Philip IV

Una caída en desgracia naval: el arzobispo almirante Escoubleau de Sourdis y el fracaso del primer sitio de Tarragona. 1641.

Habsburg Studies / Bastards / Modern Spanish History / Early modern Spain / Military Orders / the Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta / Philip IV / Monarquía Hispánica / Habsburg Monarchy, History of (Early) Modern Nobility, administrative history / Felipe IV / the Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta / Philip IV / Monarquía Hispánica / Habsburg Monarchy, History of (Early) Modern Nobility, administrative history / Felipe IV

Paz política, rivalidad suntuaria: Francia y España en la isla de los Faisanes

17th-Century Studies / History of Collecting / Louis XIV / Philip IV / History of Collecting and Antiquarianism / Tapestries / Diego Velazquez / Habsburgs / Spanish Habsburgs / Mazarin / Art and diplomacy in XVIIth c. Europe / Tapestries / Diego Velazquez / Habsburgs / Spanish Habsburgs / Mazarin / Art and diplomacy in XVIIth c. Europe


Nobility / History of Collections / History of Collecting / Philip IV / History of Collecting and Antiquarianism / Pittura Bolognese 700 / Felipe IV / Guido Reni / Spanish Habsburgs / Habsburg Diplomacy, Philipp IV, Felipe IV / Pittura Bolognese 700 / Felipe IV / Guido Reni / Spanish Habsburgs / Habsburg Diplomacy, Philipp IV, Felipe IV

El negro y la imagen real

History of Dress / Fashion History / Dress and identity / Philip IV / Color / Color Psychology and Use of Colour / Etiquette / Felipe IV / Court Studies / Felipe III / Felipe II / Etiquette and Morality / Philip III of Spain / Protocol and etiquette / Habsburgs / Philip II of Spain / Fashion / Spanish Habsburgs / Spanish Fashion in Europe, XVI-XVIIth c. / Color Psychology and Use of Colour / Etiquette / Felipe IV / Court Studies / Felipe III / Felipe II / Etiquette and Morality / Philip III of Spain / Protocol and etiquette / Habsburgs / Philip II of Spain / Fashion / Spanish Habsburgs / Spanish Fashion in Europe, XVI-XVIIth c.

\"Uso y función de la miniatura en la corte de Felipe IV: Velázquez miniaturista\", Boletín del Museo del Prado, XX, 38, 2002, pp. 65-83.

Courts / Courts and Elites (History) / Philip IV / Velazquez / England and Spain relations / Diego Velazquez / Early Modern Court Society / Court Studies / Virgilio Malvezzi / Miniatures / Count Duke of Olivares / Conde Duque De Olivares / Habsburg Court Portraits and Painters / Art and diplomacy in XVIIth c. Europe / Duchesse de Chevreuse / Baltasar Carlos / Diego Velazquez / Early Modern Court Society / Court Studies / Virgilio Malvezzi / Miniatures / Count Duke of Olivares / Conde Duque De Olivares / Habsburg Court Portraits and Painters / Art and diplomacy in XVIIth c. Europe / Duchesse de Chevreuse / Baltasar Carlos

Estrategia familiar y prestigio cortesano en los retratos de Don Manuel de Moura y Corte Real, II marqués de Castel Rodrigo

Habsburg Studies / Portraiture / Baroque art and architecture / Cultural Diplomacy / Lisbon (Portugal) / Philip IV / Madrid / Felipe IV / Philip IV / Madrid / Felipe IV

Servicio regio y estrategia familiar. Los marqueses de Castel Rodrigo y la importación del gusto romano en Lisboa y Madrid durante el siglo XVII

Nobility / Baroque art and architecture / Italian Baroque art / Cultural Diplomacy / Lisbon (Portugal) / Philip IV / Madrid / Francesco Borromini / Carlos II (1665-1700) / Philip IV / Madrid / Francesco Borromini / Carlos II (1665-1700)

La sierpe de Fez y Guzmán el Bueno: fuegos artificiales en Doñana para Felipe IV y Olivares

Philip IV / Fireworks / Art Patronage / Emblems / History of Art and Propaganda / Felipe IV / Pedro Espinosa / Gothic Art and Architecture / SPANISH NOBILITY HISTORY / Dukes of Medina Sidonia X Court History / Castillo De Guzmán El Bueno / Heraldic Emblems / Count Duke of Olivares / Conde Duque De Olivares / Felipe IV De España / House of Medina Sidonia / Casa De Medina Sidonia / Ciudad Ducal Y Conventual De Sanlúcar De Barrameda / Ducal and Conventual City of Sanlucar De Barraameda / Historia De La Nobleza Española / Sanlúcar de Barrameda / Guzmán el Bueno / Conde-duque de Olivares / Heraldic beasts / Spanish nobility / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish medieval leyends / Spanish medieval leyends / Spanish medieval leyends / Spanish medieval leyends / Heráldica española / Criaturas fantásticas en la heráldica / Nobleza española / Felipe IV / Pedro Espinosa / Gothic Art and Architecture / SPANISH NOBILITY HISTORY / Dukes of Medina Sidonia X Court History / Castillo De Guzmán El Bueno / Heraldic Emblems / Count Duke of Olivares / Conde Duque De Olivares / Felipe IV De España / House of Medina Sidonia / Casa De Medina Sidonia / Ciudad Ducal Y Conventual De Sanlúcar De Barrameda / Ducal and Conventual City of Sanlucar De Barraameda / Historia De La Nobleza Española / Sanlúcar de Barrameda / Guzmán el Bueno / Conde-duque de Olivares / Heraldic beasts / Spanish nobility / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish heraldry / Spanish medieval leyends / Spanish medieval leyends / Spanish medieval leyends / Spanish medieval leyends / Heráldica española / Criaturas fantásticas en la heráldica / Nobleza española

La Corte de Felipe IV (1621-1665). Reconfiguración de la Monarquía Hispana, Madrid

Early Modern History / Spanish History / Courts and Elites (History) / Court history / Philip IV / Spanish Monarchy

La Casa de la infanta María Teresa, Reina de Francia

Early Modern History / Spanish History / Courts and Elites (History) / Court history / Philip IV / Spanish Monarchy / Court Studies / Spanish Monarchy / Court Studies

Cataluña y el rey. Representaciones y prácticas de la Majestad durante el cambio de soberanía (1640-1655)

Cultural History / Habsburg Studies / Heroism / Portraiture / Nobility / Intellectual History of the Baroque Period / Catalan History / Early Modern France / Representation Theory / Political Representation / Catalonia / Representation / XVII century / Louis XIV / Philip IV / History of Modern France / Spanish Monarchy / Bourbons / Tyranny in political thought and litterature (XVI-XVIIIs) / Early Modern European Diplomatic History / Fronde / Richelieu / Revolts and protests / Louis XIII / Vice-royal Government, Nobility / Ceremonial and Symbolic Representations of Sovereignty In Early Modern Europe / Mazarin / Anne of Austria (1601-1666) / Intellectual History of the Baroque Period / Catalan History / Early Modern France / Representation Theory / Political Representation / Catalonia / Representation / XVII century / Louis XIV / Philip IV / History of Modern France / Spanish Monarchy / Bourbons / Tyranny in political thought and litterature (XVI-XVIIIs) / Early Modern European Diplomatic History / Fronde / Richelieu / Revolts and protests / Louis XIII / Vice-royal Government, Nobility / Ceremonial and Symbolic Representations of Sovereignty In Early Modern Europe / Mazarin / Anne of Austria (1601-1666)
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