Floridablanca y la enseñanza de la Historia en Educación Primaria y Secundaria: una propuesta didáctica

History / Biography / History Education / Enseñanza de la historia / Didáctica de la Historia

Moriscos peninsulares, moros filipinos y el islam en el extremo oriental del imperio español: 1. Estudio y edición de la Segunda carta para la S.C.M.R acerca de los mahometanos de las Philipinas de Melchor de Ávalos (1585)

History / Anthropology / Southeast Asian Studies / Colonialism / Philippines / Islamic Studies / Al-Andalus / Moriscos / The Moros Of Mindanao In Southern Philippines / Islam / Philippine Studies / Al Andalus (Islamic History) / Hispanic Studies / Historia / Antropología / Islamic Studies / Al-Andalus / Moriscos / The Moros Of Mindanao In Southern Philippines / Islam / Philippine Studies / Al Andalus (Islamic History) / Hispanic Studies / Historia / Antropología

François Rabelais y su relación con el cannabis

History / Literature / Rabelais / Literatura / François Rabelais / Rabelais, teratology, hermeneutics / Cannabis / Legalize Cannabis / Encyklopædik. Rabelais. Gargantua og Pantagruell. Alfabetik / Rabelais and Fischart / Rabelais and His World / Rabelais Cervantes Sterne scepticism novel / Rabelais, teratology, hermeneutics / Cannabis / Legalize Cannabis / Encyklopædik. Rabelais. Gargantua og Pantagruell. Alfabetik / Rabelais and Fischart / Rabelais and His World / Rabelais Cervantes Sterne scepticism novel

L. Córdoba, \"Los panos bolivianos en el imaginario cauchero (siglos XIX y XX)\", Caravelle 103, pp. 35-50, 2014.

History / Cultural History / Ethnohistory / Cultural Studies / Social Theory / Ethnic Studies / Latin American Studies / Gender Studies / Anthropology / Ethnolinguistics / Historical Anthropology / Visual Anthropology / Indigenous Studies / Indigenous or Aboriginal Studies / Historical Sociology / Social Anthropology / Self and Identity / Travel Writing / Social Sciences / Latin American and Caribbean History / Racial and Ethnic Politics / Social Identity / Ethnography / Political Anthropology / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Amerindian Studies / Amerindian Cosmologies / Social Representations / Bolivian studies / Cultural Theory / Economic Anthropology / Indigenous Politics / Identity (Culture) / Race and Ethnicity / Ideology / Culture / History of Capitalism / Indigenous Knowledge / Capitalism / Ethnic and Racial Studies / Amazonia / Ethnology / Bolivia / Ethnic Identity / Ethnic minorities / Latin American History / Amazonian Languages / Social History / Imagination / Extractive industries (Economic Anthropology) / Ethnic Conflict / Archaeology of ethnicity / South American indigenous languages / Race and ethnicity (Anthropology) / Indigenous Peoples / Social Imaginaries / Representation of Others / Ethnographic fieldwork / Cultural Anthropology / Ethnicity / Ethnographic Methods / Ethnic Relations / Ethnic Identities / History of Race and Ethnicity / Frontier Studies / Latin America (esp. Bolivia and Peru) / Gender and Etnicity (Anthropology of Friendship) / Anthropology of Capitalism / Ethnicity & Ethnic Conflicts / Historia Social / Etnohistoria / Colonial Latin American History / Historia / Representation / Amazonian Studies / Latin America / Borders and Frontiers / Ethnopolitics / Interethnic Relations / Antropología cultural / Imaginarios sociales / Identity and Alterity / South American Indians / Antropología Social / Antropología / Ciencias Sociales / Ethnologie / Representaciones Sociales / Antropologia, Etnografia, Etnoecologia, Etnohistoria / História / Amazonian History / Amazonian Ethnology / Capitalismo / Mojos / Antropología Visual / Anthropology of Lowland South America / Imaginário social / Hevea brasiliensis / Amazon / América Latina / South America / Frontier / Political and Economic Anthropology / Rubber / Amazonian indigenous peoples / Etnicidad / Alteridad / Amerindian languages / Viajeros / Relaciones interétnicas / Extractive industries / Historical and Comparative Sociology / Ethnicity and National Identity / Ethnic politics / Bolivian History / Amazonia Bolivia / História da Amazônia / Rubber boom (caucho) / Nomadic/Indigenous People / Ethnicity and Identity Politics / Inter ethnic Relations / Visual Anthropology and Sociology / Bolivia-provincia :Guarayos / Antropologia / Ethnic Studies / Latin American Studies / Gender Studies / Anthropology / Ethnolinguistics / Historical Anthropology / Visual Anthropology / Indigenous Studies / Indigenous or Aboriginal Studies / Historical Sociology / Social Anthropology / Self and Identity / Travel Writing / Social Sciences / Latin American and Caribbean History / Racial and Ethnic Politics / Social Identity / Ethnography / Political Anthropology / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Amerindian Studies / Amerindian Cosmologies / Social Representations / Bolivian studies / Cultural Theory / Economic Anthropology / Indigenous Politics / Identity (Culture) / Race and Ethnicity / Ideology / Culture / History of Capitalism / Indigenous Knowledge / Capitalism / Ethnic and Racial Studies / Amazonia / Ethnology / Bolivia / Ethnic Identity / Ethnic minorities / Latin American History / Amazonian Languages / Social History / Imagination / Extractive industries (Economic Anthropology) / Ethnic Conflict / Archaeology of ethnicity / South American indigenous languages / Race and ethnicity (Anthropology) / Indigenous Peoples / Social Imaginaries / Representation of Others / Ethnographic fieldwork / Cultural Anthropology / Ethnicity / Ethnographic Methods / Ethnic Relations / Ethnic Identities / History of Race and Ethnicity / Frontier Studies / Latin America (esp. Bolivia and Peru) / Gender and Etnicity (Anthropology of Friendship) / Anthropology of Capitalism / Ethnicity & Ethnic Conflicts / Historia Social / Etnohistoria / Colonial Latin American History / Historia / Representation / Amazonian Studies / Latin America / Borders and Frontiers / Ethnopolitics / Interethnic Relations / Antropología cultural / Imaginarios sociales / Identity and Alterity / South American Indians / Antropología Social / Antropología / Ciencias Sociales / Ethnologie / Representaciones Sociales / Antropologia, Etnografia, Etnoecologia, Etnohistoria / História / Amazonian History / Amazonian Ethnology / Capitalismo / Mojos / Antropología Visual / Anthropology of Lowland South America / Imaginário social / Hevea brasiliensis / Amazon / América Latina / South America / Frontier / Political and Economic Anthropology / Rubber / Amazonian indigenous peoples / Etnicidad / Alteridad / Amerindian languages / Viajeros / Relaciones interétnicas / Extractive industries / Historical and Comparative Sociology / Ethnicity and National Identity / Ethnic politics / Bolivian History / Amazonia Bolivia / História da Amazônia / Rubber boom (caucho) / Nomadic/Indigenous People / Ethnicity and Identity Politics / Inter ethnic Relations / Visual Anthropology and Sociology / Bolivia-provincia :Guarayos / Antropologia

\"La prefectura del pretorio : auge y \"declive \" de un cargo militar romano\", en VELÁZQUEZ, I., MARTÍNEZ, J. (eds.), Realidad, ficción y autenticidad en el Mundo Antiguo: la investigación ante documentos sospechosos, Antigüedad y Cristianismo, XXIX, 2012- 2014 ed., pp. 375-406.

History / Ancient History / Classical Archaeology / Military Science / Military Law / Strategy (Military Science) / Classics / Roman History / Military Veterans / Roman Law / Late Antique Archaeology / Late Antiquity / Early Rome / Imperial Rome / Roman military archaeology / Roman military history / Military and Politics / History of Military Technology / Roman Army / Late Roman Empire / Republican Rome / Civil-military relations / Ancient Greek History / Roman Empire / Social Class / Ancient Military History / Military / Antiquity / Historia Antiga / Late Roman Army / Augustus / Rome / Historia / The Praetorian Guard / Septimius Severus / Constantine / Medieval Military History / Ancient Rome / Severan Age / Justinian I, Emperor / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Later Roman Empire / Ancient Rome, Flavian Dynasty, Constantine the Great / Army / Roman military equipment / Historia Cultural / Classical history / Roman Army Studies / Historia Antigua Clásica / Historia Militar / Historia de Roma / Constantine the Great, Roman Empire, Early Christianity / Ancient Greece and Rome / Ancient Rome History / Diocletian / Roman magistrates / Historia Antigua / Emperor Diocletianus / Roman empire, city of rome, third-century crisis / Civilian Praetorianism and Military Shirking / Antiquite Tardive / Constantine the Great / SEVERAN MILITARY HISTORY/TACTICS / Antiquité / Praetorians / Classical Archaeology, ancient Architecture / Barbarians societies, Late Antiquity, Ethnogenesis, Funerary World, Goths, Vandals, Sueves, Alans / History and archaeology of the Praetorian Guard / Antiquité tardive / História Antiga / História Antiga E Medieval / Latin Empire of Constantinople / Historia Antigua del Cercano Oriente / Roman Crisis of the Third Century / Antiquité Classique / Classical World, Greece and Rome / Augustus Caesar / Military History of Ancient Rome / Roman history, Severan dynasty / Justinian / Historia De Roma,sobre Trajano / Filosofia Antiga Grega e Romana / Plautianus / Evolution of Roman Magistracies and Powers / Military History of the Late Roman Amnd Byzantone Empires / Roman Military Decorations / Magistraturas / Castra Praetoria / Prefectures / Ancient Rome Praetorians / Graeco-Roman historiography, historian Dexippus, the crisis of the third century / The Diocletianic and Constantinian Revolutions and the Evolution of Political Theology in the ''Long'' Fourth century AD / Strategy (Military Science) / Classics / Roman History / Military Veterans / Roman Law / Late Antique Archaeology / Late Antiquity / Early Rome / Imperial Rome / Roman military archaeology / Roman military history / Military and Politics / History of Military Technology / Roman Army / Late Roman Empire / Republican Rome / Civil-military relations / Ancient Greek History / Roman Empire / Social Class / Ancient Military History / Military / Antiquity / Historia Antiga / Late Roman Army / Augustus / Rome / Historia / The Praetorian Guard / Septimius Severus / Constantine / Medieval Military History / Ancient Rome / Severan Age / Justinian I, Emperor / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Later Roman Empire / Ancient Rome, Flavian Dynasty, Constantine the Great / Army / Roman military equipment / Historia Cultural / Classical history / Roman Army Studies / Historia Antigua Clásica / Historia Militar / Historia de Roma / Constantine the Great, Roman Empire, Early Christianity / Ancient Greece and Rome / Ancient Rome History / Diocletian / Roman magistrates / Historia Antigua / Emperor Diocletianus / Roman empire, city of rome, third-century crisis / Civilian Praetorianism and Military Shirking / Antiquite Tardive / Constantine the Great / SEVERAN MILITARY HISTORY/TACTICS / Antiquité / Praetorians / Classical Archaeology, ancient Architecture / Barbarians societies, Late Antiquity, Ethnogenesis, Funerary World, Goths, Vandals, Sueves, Alans / History and archaeology of the Praetorian Guard / Antiquité tardive / História Antiga / História Antiga E Medieval / Latin Empire of Constantinople / Historia Antigua del Cercano Oriente / Roman Crisis of the Third Century / Antiquité Classique / Classical World, Greece and Rome / Augustus Caesar / Military History of Ancient Rome / Roman history, Severan dynasty / Justinian / Historia De Roma,sobre Trajano / Filosofia Antiga Grega e Romana / Plautianus / Evolution of Roman Magistracies and Powers / Military History of the Late Roman Amnd Byzantone Empires / Roman Military Decorations / Magistraturas / Castra Praetoria / Prefectures / Ancient Rome Praetorians / Graeco-Roman historiography, historian Dexippus, the crisis of the third century / The Diocletianic and Constantinian Revolutions and the Evolution of Political Theology in the ''Long'' Fourth century AD

Coexistencia y conflictos. Minorías religiosas en la península ibérica durante la Edad Media

Religion / History / Islamic Law / Humanities / Medieval History / History of Religion / Medieval Studies / Medieval Islam / Medieval Iberian History / Islamic Studies / Al-Andalus / Medieval Europe / Muslim Minorities / Islam / Medieval Islamic History / Religious History / Al Andalus (Islamic History) / Andalusia/Al-Andalus / Medieval Spain / Al-Andalus History / Religious Studies / Historia / Minorities / Mudejares / Medieval History of Spain / Jews of Medieval Spain / História / Histoire / Religious Minorities / Arabic and Islamic Studies / Maliki Fiqh / Intellectual History of Al andalus / History of Religion / Medieval Studies / Medieval Islam / Medieval Iberian History / Islamic Studies / Al-Andalus / Medieval Europe / Muslim Minorities / Islam / Medieval Islamic History / Religious History / Al Andalus (Islamic History) / Andalusia/Al-Andalus / Medieval Spain / Al-Andalus History / Religious Studies / Historia / Minorities / Mudejares / Medieval History of Spain / Jews of Medieval Spain / História / Histoire / Religious Minorities / Arabic and Islamic Studies / Maliki Fiqh / Intellectual History of Al andalus

La opinion secuestrada. Prensa y opinión pública en el siglo XIX

History / Public Opinion / Press and media history

America y sus Enigmas

History / American History / Arqueología / Historia / Historia de América / Arqueologia / Arquelogy / Arqueologia / Arquelogy

Sin malicia ninguna... Estrategias sociales y culturales de un kuraka ilegitimo (Huaylas, 1647-1648) (Lima, Asamblea Nacional de Rectores, 2010)

History / Colonial America / Colonialism / Microhistory / Social History / Colonial Latin American History / Andean studies / Andean History / Microhistoria / Anthropological History / Colonial Latin American History / Andean studies / Andean History / Microhistoria / Anthropological History

El origen del nombre ANDALUCÍA

History / Ancient History / Cultural History / Geography / Human Geography / Archaeology / Philosophy / Humanities / Languages and Linguistics / Historical Linguistics / Social Sciences / Spanish / Museum Studies / Museum Education / Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Linguistics / Aegean Archaeology / Filosofia Del Lenguaje / Arqueología / Filología / Historia Antiga / Historia / Filosofía / University / Ciencias Sociales / História / España / Museos / Universidad / Historia Contemporánea de España / Humanidades / Archaeology / Philosophy / Humanities / Languages and Linguistics / Historical Linguistics / Social Sciences / Spanish / Museum Studies / Museum Education / Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Linguistics / Aegean Archaeology / Filosofia Del Lenguaje / Arqueología / Filología / Historia Antiga / Historia / Filosofía / University / Ciencias Sociales / História / España / Museos / Universidad / Historia Contemporánea de España / Humanidades
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