Mediterranean archaeology

Los espacios del poder en el medio rural: torres de alquería en el mundo nazarí

Rural History / Medieval Iberian History / Mediterranean Studies / Medieval Archaeology / Al-Andalus / Spain (Mediterranean Studies) / Muslims in Europe / History of the Mediterranean / Islamic History / Middle Age Archaelogy / Muslim Spain / Al Andalus (Islamic History) / Spain (History) / Mediterranean archaeology / Mediterranean and North Africa / Andalusia/Al-Andalus / Medieval Spain / Islamic History and Muslim Civilization / Al-Andalus archaeology / Al-Andalus History / Nasri Kingdom of Granada / Medieval History of Spain / Al-andalus fortificaciones / History of Maghrib and Andalus / The Nasrid Kingdom of Granada / Historia del Reino Nazarí de Granada / Spain (Mediterranean Studies) / Muslims in Europe / History of the Mediterranean / Islamic History / Middle Age Archaelogy / Muslim Spain / Al Andalus (Islamic History) / Spain (History) / Mediterranean archaeology / Mediterranean and North Africa / Andalusia/Al-Andalus / Medieval Spain / Islamic History and Muslim Civilization / Al-Andalus archaeology / Al-Andalus History / Nasri Kingdom of Granada / Medieval History of Spain / Al-andalus fortificaciones / History of Maghrib and Andalus / The Nasrid Kingdom of Granada / Historia del Reino Nazarí de Granada

Los materiales arqueológicos de La Bastida depositados en los fondos del Museo Arqueológico Municipal de Cartagena

Mediterranean prehistory / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Early Bronze Age (Archaeology) / Mediterranean archaeology / History of Archaeology

Los materiales arqueológicos de La Bastida depositados en los fondos del Museo Arqueológico de Mazarrón

Mediterranean prehistory / History of Museums / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Early Bronze Age (Archaeology) / Mediterranean archaeology / Argaric Culture

El plomo escrito del Tos Pelat (Moncada, Valencia)

Archaeology / Languages and Linguistics / Writing Systems & Decipherment / Epigraphy (Archaeology) / Linguistics / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Writing systems / Undeciphered Writing Systems / Mediterranean archaeology / Pre Roman Archaeology/Iberian Culture / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Iberian Epigraphy / Paleohispanic scripts & languages / History of Writing Systems / Lengua ibérica / Iberian language / Lead plaque inscriptions / Paleohispanística / Paleohispanistics / Tos Pelat / Lead inscription / Dual signary / Abecedary / Plomo Inscrito / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Writing systems / Undeciphered Writing Systems / Mediterranean archaeology / Pre Roman Archaeology/Iberian Culture / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Iberian Epigraphy / Paleohispanic scripts & languages / History of Writing Systems / Lengua ibérica / Iberian language / Lead plaque inscriptions / Paleohispanística / Paleohispanistics / Tos Pelat / Lead inscription / Dual signary / Abecedary / Plomo Inscrito

Origen y difusión del vino por el Mediterráneo

History / Mediterranean Studies / History of the Mediterranean / Mediterranean archaeology / Arqueología / Historia / Arqueología histórica / Arqueología Social / Historia Cultural / Historia / Arqueología histórica / Arqueología Social / Historia Cultural

Les llars de foc en els caps costaners de Sa Ferradura (Manacor) i Es Coll de Cala Morell (Ciutadella)

Prehistoric Archaeology / Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Coastal and Island Archaeology / Baleares /Balearic Islands / Mediterranean archaeology

Prospección arqueológica costera y subacuática de Skiathos, Islas Espóradas.

Maritime Archaeology / Mediterranean archaeology / Mediterranean Underwater Archaeology / Maritime and Underwater Archaeology / Ancient Ports and Harbours

Casa Montero en las salas de Prehistoria del Museo Arqueológico Nacional

Prehistoric Archaeology / Mediterranean prehistory / Neolithic Archaeology / Flint (Archaeology) / Mining / Prehistoric Europe (Archaeology) / Neolithic flint procurement / Mediterranean archaeology / Flint Mining / Apprenticeship Learning / Prehistoric Europe (Archaeology) / Neolithic flint procurement / Mediterranean archaeology / Flint Mining / Apprenticeship Learning

Crónica de un hallazgo anunciado. Ferreiros, un estoque tipo \"Sa Idda\" en el Noroeste hispánico.

Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Mediterranean prehistory / Phoenicians / Sardinia (Archaeology) / Metalwork (Archaeology) / Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Bronze Age Archaeology / Late Bronze Age archaeology / Prehistoric weapons / Bronze Age (Archaeology) / Archeologia / Combat Archaeology / Mediterranean archaeology / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Archaeology of Mediterranean Trade / Bronze And Iron Age In Mediterrarranean (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Bronze Age / archaeology of Sardinia in phoenician age / Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age / Swords, Symbolism, Comparative Mythology / Prehistoric Archeology / Atlantic Bronze Age / Fenicios / Tartessos / Edad Del Bronce / Bronze Age of the Carpathian Basin / Late Bronze Age / Archeologie / Phoenician and Punic Studies / Archéologie / Archeologia Fenicio-Punica / Bronze Age swords / Bronze Age metal hoards / Swordsmanship / Ancient Weapons and Warfare / Merchant Shipping/Maritime Economics/shipbuilding/Mediterranean/Shipowners/Maritime Trade / Archeologia Fenicio-Punica E Nuragica in Sardegna / Bronze Age Metalwork / Phoenician trade / Âge du Bronze / Depotfunde der Bronzezeit / Swords / Metalwork (Archaeology) / Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Bronze Age Archaeology / Late Bronze Age archaeology / Prehistoric weapons / Bronze Age (Archaeology) / Archeologia / Combat Archaeology / Mediterranean archaeology / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Archaeology of Mediterranean Trade / Bronze And Iron Age In Mediterrarranean (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Bronze Age / archaeology of Sardinia in phoenician age / Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age / Swords, Symbolism, Comparative Mythology / Prehistoric Archeology / Atlantic Bronze Age / Fenicios / Tartessos / Edad Del Bronce / Bronze Age of the Carpathian Basin / Late Bronze Age / Archeologie / Phoenician and Punic Studies / Archéologie / Archeologia Fenicio-Punica / Bronze Age swords / Bronze Age metal hoards / Swordsmanship / Ancient Weapons and Warfare / Merchant Shipping/Maritime Economics/shipbuilding/Mediterranean/Shipowners/Maritime Trade / Archeologia Fenicio-Punica E Nuragica in Sardegna / Bronze Age Metalwork / Phoenician trade / Âge du Bronze / Depotfunde der Bronzezeit / Swords

Centro para el Estudio de la Interdependencia Provincial en la Antigüedad Clásica (CEIPAC)

Epigraphy (Archaeology) / Latin Epigraphy / Roman Epigraphy / Roman Empire / Roman Economy / Databases / Trade / Mediterranean archaeology / Amphorae (Archaeology) / Roman Amphora / Amphorae / Stamped Amphora handles / Epigraphy / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Roman Amphorae / Territory / Ancient Roman economy, trade and commerce / Rural Territorial Development / Monte Testaccio / Xanten / European Research Council / Antic Technology / CEIPAC / EPNet / Corpus Internationale d´Épigraphie Amphorique / Databases / Trade / Mediterranean archaeology / Amphorae (Archaeology) / Roman Amphora / Amphorae / Stamped Amphora handles / Epigraphy / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Roman Amphorae / Territory / Ancient Roman economy, trade and commerce / Rural Territorial Development / Monte Testaccio / Xanten / European Research Council / Antic Technology / CEIPAC / EPNet / Corpus Internationale d´Épigraphie Amphorique

El sílex Casa Montero: estudio y caracterización

Prehistoric Archaeology / Petrology / Neolithic Archaeology / Flint (Archaeology) / Petrology and Geochemistry / Mining / Prehistoric Europe (Archaeology) / Neolithic flint procurement / Mediterranean archaeology / Flint Mining / Stone tools / Lithology / Mining / Prehistoric Europe (Archaeology) / Neolithic flint procurement / Mediterranean archaeology / Flint Mining / Stone tools / Lithology

ORFILA PONS, M.; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, E.; GUTIÉRREZ RODRÍGUEZ, M.; MARÍN DÍAZ, P., 2015: La Cova dels Jurats o de l\'Esglesia en Calescoves (Alaior) ¿Un santuario rupestre talayótico en Menorca?, L\'entreteixit del temps. Miscellània d\'estudis en homenatge a Lluis Plantalamor Massanet, Palma, 285-295

History of the Mediterranean / Menorca / Minorca / Mediterranean archaeology / Sanctuary / Pre-roman Spain / Talayotico / Prehistoric Menorca / Romanización En Menorca / Cultura Talaiòtica / Talayotico / Prehistoric Menorca / Romanización En Menorca / Cultura Talaiòtica

R. Graells: Arqueología del mercenario hispano entre los ss. VI-IV a.C.

Classical Archaeology / Mediterranean archaeology / Arqueología / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Greek Mercenaries / Punic mercenaries / Ancient Weapons and Warfare / Punic mercenaries / Ancient Weapons and Warfare

La vid y el vino en el Próximo Oriente y Mediterráneo antiguos [Panel de la exposición “La vid, el vino y el CSIC. Dos siglos de investigación”]

Levantine Archaeology / Mediterranean Studies / Mediterranean / History of the Mediterranean / Ancient Near East / Mediterranean archaeology / Wine / History of wine / Vine and Wines History / Wine Consumption Behaviours / Wine in Ancient Mediterranean / Mediterranean archaeology / Wine / History of wine / Vine and Wines History / Wine Consumption Behaviours / Wine in Ancient Mediterranean
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