
La Estructura 1-2 de la necrópolis de Los Algarbes (Tarifa, Cádiz). Su reinterpretación a raíz de las nuevas investigaciones

Prehistoric Archaeology / Mediterranean prehistory / Funerary Archaeology / Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Religion and ritual in prehistory / Prehistoric Settlement / Megalithic Monuments / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Megaliths (Archaeology) / Prehistoric Art / Prehistory / Arqueología / Archaelogy / Edad Del Bronce / Arte Megalítico / Megalithism / Megalithic Art / Megalithic Technology / Megalitismo / Dolmens / Dolmen / Megalitismo Dolmen / Arqueologia Funeraria / Megalithic tombs / Death and Burial Archaeology / Megalithic monument / Cuevas Artificiales / Straits of Gibraltar / Inhumation / Estrecho De Gibraltar / Megalithic Culture / Artificial Caves / Prehistoric Settlement / Megalithic Monuments / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Megaliths (Archaeology) / Prehistoric Art / Prehistory / Arqueología / Archaelogy / Edad Del Bronce / Arte Megalítico / Megalithism / Megalithic Art / Megalithic Technology / Megalitismo / Dolmens / Dolmen / Megalitismo Dolmen / Arqueologia Funeraria / Megalithic tombs / Death and Burial Archaeology / Megalithic monument / Cuevas Artificiales / Straits of Gibraltar / Inhumation / Estrecho De Gibraltar / Megalithic Culture / Artificial Caves


Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Prehistory / Apprenticeship Learning

The Hospitality Tessera from Monte Bernorio (Palencia). An exceptional bronze document from the late Iron Age. Preliminary report on its interpretation, analysis and conservation (La Tessera de Hospitalidad de Monte Bernorio (Palencia). Un excepcional documento en bronce de la IIª Edad del Hierro).

Prehistoric Archaeology / Languages and Linguistics / Historical Linguistics / Celtic Studies / Linguistic Anthropology / Celtic Philology / Celtic Linguistics / Iron Age Britain (Archaeology) / Linguistics / Celtic History / Celtic Archaeology / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Iron Age Gaul (Archaeology) / Late Iron Age (Archaeology) / Iron Age (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Lingüística / Iron Age / Celtic Languages / Estudios Juridicos / Antropología y Sociología Jurídica / Sistemas Juridicos / Teserae Hospitalis / Celtic Philology / Celtic Linguistics / Iron Age Britain (Archaeology) / Linguistics / Celtic History / Celtic Archaeology / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Iron Age Gaul (Archaeology) / Late Iron Age (Archaeology) / Iron Age (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Lingüística / Iron Age / Celtic Languages / Estudios Juridicos / Antropología y Sociología Jurídica / Sistemas Juridicos / Teserae Hospitalis

Falsificando nuestros orígenes

Human Evolution / Prehistory / Falsification

Caracterización de las materias primas líticas de Chorrillo Miraflores y su distribución arqueológica en el extremo meridional de Fuego-Patagonia /// Characterization of Chorrillo Miraflores lithic raw materials and their archaeological distributions in southern Fuego-Patagonia

Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Lithic Technology / Patagonia, Archaeology of / Prehistory / Lithic Technology (Archaeology) / Lithic Resource Identification / Geoarchaeology and Lithic Studies / Lithic Analysis / Lithic Raw Material Sourcing / Archaeology of Tierra del Fuego / Arqueología de Patagonia / Tierra del Fuego / Lithic Technology (Archaeology) / Lithic Resource Identification / Geoarchaeology and Lithic Studies / Lithic Analysis / Lithic Raw Material Sourcing / Archaeology of Tierra del Fuego / Arqueología de Patagonia / Tierra del Fuego

The use of stable isotopes for paleodiet reconstruction. La aplicación de los isótopos estables en la reconstrucción de paleodietas.

Prehistoric Archaeology / Stable isotope ecology / Stable Isotope Analysis / Stable Isotopes / Palaeodiet / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Prehistory / Stable Isotopes and Palaeodiet / Dietary pattern / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Prehistory / Stable Isotopes and Palaeodiet / Dietary pattern

Los patrones de poblamiento como identificador étnico: las etnias vettonas

Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Settlement Patterns / Celtic Archaeology / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Ethnicity / Late Iron Age (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Protohistory / Iron Age / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Late Iron Age / Iberian Peninsula / Vettones / Verracos / Oppida / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Ethnicity / Late Iron Age (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Protohistory / Iron Age / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Late Iron Age / Iberian Peninsula / Vettones / Verracos / Oppida

Herramientas de cantería aparecidas en yacimientos vettones

Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Celtic Archaeology / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Ancient Technology (Archaeology) / Late Iron Age (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Protohistory / Iron Age / Ancient Quarrying / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Stoneworking / Chaîne Opératoire / Ancient Technology (Archaeology) / Late Iron Age (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Protohistory / Iron Age / Ancient Quarrying / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Stoneworking / Chaîne Opératoire

\"La problemàtica de l’aparició de Mauremys leprosa a jaciments arqueològics valencians de la Prehistòria Recent i les seues possibles implicacions de consum humà\". Preactes de les IV Jornades d\'Arqueologia de la Comunitat Valenciana.

History / Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Zooarchaeology / Mediterranean prehistory / Animal Studies / Archaeozoology / Consumption Studies / Taxonomy / Biology / Chelonians / Neolithic Archaeology / Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Reptiles / Fauna / Turtles / Tortoises / Testudines / Freshwater turtles / Consumption Culture / Animal Studies / Archaeozoology / Consumption Studies / Taxonomy / Biology / Chelonians / Neolithic Archaeology / Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Reptiles / Fauna / Turtles / Tortoises / Testudines / Freshwater turtles / Consumption Culture

\"En las cavernas\" (1912), de Emilia Pardo Bazán, con un breve panorama de la paleoficción literaria española

Spanish Literature / Modernist Literature (Literary Modernism) / Science Fiction / Science Fiction and Fantasy / Prehistory / Speculative Fiction / Prehistorical Fiction / Speculative Fiction / Prehistorical Fiction

Crónica de un hallazgo anunciado. Ferreiros, un estoque tipo \"Sa Idda\" en el Noroeste hispánico.

Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Mediterranean prehistory / Phoenicians / Sardinia (Archaeology) / Metalwork (Archaeology) / Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Bronze Age Archaeology / Late Bronze Age archaeology / Prehistoric weapons / Bronze Age (Archaeology) / Archeologia / Combat Archaeology / Mediterranean archaeology / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Archaeology of Mediterranean Trade / Bronze And Iron Age In Mediterrarranean (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Bronze Age / archaeology of Sardinia in phoenician age / Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age / Swords, Symbolism, Comparative Mythology / Prehistoric Archeology / Atlantic Bronze Age / Fenicios / Tartessos / Edad Del Bronce / Bronze Age of the Carpathian Basin / Late Bronze Age / Archeologie / Phoenician and Punic Studies / Archéologie / Archeologia Fenicio-Punica / Bronze Age swords / Bronze Age metal hoards / Swordsmanship / Ancient Weapons and Warfare / Merchant Shipping/Maritime Economics/shipbuilding/Mediterranean/Shipowners/Maritime Trade / Archeologia Fenicio-Punica E Nuragica in Sardegna / Bronze Age Metalwork / Phoenician trade / Âge du Bronze / Depotfunde der Bronzezeit / Swords / Metalwork (Archaeology) / Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Bronze Age Archaeology / Late Bronze Age archaeology / Prehistoric weapons / Bronze Age (Archaeology) / Archeologia / Combat Archaeology / Mediterranean archaeology / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Archaeology of Mediterranean Trade / Bronze And Iron Age In Mediterrarranean (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Bronze Age / archaeology of Sardinia in phoenician age / Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age / Swords, Symbolism, Comparative Mythology / Prehistoric Archeology / Atlantic Bronze Age / Fenicios / Tartessos / Edad Del Bronce / Bronze Age of the Carpathian Basin / Late Bronze Age / Archeologie / Phoenician and Punic Studies / Archéologie / Archeologia Fenicio-Punica / Bronze Age swords / Bronze Age metal hoards / Swordsmanship / Ancient Weapons and Warfare / Merchant Shipping/Maritime Economics/shipbuilding/Mediterranean/Shipowners/Maritime Trade / Archeologia Fenicio-Punica E Nuragica in Sardegna / Bronze Age Metalwork / Phoenician trade / Âge du Bronze / Depotfunde der Bronzezeit / Swords

El Abrigo de Benzú y la Sima de las Palomas de Teba. Avance de un estudio tecnológico comparativo.

Prehistoric Archaeology / Lithic Technology / Lithics / Middle to Upper Paleolithic Transition / Prehistory / Middle Palaeolithic

IgnacioCabello, Tell Halula: un yacimiento neolítico en el Valle del Éufrates Medio

Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Neolithic Archaeology / Syria / Prehistory / Neolítico / tell Halula / Neolítico / tell Halula
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