Psychology / Cognitive Science / Eye tracking / Lexical Semantics / Language Comprehension / Memory / Sentence Comprehension / Information Sources / Noun Phrase / Real Time / Language and Memory / Memory / Sentence Comprehension / Information Sources / Noun Phrase / Real Time / Language and Memory
Artificial Intelligence / Natural Language Processing / Semantics / Computational Linguistics / Systems Analysis / Lexical Semantics / Lexicography / Word Recognition / Natural language / Data acquisition / Data Bases / Lexical Semantics / Lexicography / Word Recognition / Natural language / Data acquisition / Data Bases
Semantics / Theories of Meaning / Jaakko Hintikka / Lexical Semantics / Donald Davidson / John R. Searle / Continental (vs.) Analytical Philosophy / Alfred Tarski / Speech acts / Paraconsistent logic / Metaphors / Metonymy / Cognitive linguistics (especially metaphor and metonymy, conceptualization of emotions and relationship between language, mind, and culture) / Syntactic and Semantic Knowledge / Poetical Theory / John R. Searle / Continental (vs.) Analytical Philosophy / Alfred Tarski / Speech acts / Paraconsistent logic / Metaphors / Metonymy / Cognitive linguistics (especially metaphor and metonymy, conceptualization of emotions and relationship between language, mind, and culture) / Syntactic and Semantic Knowledge / Poetical Theory