Mediterranean archaeology

El cultivo de la vid en Ugarit y la producción, administración, consumo y usos del vino en el Levante Oriental del II milenio a. n. e. [Panel de la exposición “La vid, el vino y el CSIC. Dos siglos de investigación”]

Levantine Archaeology / Bronze Age Archaeology / Aegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology) / Late Bronze Age archaeology / Late Bronze Age Bioarchaeology / Bronze Age (Archaeology) / Trade / Mediterranean archaeology / Bronze And Iron Age In Mediterrarranean (Archaeology) / Bronze and Iron Ages in Eastern Mediterranean (Archaeology) / Ugaritic Studies / Wine / Aegean Late Bronze Age / Amphorae / Bronze Age / Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age / Late Bronze Age / Late Bronze Age Near East and Eastern Mediterranean / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Levant / Ugarit / History of wine / Vine and Wines History / Late Bronze Age Levant and new kingdom Egypt / Archaeology of the Levant / Wine Consumption Behaviours / Antic Technology / Bronze Age (Archaeology) / Trade / Mediterranean archaeology / Bronze And Iron Age In Mediterrarranean (Archaeology) / Bronze and Iron Ages in Eastern Mediterranean (Archaeology) / Ugaritic Studies / Wine / Aegean Late Bronze Age / Amphorae / Bronze Age / Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age / Late Bronze Age / Late Bronze Age Near East and Eastern Mediterranean / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Levant / Ugarit / History of wine / Vine and Wines History / Late Bronze Age Levant and new kingdom Egypt / Archaeology of the Levant / Wine Consumption Behaviours / Antic Technology

A Phoenician shipwreck off Gozo, Malta

Maritime Archaeology / Maritime History / Nautical Archaeology / Mediterranean archaeology / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Ancient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)

2015. Minas, joyas y más allá. Minería y producción de adornos de variscita durante el Neolítico en Gavà. (Barcelona). J. Bosch, F. Borrell, T. Majó.

Prehistoric Archaeology / Mediterranean prehistory / Neolithic Archaeology / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Mediterranean archaeology / European Prehistory (Archaeology) / Neolithic / Ancient Mining and Metallurgy / Prehistoric exchange networks / Prehistoric mining / Variscita / Variscite / European Prehistory (Archaeology) / Neolithic / Ancient Mining and Metallurgy / Prehistoric exchange networks / Prehistoric mining / Variscita / Variscite

El Torcularium del asentamiento rural romano de Los Palacios, Villanueva del Pardillo (Madrid). A propósito de la producción de vino en la zona central de Hispania

Trade / Mediterranean archaeology / Arqueología / Amphorae / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Antigüedad Tardía / Imperio romano / Archaeology of Roman Wine / Torcularia / Vinoculture / Historia Antigua / Torcularia de época romana / Antic Technology / Antigüedad Tardía / Imperio romano / Archaeology of Roman Wine / Torcularia / Vinoculture / Historia Antigua / Torcularia de época romana / Antic Technology

Cascos hispano-calcídicos. Símbolo de las élites guerreras celtibéricas (Review_Pérez 2015)

Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Archeologia / Mediterranean archaeology / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Greek Mercenaries / Archéologie / Ancient Weapons and Warfare / Ancient Helmets / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Greek Mercenaries / Archéologie / Ancient Weapons and Warfare / Ancient Helmets

El yacimiento Presido, un vertido de plomo de la goleta San Rafael (1804)

Modern History / Underwater Archaeology / Mediterranean archaeology / Catalonia

Evidencias recientes de domus en Ilipa (Alcalá del Río, Sevilla): viejos mosaicos en nuevos contextos urbanos

Archaeology / Household Archaeology / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Hispania (Archaeology) / Ancient Mosaics / Graeco-Roman Mosaics and Wall Paintings / Mediterranean archaeology / Hispania / Roman Architecture / Pavement Mosaics / Roman Hispania Mosaics / Roman Art / Roman Mosaics / Arqueología romana / Roman archeology / Roman cities of Baetica (Hispania) / Hispania romana / Roman Mosaics and Wall Paintings / Mosaics / Roman Archaeology / Mosaici / Ilipa / Graeco-Roman Mosaics and Wall Paintings / Mediterranean archaeology / Hispania / Roman Architecture / Pavement Mosaics / Roman Hispania Mosaics / Roman Art / Roman Mosaics / Arqueología romana / Roman archeology / Roman cities of Baetica (Hispania) / Hispania romana / Roman Mosaics and Wall Paintings / Mosaics / Roman Archaeology / Mosaici / Ilipa

Materiales y niveles de época antigua de la intervención arqueológica realizada en la Casa de Cultura, calle Ramon Llull nº 3 de Palma (isla de Mallorca), Martínez, A.; Graziani, G. (coord.) 2015: VI Jornades d’Arqueologia de les Illes Balears, Formentera, 215-224.

Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / Roman History / Pottery (Archaeology) / International Trade / Roman Pottery / Ceramics (Archaeology) / Baleares /Balearic Islands / Urban archaeology / Terra Sigillata / Trade / Mediterranean archaeology / Amphorae (Archaeology) / Pottery / Amphorae / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Roman Amphorae / Pottery studies / African red slip ware / Illes Balears / Balearic Islands / Balearic Archaeology / Roman Archaeology / Antic Technology / Roman Pottery / Ceramics (Archaeology) / Baleares /Balearic Islands / Urban archaeology / Terra Sigillata / Trade / Mediterranean archaeology / Amphorae (Archaeology) / Pottery / Amphorae / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Roman Amphorae / Pottery studies / African red slip ware / Illes Balears / Balearic Islands / Balearic Archaeology / Roman Archaeology / Antic Technology

\"Intervención arqueológica en el yacimiento romano de la Fuente de la Teja (Caravaca de la Cruz, Murcia): fases de ocupación\". Memorias de Arqueología, nº 14, 2006, pp. 185-212.

Roman Villae / Trade / Mediterranean archaeology / Roman rural settlements / Amphorae / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Roman Landscape / Antic Technology / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Roman Landscape / Antic Technology

(2015) La torre del Rey de Oropesa. Un modelo de fortificación Renacentista

History / Art History / Architecture / Mediterranean Studies / History of Art / Archeologia / Mediterranean archaeology / Arqueología / History of architecture / Historia / Arqueología De La Arquitectura / Historia de la Arquitectura / Historia de la Construcción / Historia del Arte / Archeology / Archeologia / Mediterranean archaeology / Arqueología / History of architecture / Historia / Arqueología De La Arquitectura / Historia de la Arquitectura / Historia de la Construcción / Historia del Arte / Archeology

Les Excavacions en el Recinte de Taula de Sa Cudia Cremada

Prehistoric Archaeology / Mediterranean prehistory / Late Iron Age (Archaeology) / Mediterranean archaeology / Talayotic

\" Cerámicas y Tejidos: sobre el significado de la decoración geométrica del Bronce Final en la Península Ibérica\", Complutum, 8, 1997 : 125-140, I.S.S.N.: 1131-6993.

Prehistoric Archaeology / Pottery (Archaeology) / Mediterranean prehistory / Ancient Textiles / Mediterranean archaeology / Archaeology of Mediterranean Trade / Prehistory / Early Iron Age, Late Iron Age, Roman period, Late Antiquity, typology, chronology, distribution, function, fibulae, weapons, tools, harness, metal vessels, writing equipment, balances and weights, small finds / Archaeology of Mediterranean Trade / Prehistory / Early Iron Age, Late Iron Age, Roman period, Late Antiquity, typology, chronology, distribution, function, fibulae, weapons, tools, harness, metal vessels, writing equipment, balances and weights, small finds

MURCIA MUÑOZ, A. J., LÓPEZ MONDEJAR, L., RAMALLO ASENSIO, S. F.: \"El territorio de Carthago Nova entre los siglos II a.C. y II d.C.\". Ager IX, 2013, pp. 121-135

Roman Villae / Trade / Mediterranean archaeology / Roman rural settlements / Amphorae / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Poblamiento Rural / CARTHAGO NOVA / Roman Archaeology / Antic Technology / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Poblamiento Rural / CARTHAGO NOVA / Roman Archaeology / Antic Technology


Trade / Mediterranean archaeology / Amphorae / Roman agriculture / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Arqueología romana / Roman archeology / Roman Archaeology / Antic Technology / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Arqueología romana / Roman archeology / Roman Archaeology / Antic Technology


Mediterranean prehistory / Mediterranean archaeology / European Prehistory (Archaeology) / Balearic prehistory / Prehistoric Mediterranean Archaeology / Balearic Archaeology
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