
Direito internacional privado e do comércio internacional: coletânea normativa (2017)

Law / Comparative Law / Civil Law / International Law / Private International Law

Fijación de puntos controvertidos

Law / Civil Procedure / Direito Processual Civil / Diritto Processuale Civile / Derecho Procesal Civil

Grupos armados desfragmentados: la relativización del DIH como régimen autónomo y la búsqueda de visiones alternativas (\"La guerra ante la fragmentación del derecho internacional\", Buis & Luterstein (eds.)), 2016

Law / Criminal Law / Comparative Law / Constitutional Law / International Relations / International Relations Theory / International Studies / Human Rights Law / International Law / Human Rights / International Criminal Law / International Security / Law and Society / Legal History / Political Science / Critical Legal Theory / Legal Theory / International Human Rights Law / Comparative Human Rights Law / Philosophy Of Law / Human Rights Education / Comparative Constitutional Law / Public International Law / International Humanitarian Law / Human Rights in Latin America / History of International Relations / Armed Conflict / Human Rights Theory / History of Human Rights / Legal Philosophy / Social and Political Theories of Justice & Human Rights / International Relations and Human Rights / Law of Armed Conflict / Armed Forces / Non-state actors / Derecho Administrativo / Ciencias Politicas / Derecho constitucional / Filosofia y Derechos Humanos en America Latina / Ciências Sociais / Non-international armed conflicts / Derechos Humanos / Derecho Internacional / Derecho Internacional Público y Derecho Internacional Privado / Relaciones Internacionales / Ciencias Sociales / Non State Armed Actors / DERECHO PENAL / Derecho / Derecho Penal Internacional / Historia del Derecho / Filosofía del Derecho / Derecho Procesal Civil / Histoire du droit / Ciencias Políticas / Droit / Droit Public / Droit International Public / Droit Constitutionnel / Derecho Internacional De Los Derechos Humanos / Derecho Internacional Humanitario / Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict / Derecho penal y procesal penal / Armed Forces and Society / Derecho internacional Publico / Droit International / Armed Groups / Droit administratif / International Law of Armed Conflicts / Relations Internationales / Derecho Y Ciencias Politicas / Geneva Conventions / Facultad De Derecho / Human Rights and Social Justice / Sujetos Del Derecho Internacional Publico / International Relations Theory / International Studies / Human Rights Law / International Law / Human Rights / International Criminal Law / International Security / Law and Society / Legal History / Political Science / Critical Legal Theory / Legal Theory / International Human Rights Law / Comparative Human Rights Law / Philosophy Of Law / Human Rights Education / Comparative Constitutional Law / Public International Law / International Humanitarian Law / Human Rights in Latin America / History of International Relations / Armed Conflict / Human Rights Theory / History of Human Rights / Legal Philosophy / Social and Political Theories of Justice & Human Rights / International Relations and Human Rights / Law of Armed Conflict / Armed Forces / Non-state actors / Derecho Administrativo / Ciencias Politicas / Derecho constitucional / Filosofia y Derechos Humanos en America Latina / Ciências Sociais / Non-international armed conflicts / Derechos Humanos / Derecho Internacional / Derecho Internacional Público y Derecho Internacional Privado / Relaciones Internacionales / Ciencias Sociales / Non State Armed Actors / DERECHO PENAL / Derecho / Derecho Penal Internacional / Historia del Derecho / Filosofía del Derecho / Derecho Procesal Civil / Histoire du droit / Ciencias Políticas / Droit / Droit Public / Droit International Public / Droit Constitutionnel / Derecho Internacional De Los Derechos Humanos / Derecho Internacional Humanitario / Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict / Derecho penal y procesal penal / Armed Forces and Society / Derecho internacional Publico / Droit International / Armed Groups / Droit administratif / International Law of Armed Conflicts / Relations Internationales / Derecho Y Ciencias Politicas / Geneva Conventions / Facultad De Derecho / Human Rights and Social Justice / Sujetos Del Derecho Internacional Publico

Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales

Law / Human Rights Law / International Law / International Human Rights Law / Philosophy Of Law / Public International Law / Derechos Humanos / Derecho Internacional Público y Derecho Internacional Privado / Derecho / Filosofía del Derecho / Public International Law / Derechos Humanos / Derecho Internacional Público y Derecho Internacional Privado / Derecho / Filosofía del Derecho


Law / Labor law / Derecho Laboral / Derecho del trabajo / Direito do Trabalho / Diritto Del Lavoro / Droit du travail / Diritto Del Lavoro / Droit du travail


Law / Venezuela / Venezuelan History / History of Venezuelan Political and Social Thought / Spanish American Wars of Independence

Twitter y Youtube: nuevos aires para los Archivos Públicos

Information Technology / Law / Social Networks / Archives / Comparative Public Law / Social Media / Twitter / Digital Archives / Databases / Youtube / Public Law / Social Media and Law / Social Media / Twitter / Digital Archives / Databases / Youtube / Public Law / Social Media and Law

La Responsabilidad Social Corporativa: La Empresa como Agente Social

Law / Stakeholders / Company Law / CSR Ethics / Strategic CSR / Company / Corporative Social Responsability / CSR and Business Ethics / Company and Commercial Law / Company / Corporative Social Responsability / CSR and Business Ethics / Company and Commercial Law

La Responsabilidad Social como parte del Marketing Corporativo

Marketing / Law / Corporate Social Responsibility / Company Law / Ethics in Marketing / Derecho / RSE / Responsabilidad Social Corporativa / Responsabilidad Social Empresarial / Strategic CSR / RSC / Derecho Mercantil / Marketing Ethics / Empresa / Corporate Responsability / Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) / CSR and Business Ethics / Corporte Law / Marketing ético / Derecho / RSE / Responsabilidad Social Corporativa / Responsabilidad Social Empresarial / Strategic CSR / RSC / Derecho Mercantil / Marketing Ethics / Empresa / Corporate Responsability / Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) / CSR and Business Ethics / Corporte Law / Marketing ético

Tutela del derecho y fuentes del derecho procesal civil peruano

Law / Legal Theory / Civil Procedure / Direito Processual Civil / Diritto Processuale Civile / Theory of Law / Derecho Procesal Civil / Theory of Law / Derecho Procesal Civil

Prof. Renzo Cavani - Introducción al derecho procesal (2017-1)

Law / Constitutional Law / Legal Theory / Civil Procedure / Direito Processual Civil / Derecho constitucional / Theory of Law / Derecho Procesal Civil / Diritto Costituzionale / Derecho constitucional / Theory of Law / Derecho Procesal Civil / Diritto Costituzionale

Remuneración y Estado Constitucional de Derecho: El caso de los jueces en el Perú

Law / Constitutional Law / Human Rights Law / Derecho Laboral / Democracia, Liberalismo, Estado constitucional / Judges / Jueces / Remuneraciones / Judges / Jueces / Remuneraciones

La ciudad resiliente. Una forma inteligente de entender la ciudad

Law / Urban Planning / Urbanism / Ecology / Public Law / Urban Design / Mobile apps / Participación ciudadana / Smart City / Urbanismo / Derecho / Ecología / Applicación Móvil / Participación Social / Ciudades Intermedias / Derecho Urbanístico / Urban Design / Mobile apps / Participación ciudadana / Smart City / Urbanismo / Derecho / Ecología / Applicación Móvil / Participación Social / Ciudades Intermedias / Derecho Urbanístico

Herramientas para la gestión territorial sostenible del agua

Sociology / Geography / Law / Economics / Water / Applied Statistics / Water and wastewater treatment / Access To Water / Natural Resource Management / Sustainable Water Resources Management / Urban And Regional Planning / Spatial planning / Waste water treatment / Water Desalination / Applied Statistics / Water and wastewater treatment / Access To Water / Natural Resource Management / Sustainable Water Resources Management / Urban And Regional Planning / Spatial planning / Waste water treatment / Water Desalination

Serra, Gilles. 2017. “Clientelismo y Corrupción Electoral en México: Persistencia a Pesar de los Avances Legislativos.” Revista Mexicana de Estudios Electorales 17, enero-junio: 149-174

Latin American Studies / Law / Comparative Law / Constitutional Law / Comparative Politics / Voting Behavior / Mexican Studies / Fighting and Preventing Corruption through Law / Latin American politics / Political Science / Central America and Mexico / Politics / Mexico History / Corruption (Corruption) / Electoral Behavior / Electoral Systems / Political Corruption / Latin American History / Elections / Election Law / Mexican Politics / Voting / Elections and Voting Behavior / Electoral Studies / Election Campaigning / Mexico / México / Electoral Campaign / Anti-Corruption / Latin America / Electoral Reform / Corruption / Sistemas Electorales / Election / Mexican History / Estudios Latinoamericanos / Voting Systems / Corrupción / Latinoamerica / América Latina / Campañas electorales / Historia de México / Fraude Electoral / Election laws / Estudios De Latinoamerica / Mexican Law / Derecho Mexicano / Public Policy / Voting Behavior / Mexican Studies / Fighting and Preventing Corruption through Law / Latin American politics / Political Science / Central America and Mexico / Politics / Mexico History / Corruption (Corruption) / Electoral Behavior / Electoral Systems / Political Corruption / Latin American History / Elections / Election Law / Mexican Politics / Voting / Elections and Voting Behavior / Electoral Studies / Election Campaigning / Mexico / México / Electoral Campaign / Anti-Corruption / Latin America / Electoral Reform / Corruption / Sistemas Electorales / Election / Mexican History / Estudios Latinoamericanos / Voting Systems / Corrupción / Latinoamerica / América Latina / Campañas electorales / Historia de México / Fraude Electoral / Election laws / Estudios De Latinoamerica / Mexican Law / Derecho Mexicano / Public Policy
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