Neolithic Archaeology

Los orígenes del megalitismo en Cataluña en el marco de las prácticas funerarias del Neolítico

Neolithic Archaeology / Burial Practices (Archaeology) / Megaliths (Archaeology) / Catalonia / Western Mediterranean archaeology / Western Mediterranean Basin

Xarxes al Neolític. Congrés internacional

Archaeology / Technology / Neolithic Archaeology / Barcelona / Raw Material / Neolithic Postcardial

Cueva de Benzú (Ceuta). Nuevas aportaciones al estudio de las sociedades tribales en el área norteafricana del Estrecho de Gibraltar

Archaeobotany / Neolithic Archaeology / Lithic Technology / North African prehistory (Archaeology)

La ocupación de la actual San Fernando por sociedades prehistóricas. Balance de dos décadas de estudios e investigaciones

Prehistoric Archaeology / Neolithic Archaeology / Social Archaeology / Bronce Age (Archaeology)

Sobrarbe antes de Sobrarbe. Pinceladas de historia de los Pirineos

Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Neolithic Archaeology / Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / High Mountain Archaeology

Cavidades de uso funerario durante el Neolítico final/Calcolítico en el territorio valenciano: trabajos arqueológicos en Avenc dels Dos Forats o Cova del Monedero ( …

Mediterranean prehistory / Paleoenvironment / Funerary Archaeology / Neolithic Archaeology / Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Neolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology / Human Remains (Anthropology) / Palaeodiet / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Neolithic Europe / Mediterranean archaeology / Paleoeconomy / European Prehistory (Archaeology) / Human Osteology / Death and Burial Archaeology / Neolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology / Human Remains (Anthropology) / Palaeodiet / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Neolithic Europe / Mediterranean archaeology / Paleoeconomy / European Prehistory (Archaeology) / Human Osteology / Death and Burial Archaeology

2015 Les estàtues-menhirs i el megàlit dels Reguers de Seró (Artesa de Segre, Noguera)

Neolithic Archaeology / Neolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology / Megalithic Monuments / Megalithic Art / Late Neolithic / Statues-Menhirs / Mégalithisme / Néolithique final / Anthropomorphic Stelae / Neolithic statue-menhirs and anthropomorphic stelae / Statues menhirs / Anthropomorphic Stone Idols / Statues-Menhirs / Mégalithisme / Néolithique final / Anthropomorphic Stelae / Neolithic statue-menhirs and anthropomorphic stelae / Statues menhirs / Anthropomorphic Stone Idols

Poblamiento, explotación y entorno natural de los estadios alpinos y subalpinos del Pirineo Central durante la primera mitad del Holoceno

Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Bioarchaeology / Archaeobotany / Landscape Archaeology / Paleobotany / Paleoecology / Palynology / Neolithic Archaeology / Palinology / Palaeoecology / Neolithic Europe / Mesolithic/Neolithic / Neolithic / Pyrenees / Holocene / Mid-Holocene / Holocene environmental change / Pollen analysis / Mountain Archaeology / High Mountain Archaeology / Carpology / Archaeopalynology / Paleobotany / Paleoecology / Palynology / Neolithic Archaeology / Palinology / Palaeoecology / Neolithic Europe / Mesolithic/Neolithic / Neolithic / Pyrenees / Holocene / Mid-Holocene / Holocene environmental change / Pollen analysis / Mountain Archaeology / High Mountain Archaeology / Carpology / Archaeopalynology


Neolithic Archaeology / Neolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology / Lithic Technology / Neolithic Europe / Vinča culture (Chalcolithic Archaeology) / Neolithic / Lithic Industries / Neolithic of the Balkans / Archeologia Preistorica / European Neolithic, Copper Age, Bronze Age / Lithic Industry / Vinca culture / Lithic Assemblages from Neolithic Pit Contexts / Turdas Culture / Neolithic / Lithic Industries / Neolithic of the Balkans / Archeologia Preistorica / European Neolithic, Copper Age, Bronze Age / Lithic Industry / Vinca culture / Lithic Assemblages from Neolithic Pit Contexts / Turdas Culture
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