
De la fortificación de Yviça/Ibiza. Ajuntament d’Eivissa, 2008

Military History / Modern History / Early Modern History / Urban History / Spanish History / History of civil engineering / History of the Mediterranean / Baleares /Balearic Islands / History of architecture / Fortifications / Ibiza / Storia Della Città e Del Territorio / History of civil engineering / History of the Mediterranean / Baleares /Balearic Islands / History of architecture / Fortifications / Ibiza / Storia Della Città e Del Territorio

Juan Alonso Rubián

Military Architecture / History of Art / Baleares /Balearic Islands / History of architecture / Ibiza

Anàlisi del canvi dels usos del sòl a ses Feixes entre 1956 a 2012

Baleares /Balearic Islands / Land Use Change / Land Use / Illes Balears / Balearic Islands / Ibiza / Eivissa / Landscape and Land-use-history / Land-use/ Land-cover Change / Canvi d'usos del sòl / Eivissa / Landscape and Land-use-history / Land-use/ Land-cover Change / Canvi d'usos del sòl

Minucias epigráficas pintadas sobre ánforas grecoitálicas de Ibiza y Menorca

Latin Epigraphy / Menorca / Minorca / Baleares /Balearic Islands / Trade / Mediterranean archaeology / Amphorae (Archaeology) / Amphorae / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Roman Amphorae / History of wine / Ibiza púnica / Ibiza / Roman Archaeology / Antic Technology / Amphorae (Archaeology) / Amphorae / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Roman Amphorae / History of wine / Ibiza púnica / Ibiza / Roman Archaeology / Antic Technology

Un testimonio epigráfico inédito procedente del Puig des Molins (Ibiza): un dipinto fenicio-púnico sobre ánfora con una posible indicación metrológica [A new Phoenician-Punic \'dipinto\' on an amphora from the necropolis of Puig des Molins (Ibiza): A possible metrological mark]

Mediterranean prehistory / Phoenicians / Epigraphy (Archaeology) / Mediterranean Studies / Ancient economies (Archaeology) / History of the Mediterranean / Phoenician / Northwest Semitic Epigraphy / Mediterranean archaeology / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Archaeology of Mediterranean Trade / Northwest Semitics / Ancient economy / North-West Semitic Epigraphy / Epigraphy / Phoenician Language / Phoenician & Punic Epigraphy / Phoenician and Punic Studies / western Phoenician archaeology / Archeologia Fenicio-Punica / Phoenician and Punic Archaeology / Phoenician-Punic language and Epigraphy / Phoenicians in Spain / Phoenician Culture / Phoenician trade / Phoenician Pottery, Mediterranean archaeology, Near Eastern Archaeology, Iron Age / Ceramica fenicio-punica / Ibiza púnica / Phoenician and Punic Amphorae / Ibiza / Phoenician Punic Pottery / History of Ibiza / History of the Mediterranean / Phoenician / Northwest Semitic Epigraphy / Mediterranean archaeology / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Archaeology of Mediterranean Trade / Northwest Semitics / Ancient economy / North-West Semitic Epigraphy / Epigraphy / Phoenician Language / Phoenician & Punic Epigraphy / Phoenician and Punic Studies / western Phoenician archaeology / Archeologia Fenicio-Punica / Phoenician and Punic Archaeology / Phoenician-Punic language and Epigraphy / Phoenicians in Spain / Phoenician Culture / Phoenician trade / Phoenician Pottery, Mediterranean archaeology, Near Eastern Archaeology, Iron Age / Ceramica fenicio-punica / Ibiza púnica / Phoenician and Punic Amphorae / Ibiza / Phoenician Punic Pottery / History of Ibiza

Dólmenes y menhires. Megalitismo en las Islas Baleares.

Prehistoric Archaeology / Mediterranean prehistory / Megalithic Monuments / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Menorca / Minorca / Baleares /Balearic Islands / Megaliths (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Prehistoric Archeology / Mallorca / Megalithism / Megalitismo / Balearic prehistory / Megaliths / Dolmens / Menhir / Dolmen / Majorca / Illes Balears / Balearic Islands / HISTORY OF MALLORCA / Minorca / Megalithic monument / Ibiza / Balearic Archaeology / Eivissa / Megalithic Culture / Baleares /Balearic Islands / Megaliths (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Prehistoric Archeology / Mallorca / Megalithism / Megalitismo / Balearic prehistory / Megaliths / Dolmens / Menhir / Dolmen / Majorca / Illes Balears / Balearic Islands / HISTORY OF MALLORCA / Minorca / Megalithic monument / Ibiza / Balearic Archaeology / Eivissa / Megalithic Culture

Captius i senyors de captius a Eivissa (s. XIII-XVI). Una contribució a l\'estudi de l\'esclavitud medieval

Early Modern Captivity / Slavery / History of Slavery / Mediterranean Studies / History of the Mediterranean / Baleares /Balearic Islands / Illes Balears / Balearic Islands / Captivity / Baleares / Ibiza / Eivissa / Baleares /Balearic Islands / Illes Balears / Balearic Islands / Captivity / Baleares / Ibiza / Eivissa

Espejos votivos en plomo de la necrópolis romana de Vía Púnica 34 (Ibiza).

Archaeology / Death and Burial (Archaeology) / Archaeometallurgy / Baleares /Balearic Islands / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Votive offerings / Ibiza / Balearic Archaeology / Votive offerings / Ibiza / Balearic Archaeology


Phoenician / Baleares /Balearic Islands / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Prehistory / Carthage (History) / Balearic prehistory / Ibiza / Balearic Archaeology / Eivissa / Balearic prehistory / Ibiza / Balearic Archaeology / Eivissa

La contaminación atmosférica. Los riesgos naturales (con Miquel Grimalt)

Ibiza / Riesgos Naturales / Contaminación Atmosferica

La contaminación ambiental

Environmental Pollution / Ibiza

El toro en las monedas de Ybshm/Ebusus: una posible interpretación de su significado

Numismatics / History of Religions / Historia Antiga / Ancient Numismatics / Ancient Coins / Ancient History, Roman Archaeology, Numismatics / Coins / Ancient Iberian Numismatics / Punic coinage of south Spain / Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Antigüedad Tardía, Roma, Hispania, Mundo Ibérico / Iberian coinage / Ebusus / Phoenician Punic Religion / Ibiza púnica / Ibiza / Moneda Ibérica / Moneda Antigua De La Hispania Ulterior, Identidad, Iconografía / Punic Coins Iberia / History of Ibiza / Ancient History, Roman Archaeology, Numismatics / Coins / Ancient Iberian Numismatics / Punic coinage of south Spain / Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Antigüedad Tardía, Roma, Hispania, Mundo Ibérico / Iberian coinage / Ebusus / Phoenician Punic Religion / Ibiza púnica / Ibiza / Moneda Ibérica / Moneda Antigua De La Hispania Ulterior, Identidad, Iconografía / Punic Coins Iberia / History of Ibiza

Ses Païsses de cala d’Hort. Un establiment rural d’època antiga al sud-oest d’Eivissa

Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Ancient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology) / Arqueología / Arqueologia / Phoenician and Punic Studies / Archeologia Fenicio-Punica / Arqueología romana / Roman archeology / Necropolis / Carthage, Punic Pottery, Mediterranean archaeology, Phoenician Punic Archaeology, Punic world and Punic Archaeology, Phoenician and Punic Studies, archaeology of Sardinia in phoenician age / Ceramica fenicio-punica / Phoenician Punic Religion / Ibiza púnica / Ibiza / Roman Archaeology / Ibiza Romana / Archéologie Phénico-punique / Archeologia Fenicio-Punica / Arqueología romana / Roman archeology / Necropolis / Carthage, Punic Pottery, Mediterranean archaeology, Phoenician Punic Archaeology, Punic world and Punic Archaeology, Phoenician and Punic Studies, archaeology of Sardinia in phoenician age / Ceramica fenicio-punica / Phoenician Punic Religion / Ibiza púnica / Ibiza / Roman Archaeology / Ibiza Romana / Archéologie Phénico-punique
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