
El impacto colonial fenicio arcaico en el Hinterland de Andalucía mediterránea (siglos VIII-VI a.C.). El mundo indígena y las transformaciones del Hierro Antiguo

Ancient History / Phoenicians / Mediterranean Studies / Mediterranean archaeology / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Archaeology of Mediterranean Trade / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Tartessos / Archaeology of Mediterranean Trade / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Tartessos

ISLA CARTARE. Un recorrido por la Historia en el término municipal.

Medieval History / Arqueología / Historia / Tartessos / Edad Del Bronce / Archeologia Fenicio-Punica / Roman Archaeology / Archeologia Fenicio-Punica / Roman Archaeology

Mapa de Ptolemeo con Tartessos ubicada en TARTESSOS. HALLANDO SU METRÓPOLIS (Serie: Atlantología Histórico-Científica nº 3)

Claudius Ptolemaeus / Tartessos / Tartessian Language / "Tartessian" Script / "Tartessian" Language / Euroepan substrate and poorly-attested languages (Iberian, Tartessian, etc.) / PHOENICIANS IN THE WEST, TARSHISH-TARTESSOS Ph. D. scholarship in History. Official acknowledgment of educational and research capability by the University of Huelva, Spain / Tarteso / Tartesos / Localización de Tartessos / Ubicación de Tartessos / Descubrimiento de Tartessos / Hallazgo de Tartessos / Ptolomeo / Interpretacion Del Mapa De Ptolomeo / Geographia De Ptolomeo / Claudio Ptolomeo En La Geografia / Ancient history Spain Tartessos Phoenicians / Tartessian / Mapas bizantinos / Euroepan substrate and poorly-attested languages (Iberian, Tartessian, etc.) / PHOENICIANS IN THE WEST, TARSHISH-TARTESSOS Ph. D. scholarship in History. Official acknowledgment of educational and research capability by the University of Huelva, Spain / Tarteso / Tartesos / Localización de Tartessos / Ubicación de Tartessos / Descubrimiento de Tartessos / Hallazgo de Tartessos / Ptolomeo / Interpretacion Del Mapa De Ptolomeo / Geographia De Ptolomeo / Claudio Ptolomeo En La Geografia / Ancient history Spain Tartessos Phoenicians / Tartessian / Mapas bizantinos

2003 El indígena

Phoenicians / Nuragic Archaeology / Ancient Sicily / Tartessos / Phoenician Punic Sicily

\"El Cerro de la Albina y la metalurgia de la plata en Tartessos\".

Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Metallurgy / Protohistory / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Tartessos

España, desde sus orígenes hasta después de la división de Celtiberia (226-167 aC)

Roman History / Celtic Studies / Phoenicians / Celtic Linguistics / Celtic Archaeology / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Carthage (History) / Tartessos / Carthage, Punic Pottery, Mediterranean archaeology, Phoenician Punic Archaeology, Punic world and Punic Archaeology, Phoenician and Punic Studies, archaeology of Sardinia in phoenician age / PHOENICIANS IN THE WEST, TARSHISH-TARTESSOS Ph. D. scholarship in History. Official acknowledgment of educational and research capability by the University of Huelva, Spain / Phoenician trade / Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Antigüedad Tardía, Roma, Hispania, Mundo Ibérico / Roman Archaeology / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Carthage (History) / Tartessos / Carthage, Punic Pottery, Mediterranean archaeology, Phoenician Punic Archaeology, Punic world and Punic Archaeology, Phoenician and Punic Studies, archaeology of Sardinia in phoenician age / PHOENICIANS IN THE WEST, TARSHISH-TARTESSOS Ph. D. scholarship in History. Official acknowledgment of educational and research capability by the University of Huelva, Spain / Phoenician trade / Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Antigüedad Tardía, Roma, Hispania, Mundo Ibérico / Roman Archaeology

Fenicios en Tartesos: introducción

Phoenicians / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Tartessos / Ancient history Spain Tartessos Phoenicians

Orfebrería tartésica-turdetana: una nueva aportación en la cadena de producción

Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Tartessos / Turdetania / Jewerly

Las joyas y adornos personales

Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Tartessos / Jewerly

Los testimonios lingüísticos prerromanos del sudoeste de la Península Ibérica: cuestiones conceptuales y problemas metodológicos

Ancient History / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Tartessos / Roman Spain / Epigraphy / Pre-roman Spain / Southwestern script / Escrita do Sudoeste / Escritura del Suroeste / Turdetania / Pre-roman Spain / Southwestern script / Escrita do Sudoeste / Escritura del Suroeste / Turdetania

AA. VV., I Jornadas de aproximación interdisciplinar para el estudio de la Antigüedad.

Prosopography / Philo of Alexandria / Anthropology of the Ancient World / Classical philology / Tartessos / Roman Prosopography / Greeks and Jews. Roman Alexandria. Philosophia platonica. Community of Therapeutai. / Ancient Greek Literature, Classical Philology / Middle Platonism / Filon De Alejandria / Roman Prosopography / Greeks and Jews. Roman Alexandria. Philosophia platonica. Community of Therapeutai. / Ancient Greek Literature, Classical Philology / Middle Platonism / Filon De Alejandria

La tierra llana de Huelva como modelo de convivencia interétnica en la Turdetania

Archaeology / Race and Ethnicity / Ethnicity / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Tartessos / Etnicidad

Crónica de un hallazgo anunciado. Ferreiros, un estoque tipo \"Sa Idda\" en el Noroeste hispánico.

Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Mediterranean prehistory / Phoenicians / Sardinia (Archaeology) / Metalwork (Archaeology) / Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Bronze Age Archaeology / Late Bronze Age archaeology / Prehistoric weapons / Bronze Age (Archaeology) / Archeologia / Combat Archaeology / Mediterranean archaeology / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Archaeology of Mediterranean Trade / Bronze And Iron Age In Mediterrarranean (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Bronze Age / archaeology of Sardinia in phoenician age / Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age / Swords, Symbolism, Comparative Mythology / Prehistoric Archeology / Atlantic Bronze Age / Fenicios / Tartessos / Edad Del Bronce / Bronze Age of the Carpathian Basin / Late Bronze Age / Archeologie / Phoenician and Punic Studies / Archéologie / Archeologia Fenicio-Punica / Bronze Age swords / Bronze Age metal hoards / Swordsmanship / Ancient Weapons and Warfare / Merchant Shipping/Maritime Economics/shipbuilding/Mediterranean/Shipowners/Maritime Trade / Archeologia Fenicio-Punica E Nuragica in Sardegna / Bronze Age Metalwork / Phoenician trade / Âge du Bronze / Depotfunde der Bronzezeit / Swords / Metalwork (Archaeology) / Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Bronze Age Archaeology / Late Bronze Age archaeology / Prehistoric weapons / Bronze Age (Archaeology) / Archeologia / Combat Archaeology / Mediterranean archaeology / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Archaeology of Mediterranean Trade / Bronze And Iron Age In Mediterrarranean (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Bronze Age / archaeology of Sardinia in phoenician age / Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age / Swords, Symbolism, Comparative Mythology / Prehistoric Archeology / Atlantic Bronze Age / Fenicios / Tartessos / Edad Del Bronce / Bronze Age of the Carpathian Basin / Late Bronze Age / Archeologie / Phoenician and Punic Studies / Archéologie / Archeologia Fenicio-Punica / Bronze Age swords / Bronze Age metal hoards / Swordsmanship / Ancient Weapons and Warfare / Merchant Shipping/Maritime Economics/shipbuilding/Mediterranean/Shipowners/Maritime Trade / Archeologia Fenicio-Punica E Nuragica in Sardegna / Bronze Age Metalwork / Phoenician trade / Âge du Bronze / Depotfunde der Bronzezeit / Swords

2001 La cerámica a mano con decoración de botones de bronce: una aportación al estudio de la alfarería tartésica del Bronce Final.

Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Tartessos / Iberian Late Bronze Age

L\'escriptura del Sud-Oest. Una visió general

Tartessos / Tartessian Language / "Tartessian" Script / "Tartessian" Language
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