Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)

Inscripció ibèrica ante cocturam del Tossal de les Tenalles (Sidamon, Pla d\'Urgell)

Archaeology / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Iberian Epigraphy / Cultura ibérica / Palaeohispanic languages / Epigrafía ibérica / Paleohispanística / Paleohispanistics / Epigrafía ibérica / Paleohispanística / Paleohispanistics

Reconstrucción de la cerámica de \"La Diosa de Salchite\". Una propuesta de anastilosis virtual para su tipología

Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Arqueología / Protohistory / Santuarios iberos

Influencia del puñal de filos curvos en el origen del pugio romano

War Studies / Roman Army / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Ancient Warfare / Iron Age / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Edad Del Hierro / Ancient Weapons and Warfare / Early Iron Age, Late Iron Age, Roman period, Late Antiquity, typology, chronology, distribution, function, fibulae, weapons, tools, harness, metal vessels, writing equipment, balances and weights, small finds / Alto Imperio Romano, Armas Romanas, Arqueología, Arqueología Clásica, Artillería Romana, Ejército Romano Caballería Romana, Herrera De Pisuerga (Palencia, España), Legio IIII Macedonica, Metales Romanos, Siglo I BC / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Edad Del Hierro / Ancient Weapons and Warfare / Early Iron Age, Late Iron Age, Roman period, Late Antiquity, typology, chronology, distribution, function, fibulae, weapons, tools, harness, metal vessels, writing equipment, balances and weights, small finds / Alto Imperio Romano, Armas Romanas, Arqueología, Arqueología Clásica, Artillería Romana, Ejército Romano Caballería Romana, Herrera De Pisuerga (Palencia, España), Legio IIII Macedonica, Metales Romanos, Siglo I BC

\"El armamento en la necrópolis orientalizante de La Angorrilla\" F. QUesada, M. Casado, E. Ferrer

Phoenicians / Iberian Studies / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Archery / Tartessos / Orientalizing Period (art & archaeology) / Ancient Weapons and Warfare / Archaeology Iberian Prehistory Iron Age / PHOENICIANS IN THE WEST, TARSHISH-TARTESSOS Ph. D. scholarship in History. Official acknowledgment of educational and research capability by the University of Huelva, Spain / Eta del ferro e orientalizzante / Ancient Weapons / Archaeology Archery / Tartessos / Orientalizing Period (art & archaeology) / Ancient Weapons and Warfare / Archaeology Iberian Prehistory Iron Age / PHOENICIANS IN THE WEST, TARSHISH-TARTESSOS Ph. D. scholarship in History. Official acknowledgment of educational and research capability by the University of Huelva, Spain / Eta del ferro e orientalizzante / Ancient Weapons / Archaeology Archery

El vino en los inicios de la cultura ibérica. Nuevas excavaciones en L\'Alt de Benimaquía, Denia

Ancient economies (Archaeology) / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Trade / Mediterranean archaeology / Amphorae / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Antic Technology / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Antic Technology
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