Women and Gender Studies

La ilusión de autonomía: Violencia simbólica hacia las docentes en el espacio universitario

Gender Studies / Higher Education / Gender Equality / Violence Against Women / Gender and education / Estudios de Género / Symbolic violence / Women and Gender Studies / Educational Inequality / Género / Psicología Social / Estudios de Género en la educación / Género y educación superior / Estudios de Género / Symbolic violence / Women and Gender Studies / Educational Inequality / Género / Psicología Social / Estudios de Género en la educación / Género y educación superior

El archivo espectral: el cine de tres mujeres chilenas frente a la nación (del cine mudo a la postdictadura)

Latin American Studies / Film Studies / Literature and cinema / Latin-American Film / Film History / Film and Media Studies / Women and Gender Studies / Cinema Studies / Latin America / América Latina / Film and Media Studies / Women and Gender Studies / Cinema Studies / Latin America / América Latina

El andar trashumante y la hospitalidad

Violence / Human Rights / International Migration / Forced Migration / Sociology of Migration / Migration (Anthropology) / Hospitality / Solidarity / Women and Gender Studies / Migration (Anthropology) / Hospitality / Solidarity / Women and Gender Studies

Queen Louisa Ulrika and her Political Legacy

Women's History / Gender History / Politics / Scandinavian Studies / Sweden / Women and Gender Studies / Queenship in Medieval and Early Modern Europe / Women and Gender Studies / Queenship in Medieval and Early Modern Europe

\"VIKINGAS: Una visión desde la Arqueología de Género\", Actas II Jornadas Vikingas Universidad de Granada (2015)

Archaeology / Gender Studies / Gender Archaeology / Women and Gender Studies / Vikings / Identity Studies

QR-Learning: la invisibilidad de la mujer en el arte

Art History / Education / Women and Culture / Women and Gender Studies / QR Codes / Educación Código QR

La perspectiva de género como una mirada crítica al mundo

Gender Studies / Sex and Gender / Gender and Sexuality / Gender / Gender Equality / Feminism / Postcolonial Feminism / Gender and Development / Feminism and Social Justice / Estudios de Género / Women and Gender Studies / Feminismo / Género / Violencia De Género / Feminisme / Feminisme and Social History / Feminism / Postcolonial Feminism / Gender and Development / Feminism and Social Justice / Estudios de Género / Women and Gender Studies / Feminismo / Género / Violencia De Género / Feminisme / Feminisme and Social History

¿Libertinaje o libertad? Rompiendo la(s) Regla(s) en los monasterios de monjas benedictinas de la Galicia bajomedieval

Women's Studies / Medieval History / Women's History / Galician Studies / Medieval Studies / Spain (History) / Benedictine nuns / Women and Gender Studies / Medieval Galicia / Nuns / Medieval nunneries / Spain (History) / Benedictine nuns / Women and Gender Studies / Medieval Galicia / Nuns / Medieval nunneries

Teatro para discutir los movimientos sociales

Cultural Studies / Gender Studies / Theatre Studies / Theatre History / Border Studies / Dramaturgy / Applied Theatre / Applied Drama/Theatre / Gender / Dramaturgy In Participatory Theatre / Political theatre / Theatre Theory / Experimental Theatre / Drama and Theater / Theatre / Women and Gender Studies / Teatro / Postdramatic Theater / Border Pedagogy / Teatro Latinoamericano / Theatre Arts / Teatrología / Dramaturgy (sociology) / Drama and theatre studies / Theater and Performance Studies / Epistemologies of the South / Landless Workers Movement (MST) / Dramaturgy and playwriting / Etnocenologia / Theater Arts / Theater / Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement / Artes Escenicas Y Teatro / Landless Rural Workers Movement / Aesthetics of Ginga / Esthetics of Ginga / Esthetic of Ginga / Aesthetic of Ginga / Rural communities of the Landless Workers’ Movement (MST) / Dramaturgy / Applied Theatre / Applied Drama/Theatre / Gender / Dramaturgy In Participatory Theatre / Political theatre / Theatre Theory / Experimental Theatre / Drama and Theater / Theatre / Women and Gender Studies / Teatro / Postdramatic Theater / Border Pedagogy / Teatro Latinoamericano / Theatre Arts / Teatrología / Dramaturgy (sociology) / Drama and theatre studies / Theater and Performance Studies / Epistemologies of the South / Landless Workers Movement (MST) / Dramaturgy and playwriting / Etnocenologia / Theater Arts / Theater / Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement / Artes Escenicas Y Teatro / Landless Rural Workers Movement / Aesthetics of Ginga / Esthetics of Ginga / Esthetic of Ginga / Aesthetic of Ginga / Rural communities of the Landless Workers’ Movement (MST)

Juan Gil-Albert creador de la poetica de guerra del bando republicano

Spanish Literature / Literary Criticism / Women and Gender Studies / Literature of the Spanish Civil War / 20th century Spanish poetry / Juan Gil-Albert

El concepto ‘España’ como desencadenante de la moral de victoria en la poesia de la guerra civil espanola

Spanish Literature / Literary Criticism / Applied Linguistics / Spanish Civil War / Women and Gender Studies / Literature of the Spanish Civil War / 20th century Spanish poetry / Literature of the Spanish Civil War / 20th century Spanish poetry

Las mujeres en la configuración de la patria peruana

Enlightenment / Peruvian History / Women and Gender Studies

La mujer toma el mando: la exhibición del poder de los personajes femeninos de Silvina Ocampo

Power System / Latin American literature / Argentine Literature / Women and Gender Studies / Fantastic Literature


Greek Literature / Greek Tragedy / Ancient myth and religion / Women and Gender Studies / Greek ritual, religion, and mythology (especially catasterism myths), ancient astronomy, and religious timekeeping / Greek and Roman religions; Ancient Polytheism

La poesía amorosa en boca de mujer: de Mesopotamia a la antigua lírica popular hispánica

Folklore / Women's Studies / Folklore (Literature) / Women and Culture / Women and Gender Studies / Literatura Comparada / Literatura Comparada (Comparative Literature) / Female / Lírica popular / Mujer / Poesía amorosa / Literatura Comparada / Literatura Comparada (Comparative Literature) / Female / Lírica popular / Mujer / Poesía amorosa

Bailando con el deseo. Algunas claves para incorporar la diversidad sexual y de género en las ONGD

Gender Studies / Education / Sex and Gender / Development Studies / International Development / Diversity / Gender and Sexuality / Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) / International Cooperation / Gender and Development / Gender and Sexuality Studies / Development Education / Intersectionality / Heteronormativity / Social transformation / Women and Gender Studies / Educação e transformação social / Cooperación Internacional Para El Desarrollo / Intersectional Feminism / International cooperation for development / Global/local / Interseccionalidad / Heteronormatividad / LGTBIQ / Diversity / Gender and Sexuality / Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) / International Cooperation / Gender and Development / Gender and Sexuality Studies / Development Education / Intersectionality / Heteronormativity / Social transformation / Women and Gender Studies / Educação e transformação social / Cooperación Internacional Para El Desarrollo / Intersectional Feminism / International cooperation for development / Global/local / Interseccionalidad / Heteronormatividad / LGTBIQ
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