
Nulliparous active labor, epidural analgesia, and cesarean delivery for dystocia

Pregnancy / Humans / Female / Statistical Significance / Adult / Time Factors / Narcotics / Cesarean Section / Study design / Thoracic epidural analgesia / Parity / Pain Measurement / Epidural Analgesia / Dystocia / Time Factors / Narcotics / Cesarean Section / Study design / Thoracic epidural analgesia / Parity / Pain Measurement / Epidural Analgesia / Dystocia

Opioid neurotoxicity: Comparison of morphine and tramadol in an experimental model

Neuroscience / Cognitive Science / Brain / Humans / Animals / Male / Tramadol / Morphine / Behavioral Animal Models / Rats / Narcotics / Wistar Rats / Rat Model / Somatic Cell Count / Neurosciences / Male / Tramadol / Morphine / Behavioral Animal Models / Rats / Narcotics / Wistar Rats / Rat Model / Somatic Cell Count / Neurosciences

Opioid neurotoxicity: Comparison of morphine and tramadol in an experimental model

Neuroscience / Cognitive Science / Brain / Humans / Animals / Male / Tramadol / Morphine / Behavioral Animal Models / Rats / Narcotics / Wistar Rats / Rat Model / Somatic Cell Count / Neurosciences / Male / Tramadol / Morphine / Behavioral Animal Models / Rats / Narcotics / Wistar Rats / Rat Model / Somatic Cell Count / Neurosciences

Fronteras Calientes (2008)

Latin American politics / Cross-border cooperation / Narcotrafficking / América Latina / Armed Forces and Society / Narcotics

Scandinavian clinical practice guidelines on general anaesthesia for emergency situations

Flow Cytometry / Emergency Medical Services / Humans / Epinephrine / Fasting / Anaphylaxis / Resuscitation / Anesthesia / Immunoglobulin E / Medical Physiology / Posture / Clinical Sciences / General Anesthesia / Anesthetics / ACTA / Narcotics / Sensitivity and Specificity / Neurosciences / Antiemetics / Gastric Emptying / Antacids / Tidal volume / Anaphylaxis / Resuscitation / Anesthesia / Immunoglobulin E / Medical Physiology / Posture / Clinical Sciences / General Anesthesia / Anesthetics / ACTA / Narcotics / Sensitivity and Specificity / Neurosciences / Antiemetics / Gastric Emptying / Antacids / Tidal volume

Scandinavian clinical practice guidelines on general anaesthesia for emergency situations

Flow Cytometry / Emergency Medical Services / Humans / Epinephrine / Fasting / Anaphylaxis / Resuscitation / Anesthesia / Immunoglobulin E / Medical Physiology / Posture / Clinical Sciences / General Anesthesia / Anesthetics / ACTA / Narcotics / Sensitivity and Specificity / Neurosciences / Antiemetics / Gastric Emptying / Antacids / Tidal volume / Anaphylaxis / Resuscitation / Anesthesia / Immunoglobulin E / Medical Physiology / Posture / Clinical Sciences / General Anesthesia / Anesthetics / ACTA / Narcotics / Sensitivity and Specificity / Neurosciences / Antiemetics / Gastric Emptying / Antacids / Tidal volume

Chronic fentanyl application induces adrenocortical insufficiency

Humans / Internal Medicine / Male / Anti-inflammatory agents / Clinical Sciences / Middle Aged / Adrenal Insufficiency / Narcotics / Sciatica / Fentanyl / Middle Aged / Adrenal Insufficiency / Narcotics / Sciatica / Fentanyl

Opioid neurotoxicity: Comparison of morphine and tramadol in an experimental model

Neuroscience / Cognitive Science / Brain / Humans / Animals / Male / Tramadol / Morphine / Behavioral Animal Models / Rats / Narcotics / Wistar Rats / Rat Model / Somatic Cell Count / Neurosciences / Male / Tramadol / Morphine / Behavioral Animal Models / Rats / Narcotics / Wistar Rats / Rat Model / Somatic Cell Count / Neurosciences

Reacciones adversas de medicamentos relacionadas con el abuso y formas farmacéuticas disuasorias

European Union / Drug interactions / Pharmaceutical Chemistry / Prodrugs / Habits / United States / Narcotics / Street Drugs / Psychotropic Drugs / Medicina Clinica / Drug Compounding / Delayed-Action Preparations / Performance Enhancing Substances / Substance-Related Disorders / United States Food and Drug Administration / United States / Narcotics / Street Drugs / Psychotropic Drugs / Medicina Clinica / Drug Compounding / Delayed-Action Preparations / Performance Enhancing Substances / Substance-Related Disorders / United States Food and Drug Administration

(2014) La Criminalidad Organizada en la República Argentina y la necesidad de un Plan Nacional de Lucha contra la Criminalidad

Drugs And Addiction / International Security / Organized Crime / Argentina / Narcotráfico / Security threats, Transnational Criminal Organizations / Narcotics / Security threats, Transnational Criminal Organizations / Narcotics

Advances in epidural analgesia in labour

Pregnancy / Humans / Female / Lancet / Narcotics / Thoracic epidural analgesia / Epidural Analgesia / Bupivacaine / Thoracic epidural analgesia / Epidural Analgesia / Bupivacaine

Prevención y tratamiento del delírium en ancianos con fractura de cadera

Treatment / Pain Management / Delirium / Humans / Hospitalization / Benzodiazepines / Hip Fractures / Length of Stay / Haloperidol / General Anesthesia / Aged / Narcotics / Confusion / Cytidine Diphosphate-Choline / Nerve Block / Medicina Clinica / Cognition disorders / Postoperative Complications / Combined Modality Therapy / Multicenter Studies as Topic / Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic / Benzodiazepines / Hip Fractures / Length of Stay / Haloperidol / General Anesthesia / Aged / Narcotics / Confusion / Cytidine Diphosphate-Choline / Nerve Block / Medicina Clinica / Cognition disorders / Postoperative Complications / Combined Modality Therapy / Multicenter Studies as Topic / Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic
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