Mediterranean archaeology

Interweaving cultures: textile production, rituality and trade in the Late Bronze – Early Iron Age Iberian Peninsula/Entretejiendo culturas: producción de tejido, ritualidad y comercio en el Bronce Final e inicios de la Edad del Hierro en la Península Ibérica - PROCON workshop

Iberian Studies / Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Ancient Textiles / Iron Age (Archaeology) / Mediterranean archaeology / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Ancient Textile Technology / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Ancient Dyes Analysis and Textiles Conservation / Iberian Bronze Age / Textile Studies / Ancient Mediterranean Society / Ancient Textiles / Iron Age (Archaeology) / Mediterranean archaeology / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Ancient Textile Technology / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Ancient Dyes Analysis and Textiles Conservation / Iberian Bronze Age / Textile Studies / Ancient Mediterranean Society

Denes púniques de pasta de vidre a Menorca: el conjunt del Cercle 7 de Torre d’en Galmés

Archaeology / Mediterranean archaeology / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Protohistory / Iron Age

Un edifici singular del segle V aC trobat sota la torre de defensa de l\'oppidum ibèric (Mas Castellar-Pontós, Alt Empordà)

Archaeology / Architecture / Landscape Archaeology / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Mediterranean archaeology / Ancient Agriculture & Farming (Archaeology) / Archaeology of Mediterranean Trade / Pre Roman Archaeology/Iberian Culture / Protohistory / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Socio-economic impact of culture on farmers / Empúries / Emporion / Emporiton / Mediterranean archaeology / Ancient Agriculture & Farming (Archaeology) / Archaeology of Mediterranean Trade / Pre Roman Archaeology/Iberian Culture / Protohistory / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Socio-economic impact of culture on farmers / Empúries / Emporion / Emporiton

11/03/17 El Coll del Moro de Gandesa (Terra Alta) i el fenomen singular de les residències turriformes aïllades al curs inferior de l\'Ebre durant els segles VII-VI aC

Archaeology / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Household Archaeology / Mediterranean archaeology / Protohistory / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Architecture and urbanism / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Architecture and urbanism


Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Mediterranean prehistory / Mediterranean archaeology

Caracterización textural con análisis de imagen: aplicación en cerámicas prehistóricas de Mallorca (1750-50 a.C.)

Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Pottery (Archaeology) / Image Analysis / Archaeometry / Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology) / Baleares /Balearic Islands / Mediterranean archaeology / Iron Age / Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology) / Baleares /Balearic Islands / Mediterranean archaeology / Iron Age

Las primeras importaciones griegas en Occidente y la cronología de la cerámica geométrica: hacia un nuevo paradigma (I)

Greek Archaeology / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Mediterranean archaeology / Phoenician Punic Archaeology

Torre del Ram y sus barcos prehistóricos.pdf

Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Mediterranean prehistory / Menorca / Minorca / Baleares /Balearic Islands / Mediterranean archaeology / Prehistory / Arqueología / Protohistory / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Arqueologia / Balearic prehistory / European Protohistory / Illes Balears / Balearic Islands / Protohistoire / Minorca / Talayotico / Balearic Archaeology / Prehistoric Menorca / Archeology / Mediterranean archaeology / Prehistory / Arqueología / Protohistory / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Arqueologia / Balearic prehistory / European Protohistory / Illes Balears / Balearic Islands / Protohistoire / Minorca / Talayotico / Balearic Archaeology / Prehistoric Menorca / Archeology

Evidències de contactes exteriors al món talaiòtic a partir de l’estudi del registre faunístic

Zooarchaeology / Mediterranean prehistory / Late Bronze Age archaeology / Mediterranean archaeology / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age / Balearic prehistory / Phoenician trade / Balearic Archaeology / Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age / Balearic prehistory / Phoenician trade / Balearic Archaeology

La Edad del Hierro en el valle del Matarraña (Teruel). Las investigaciones del Institut d\'Estudis Catalans en el Bajo Aragón. Caesaraugusta 85.

Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Iron Age (Archaeology) / Mediterranean archaeology / Pre Roman Archaeology/Iberian Culture / Arqueología / Protohistory / Iron Age / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Edad Del Hierro / Mundo ibérico / European Protohistory / Protohistoire / Roman Archaeology / Mediterranean archaeology / Pre Roman Archaeology/Iberian Culture / Arqueología / Protohistory / Iron Age / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Edad Del Hierro / Mundo ibérico / European Protohistory / Protohistoire / Roman Archaeology

La nuova sepoltura epigravettiana \'Romito7\' a Papasidero

Paleoanthropology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Paleopathology / Mediterranean prehistory / Palaeolithic Archaeology / Funerary Archaeology / Funeral Practices / Death and Burial (Archaeology) / Ancient DNA (Archaeology) / Burial Practices (Archaeology) / Ancient DNA Research / Paleolithic Europe / Upper Paleolithic / South Italian Archaeology / Mediterranean archaeology / Prehistory / Antrhopology / Funerary Practices / Mitochondrial DNA / Antropología / Ancient DNA / Epigravettian / Archaeology of death and burial / Italian Pre- and Protohistory / Late Upper Palaeolithic / Funerary Archaeology / Funeral Practices / Death and Burial (Archaeology) / Ancient DNA (Archaeology) / Burial Practices (Archaeology) / Ancient DNA Research / Paleolithic Europe / Upper Paleolithic / South Italian Archaeology / Mediterranean archaeology / Prehistory / Antrhopology / Funerary Practices / Mitochondrial DNA / Antropología / Ancient DNA / Epigravettian / Archaeology of death and burial / Italian Pre- and Protohistory / Late Upper Palaeolithic

La difusión de los vidrios alejandrinos con decoración de hilos entre oriente y occidente - \"I Congreso Internacional Cneru Jóvenes Investigadores: Oriente-occidente. Transferencias culturales en la cuenca del Mediterráneo\". Universidad de Córdoba

Archaeology / Mediterranean Studies / Mediterranean archaeology / Arqueología / Roman Glass / Storia Romana / Vidrio romano / Roman Archaeology / Storia Romana / Vidrio romano / Roman Archaeology

El monopolio del comercio marítimo oriental bajo la élite puteolana- \"PHICARIA VI Encuentros Internacionales del Mediterráneo: Navegar el Mediterráneo\". Universidad popular de Mazarrón

Archaeology / Mediterranean Studies / Mediterranean archaeology / Arqueología / Comercio Internacional / Roman Archaeology / Oriente y Occidente / Roman Archaeology / Oriente y Occidente

Toscanos y la importación del aceite griego en la costa malagueña durante el periodo fenicio arcaico

Greek Archaeology / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Mediterranean archaeology / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Archaeology of Mediterranean Trade / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Phoenician trade / Archaeology of Mediterranean Trade / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Phoenician trade
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