Pharmacology / Program Evaluation / Higher Education / Intention / England / Safety Culture / Safety / Humans / Professional Learning / Nursing Education / Female / Diagnosis / Pharmacy Education / Male / Internal Model / Questionnaires / Professional Autonomy / Public health systems and services research / Curriculum and Pedagogy / Physical examination / Professional Competence / Higher Education Institution / Questionnaire Survey / Safety Culture / Safety / Humans / Professional Learning / Nursing Education / Female / Diagnosis / Pharmacy Education / Male / Internal Model / Questionnaires / Professional Autonomy / Public health systems and services research / Curriculum and Pedagogy / Physical examination / Professional Competence / Higher Education Institution / Questionnaire Survey
Family history / Birth Weight / Rio de Janeiro / Medical Physiology / Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia / Physical examination / Gestational Age / Retrospective Study / Reference Value / False Positive / Physical examination / Gestational Age / Retrospective Study / Reference Value / False Positive