Women and Gender Studies

(2016) “Ciencia desde las vidas de las mujeres, ¿mejor ciencia?”, Mètode. Revista de difusión de la investigación de la Universidad de Valencia, nº 91, (ejemplar dedicado a Shescience) pp. 56-63.

Gender and Science / Women and Gender Studies / Innovacion / Mujeres Y Ciencia / Equidad de género en ciencia y tecnología / Estudios de género y ciencia; Estudios feministas de la ciencia / Gendered Innovations / Estudios de género y ciencia; Estudios feministas de la ciencia / Gendered Innovations

La incorporación de las mujeres sefardíes a la esfera pública en el paso del siglo XIX al XX

Education / Women / Ottoman Empire / Sephardic Studies / Estudios de Género / Women and Gender Studies / Educación / History of Women / History of Mentalities / Historia De Las Mujeres / Mujeres / Historia de las mentalidades / Sephardic Literature and Culture / Literatura Sefardí / Imperio Otomano / Estudios Sefardíes / Women and Gender Studies / Educación / History of Women / History of Mentalities / Historia De Las Mujeres / Mujeres / Historia de las mentalidades / Sephardic Literature and Culture / Literatura Sefardí / Imperio Otomano / Estudios Sefardíes

\"Viejas que andan las iglesias e saben las callejas\": Ancianas alcahuetas en el Medievo hispano

History / Cultural History / Cultural Studies / Gender Studies / Women's Studies / Medieval Literature / Medieval History / Women's History / Gender History / Medieval Iberian Literature / Poverty / Medieval Studies / Aging / Medieval Iberian History / Medieval Art / History of Prostitution / Women and Culture / Medieval Spain / Women and Gender Studies / Medieval Iberia / Old Age / Historia Medieval / Women and Aging / The go between / Old Age in Cultural Texts / Medieval Literature / Medieval History / Women's History / Gender History / Medieval Iberian Literature / Poverty / Medieval Studies / Aging / Medieval Iberian History / Medieval Art / History of Prostitution / Women and Culture / Medieval Spain / Women and Gender Studies / Medieval Iberia / Old Age / Historia Medieval / Women and Aging / The go between / Old Age in Cultural Texts

Arte escrita. Texto, imagen y género en el arte contemporáneo, Comares, Granada, 2017.

Contemporary Art / Visual Arts / Women and Gender Studies / Text and Image Arts

Hijos y padres, cazadores y guerreros, reyes y héroes: Masculinidades en las construcciones culturales fenicio-púnicas (a través de la tradición literaria ugarítica) [Masculinities in the Phoenician-Punic cultural constructions (on the basis of the Ugaritic literary tradition)]

Religion / Mythology And Folklore / Ancient History / Gender Studies / Mythology / Sex and Gender / History of Religion / Death Studies / Gender History / Masculinity Studies / Phoenicians / Levantine Archaeology / Gender and Sexuality / Gender / Ugaritology / Funerary Archaeology / Masculinity / History of Religions / Ancient Religion / Ugaritic Language / Masculinities / Studies On Men And Masculinity / Ancient Near East / Ancient myth and religion / Late Bronze Age archaeology / Bronze Age (Archaeology) / History of Science and Religion / Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near East / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Representations of femininity/masculinity / Bronze and Iron Ages in Eastern Mediterranean (Archaeology) / Ugaritic Studies / Constructions of masculinity / Ugaritic / Masculinity and Gender Studies / History of Masculinities / Ancient Near Eastern History / Religious Studies / History and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East / Gender, Men and Masculinities / Women and Gender Studies / Aegean Late Bronze Age / Funerary Practices / Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age / Late Bronze Age / Late Bronze Age Near East and Eastern Mediterranean / Identidad, Feminismo y Masculinidades / Ancient Near Eastern Religions / Ancient Near Eastern Studies / Phoenician & Punic Epigraphy / Phoenician and Punic Studies / Ugarit / Pre-Exilic Ancient Israel - Hebrew Bible and Archaeology; Phoenician-Punic language and epigraphy; Levantine Archaeology (espeically Biblical Archaeology) / Masculinidad / Critical studies on men and masculinities / Ugaritic Literature / Late Bronze Age Levant and new kingdom Egypt / Archaeology of the Levant / Phoenician Punic Religion / Masculinidades / Ugaritic Religion / Culture and death / Gender In the Ancient Near East / Sex and Gender / History of Religion / Death Studies / Gender History / Masculinity Studies / Phoenicians / Levantine Archaeology / Gender and Sexuality / Gender / Ugaritology / Funerary Archaeology / Masculinity / History of Religions / Ancient Religion / Ugaritic Language / Masculinities / Studies On Men And Masculinity / Ancient Near East / Ancient myth and religion / Late Bronze Age archaeology / Bronze Age (Archaeology) / History of Science and Religion / Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near East / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Representations of femininity/masculinity / Bronze and Iron Ages in Eastern Mediterranean (Archaeology) / Ugaritic Studies / Constructions of masculinity / Ugaritic / Masculinity and Gender Studies / History of Masculinities / Ancient Near Eastern History / Religious Studies / History and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East / Gender, Men and Masculinities / Women and Gender Studies / Aegean Late Bronze Age / Funerary Practices / Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age / Late Bronze Age / Late Bronze Age Near East and Eastern Mediterranean / Identidad, Feminismo y Masculinidades / Ancient Near Eastern Religions / Ancient Near Eastern Studies / Phoenician & Punic Epigraphy / Phoenician and Punic Studies / Ugarit / Pre-Exilic Ancient Israel - Hebrew Bible and Archaeology; Phoenician-Punic language and epigraphy; Levantine Archaeology (espeically Biblical Archaeology) / Masculinidad / Critical studies on men and masculinities / Ugaritic Literature / Late Bronze Age Levant and new kingdom Egypt / Archaeology of the Levant / Phoenician Punic Religion / Masculinidades / Ugaritic Religion / Culture and death / Gender In the Ancient Near East

La división social y sexual del trabajo en transformación

Gender Studies / Women's Studies / Sociology of Work / Gender and Work / Work and Labour / Women and Work / Gender division of labour / Women and Gender Studies / Women and Work / Gender division of labour / Women and Gender Studies

Arquitectas, un reto profesional: de la arquitectura al paisaje

Women and Gender Studies / Landscape Planning

Liderazgo político femenino y medios de comunicación: Buenas prácticas y recomendaciones para la cobertura de la información

Politics / Women / Mass media / Women and Gender Studies / Mass Communications / Journalism And Mass communication / Comunication / Journalism And Mass communication / Comunication

Buen trato a los malos tratos.pdf

Gender Studies / Domestic Violence / Women / Violence Against Women / Gender And Violence / Women and Culture / Women and Gender Studies / Violencia De Género / Women and Culture / Women and Gender Studies / Violencia De Género

Migración internacional e interna en nicaragua

Communication / Migration / Women and Gender Studies / Comunicacion Social / Comunicacion / Emil Cioran / Medios de Comunicación / Migray / Emil Cioran / Medios de Comunicación / Migray


Design / Architecture / Photography / Women and Gender Studies

Il corpus letterario del ‛gran secolo’ fiammingo, in El Orbe católico. Transformaciones, continuidades, tensiones y formas de convivencia entre Europa y America. Siglos IV-XIX, eds. M. LUPI - C. ROLLE, Santiago de Chile, Ril Editores, 2016, pp. 57-85

Women's Studies / Hagiography / Medieval Latin Literature / Medieval Women / Beguines / Cistercians / Medieval Flanders / Medieval Mysticism / Women and Gender Studies / Women saints / Thomas of Cantimpre / Latin Medieval Hagiography / Medieval Spirituality / Women Sainthood / Cistercians / Medieval Flanders / Medieval Mysticism / Women and Gender Studies / Women saints / Thomas of Cantimpre / Latin Medieval Hagiography / Medieval Spirituality / Women Sainthood

Supermujeres españolas

Women's Studies / Spanish / Women / Household Economics / Spain / Women and Gender Studies / Conciliación Vida Familiar y Vida Laboral / Mujeres / Mujer / Women and Gender Studies / Conciliación Vida Familiar y Vida Laboral / Mujeres / Mujer

Comerciantes en el puerto de Benguela a finales del siglo XIII. Las donas y la trata de esclavos

African History / History of Slavery / Slave Trade / Women and Gender Studies / Ports and Shipping
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