«Paraules plasents a oir»: els proverbis de l’Arbre Exemplifical (1295-1296) de Ramon Llull.

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Senses and Sensuality in the Middle Ages. Barcelona, 21st of May 2015


LLULL AND SENSUALITY Llull and the universe of sensuality: an ambivalent relationship

Sensitive knowledge and experience are limited

Sensual objects assist the activity of the rational soul


Figure A of the first period of the Art (12741290) 3

THE SENSUAL NATURE OF SPEECH Since 1294 Llull adds a sixth sense to the traditional list of five, the affatus Definition of verbum: «Verbum est vox significativa, quae significat verbum mentis, quod homo in cogitatione concipit, quo et movet linguam per aerem, in quo suam similitudinem imprimit ad hoc, quod audientibus reveletur» (Rethorica nova, section 3.II.1, 1301) «Paraula és imatge e semblança de pensa» (Mil proverbis, chapter 48, 1302) 4

THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WORDS «Tot lo pus bell e el pus vertuós vocable que hom pusca nomenar és nomenar Jesucrist [...] Enaprés, Sényer, tot lo mellor e el pus bell vocable que hom pusca nomenar és nostra dona santa Maria» (Llibre de contemplació, chapter 359) Rules to write pulchra dictamina (Rethorica nova, section 2.6): «Regina et domicella sunt pulchrae et bonae»: beautiful sentence «Regina et ancilla sunt pulchrae et bonae»: ugly sentence


RAMON LLULL AND LITERATURE Llull wrote a large number of poems, novels, short narratives, proverbs, etc. Concession or ability to adapt the discourse to the culture of the audience? Llull does not reject the use of formal and literary devices like rhyme and verse Cent noms de Déu (1294):  100 chapters, one for each name of God  Each chapter contains ten rhymed, non-isosyllabic, three-line stanzas  “Aquests verses rimam en vulgar per so que mills hom los pusca saber de cor” (prologue) 6

THE VIRTUES OF PROVERBS The Arbre exemplifical (1295-1296) is a collection of short narratives and proverbs The AE is the fifteenth book of Arbre de ciència Llull had never composed proverbs before and he wrote four more collections after the AE Definition of proverb: «Com proverbi sia breu preposició qui conté en si molta sentencia» (Proverbis de Ramon, prologue) The brevity and rhetorical usefulness of proverb: an excellent way to spread scientific, theological, philosofphical and moral topics 7

THE STRUCTURE OF ARBRE DE CIÈNCIA  The sixteen trees 1. Elemental 2. Vegetal 3. Sensual 4. Imaginal 5. Humanal 6. Moral 7. Imperial 8. Apostolical

9. Celestial 10. Angelical 11. Eviternal 12. Maternal 13. Cristianal 14. Divinal 15. Exemplifical 16. Qüestional

 The seven sections of each tree 1. Roots

2. Trunk 3. Branches 4. Twigs 5. Leaves 6. Flowers 7. Fruits 8






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THE PROVERBS OF AE  Llull shows a great creativity: wide range of classes of proverbs and literary resources  «e per los exemplis que darem pot hom haver doctrina [...] a preïcar e a haver moralitats bones e solaç e amistat de les gents. E encara, en pot hom haver universal hàbit a entendre moltes coses plaents a entendre e plaents a oir» (AE, prologue)  The AE is one of the most representative works of the lullian «new literature» (Badia)  Brevity and rhetorical efficacy of proverbs: literary genre useful to develop a pleasant but honest discourse 10

THE PROVERBS OF THE SENSUAL TWIG  Characters: three senses (eyes, ears and affatus)  The eyes «anaren en peregrinatge veer una bella dona»  «effatus manifestà que aquella dona era bona e casta; e adoncs les orelles hagren plaer a oir aitals paraules, e per açò fo gran concordança e gran amistat entre los ulls, les paraules e les orelles»  The ears and the eyes pray to affatus «que digués algunes paraules plasents a oir»  List of ten proverbs: chapter 33 of Cent noms de Déu, about Jesus Christ  First proverb: «Oh Jesús, en Natzaret nat! Tu és home deïficat e és Déus homenificat» 11

PHILOSOFICAL MAXIMS OR PRINCIPLES «Aitant dóna Déus a bontat de bonificar, bonificat, com fa d’amar a voluntat» (Imperial Twig) «De moltes formes incorrompibles se segueix cors incorrompible» (Celestial Trunk) «En eviternitat no ha estès moviment» (Eviternal Trunk) «Negun home és just qui de justícia no ha esperança» (Moral Flowers) 12

LITERARY AND RETHORICAL DEVICES  Dialogue and personification: «Dix la cirera a la garrofa que ella era torta e negra, e dix la garrofa a la cirera que ella era tost podrida» (Vegetal Trunk)  Exclamations: «—Ah, Pare e Fill, ma fontana! —Ah, flum qui res no demana» (Divinal Flowers)  Short narrative: «Pregà la voluntat l’enteniment que dixés a son amat que ella l’amava més que si mateixa: e per açò l’enteniment volc més entendre Déu que si mateix, e la memòria més membrar Déu que si mateixa» (Human Flowers)  Rhyme: «Qui toca nostra Dona ab mercè clamar, ella respon ab perdonar» (Maternal Trunk) 13

CONCLUSIONS Llull does not exclude the literary genres of his intellectual and missionary project Since 1296, proverbs become one of the most appreciated didactic genres by Ramon Llull because of their brevity and rethorical efficacy All the proverbs of AE are beautiful and pleasant, even the philosophical maxims The proverbs of AE: model of beautiful and useful discourse 14

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