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Adsorción de Cromo (VI) en Solución Acuosa sobre Fibra de Carbón Activado
Engineering / Chemical Engineering / Water / Kinetics / Modeling / Water Purification / Physical Activity / Polymers / Multidisciplinary / Environmental science and technology / Quaternary / Cellulose / Adsorption / Activated Carbon / Biological Sciences / Environmental Sciences / Charcoal / Environmental Technology / Physical sciences / Temperature / Hazardous Materials / Chromium / First-Order Logic / Desorption / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Ammonium Nitrate / Natural and Synthetic Zeolite / Second Order / Activated Charcoal / Surface Area / Powder / Reproducibility / Solutions / Sugar Beet / Reproducibility of Results / Water Resource / Correlation coefficient / Adsorption Isotherm Models / Batch Process / Quaternary Ammonium Compounds / Aqueous Solution / Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering / Experimental Data / Hydrogen-Ion Concentration / Granular Activated Carbon / Beta Vulgaris / Información Tecnológica / Informacion Tecnologica / Langmuir Isotherm / Freundlich Isotherm / Water Purification / Physical Activity / Polymers / Multidisciplinary / Environmental science and technology / Quaternary / Cellulose / Adsorption / Activated Carbon / Biological Sciences / Environmental Sciences / Charcoal / Environmental Technology / Physical sciences / Temperature / Hazardous Materials / Chromium / First-Order Logic / Desorption / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Ammonium Nitrate / Natural and Synthetic Zeolite / Second Order / Activated Charcoal / Surface Area / Powder / Reproducibility / Solutions / Sugar Beet / Reproducibility of Results / Water Resource / Correlation coefficient / Adsorption Isotherm Models / Batch Process / Quaternary Ammonium Compounds / Aqueous Solution / Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering / Experimental Data / Hydrogen-Ion Concentration / Granular Activated Carbon / Beta Vulgaris / Información Tecnológica / Informacion Tecnologica / Langmuir Isotherm / Freundlich Isotherm
Adsorción de Cromo (VI) en Solución Acuosa sobre Fibra de Carbón Activado
Engineering / Chemical Engineering / Water / Kinetics / Modeling / Water Purification / Physical Activity / Polymers / Multidisciplinary / Environmental science and technology / Quaternary / Cellulose / Adsorption / Activated Carbon / Biological Sciences / Environmental Sciences / Charcoal / Environmental Technology / Physical sciences / Temperature / Hazardous Materials / Chromium / First-Order Logic / Desorption / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Ammonium Nitrate / Natural and Synthetic Zeolite / Second Order / Activated Charcoal / Surface Area / Powder / Reproducibility / Solutions / Sugar Beet / Reproducibility of Results / Water Resource / Correlation coefficient / Adsorption Isotherm Models / Batch Process / Quaternary Ammonium Compounds / Aqueous Solution / Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering / Experimental Data / Hydrogen-Ion Concentration / Granular Activated Carbon / Beta Vulgaris / Información Tecnológica / Informacion Tecnologica / Langmuir Isotherm / Freundlich Isotherm / Water Purification / Physical Activity / Polymers / Multidisciplinary / Environmental science and technology / Quaternary / Cellulose / Adsorption / Activated Carbon / Biological Sciences / Environmental Sciences / Charcoal / Environmental Technology / Physical sciences / Temperature / Hazardous Materials / Chromium / First-Order Logic / Desorption / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Ammonium Nitrate / Natural and Synthetic Zeolite / Second Order / Activated Charcoal / Surface Area / Powder / Reproducibility / Solutions / Sugar Beet / Reproducibility of Results / Water Resource / Correlation coefficient / Adsorption Isotherm Models / Batch Process / Quaternary Ammonium Compounds / Aqueous Solution / Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering / Experimental Data / Hydrogen-Ion Concentration / Granular Activated Carbon / Beta Vulgaris / Información Tecnológica / Informacion Tecnologica / Langmuir Isotherm / Freundlich Isotherm
Cambios ambientales altimontanos en los Pirineos Orientales durante el Holoceno: el valle del Madriu-Perafita-Claror (Andorra). Estudio Paleoambiental y arqueológico
Palaeoclimatology / Geomorphology / Palaeoenvironment / Environmental Archaeology / Landscape Archaeology / Cultural Landscapes / Palynology / Upland Archaeology / Impact Of Human Activies On Plants / Charcoal analysis (Archaeology) / Mesolithic/Neolithic / Holocene sea level change / Mesolithic / Pyrenees / Pollen / Charcoal / Mesolithic-Neolithic transition / High Mountain Research / Pyrénées / Andorra / Human impact / Pollen analysis / Fires / Grazing / Palaeonvironment / Pollen Analyses / Glacial / Mountain Archaeology / High Mountain Archaeology / Pyrénées Orientales / Cultural Landscapes / Palynology / Upland Archaeology / Impact Of Human Activies On Plants / Charcoal analysis (Archaeology) / Mesolithic/Neolithic / Holocene sea level change / Mesolithic / Pyrenees / Pollen / Charcoal / Mesolithic-Neolithic transition / High Mountain Research / Pyrénées / Andorra / Human impact / Pollen analysis / Fires / Grazing / Palaeonvironment / Pollen Analyses / Glacial / Mountain Archaeology / High Mountain Archaeology / Pyrénées Orientales
Adsorción de Cromo (VI) en Solución Acuosa sobre Fibra de Carbón Activado
Engineering / Chemical Engineering / Water / Kinetics / Water Purification / Physical Activity / Industrial Engineering / Polymers / Multidisciplinary / Environmental science and technology / Cellulose / Adsorption / Activated Carbon / Biological Sciences / Environmental Sciences / Charcoal / Environmental Technology / Physical sciences / Temperature / Hazardous Materials / Chromium / First-Order Logic / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Natural and Synthetic Zeolite / Second Order / Activated Charcoal / Surface Area / Solutions / Sugar Beet / Reproducibility of Results / Water Resource / Correlation coefficient / Adsorption Isotherm Models / Batch Process / Quaternary Ammonium Compounds / Aqueous Solution / Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering / Experimental Data / Hydrogen-Ion Concentration / Granular Activated Carbon / Beta Vulgaris / Información Tecnológica / Informacion Tecnologica / Langmuir Isotherm / Freundlich Isotherm / Physical Activity / Industrial Engineering / Polymers / Multidisciplinary / Environmental science and technology / Cellulose / Adsorption / Activated Carbon / Biological Sciences / Environmental Sciences / Charcoal / Environmental Technology / Physical sciences / Temperature / Hazardous Materials / Chromium / First-Order Logic / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Natural and Synthetic Zeolite / Second Order / Activated Charcoal / Surface Area / Solutions / Sugar Beet / Reproducibility of Results / Water Resource / Correlation coefficient / Adsorption Isotherm Models / Batch Process / Quaternary Ammonium Compounds / Aqueous Solution / Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering / Experimental Data / Hydrogen-Ion Concentration / Granular Activated Carbon / Beta Vulgaris / Información Tecnológica / Informacion Tecnologica / Langmuir Isotherm / Freundlich Isotherm
Adsorción de Cromo (VI) en Solución Acuosa sobre Fibra de Carbón Activado
Engineering / Chemical Engineering / Water / Kinetics / Water Purification / Physical Activity / Industrial Engineering / Polymers / Multidisciplinary / Environmental science and technology / Cellulose / Adsorption / Activated Carbon / Biological Sciences / Environmental Sciences / Charcoal / Environmental Technology / Physical sciences / Temperature / Hazardous Materials / Chromium / First-Order Logic / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Natural and Synthetic Zeolite / Second Order / Activated Charcoal / Surface Area / Solutions / Sugar Beet / Reproducibility of Results / Water Resource / Correlation coefficient / Adsorption Isotherm Models / Batch Process / Quaternary Ammonium Compounds / Aqueous Solution / Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering / Experimental Data / Hydrogen-Ion Concentration / Granular Activated Carbon / Beta Vulgaris / Información Tecnológica / Informacion Tecnologica / Langmuir Isotherm / Freundlich Isotherm / Physical Activity / Industrial Engineering / Polymers / Multidisciplinary / Environmental science and technology / Cellulose / Adsorption / Activated Carbon / Biological Sciences / Environmental Sciences / Charcoal / Environmental Technology / Physical sciences / Temperature / Hazardous Materials / Chromium / First-Order Logic / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Natural and Synthetic Zeolite / Second Order / Activated Charcoal / Surface Area / Solutions / Sugar Beet / Reproducibility of Results / Water Resource / Correlation coefficient / Adsorption Isotherm Models / Batch Process / Quaternary Ammonium Compounds / Aqueous Solution / Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering / Experimental Data / Hydrogen-Ion Concentration / Granular Activated Carbon / Beta Vulgaris / Información Tecnológica / Informacion Tecnologica / Langmuir Isotherm / Freundlich Isotherm
Microcarbones: ¿problema, solución, resolución o sólo otro agujero negro en el estudio de regímenes de fuegos pasados?
Archaeology / Geoarchaeology / Fire Ecology / Paleoenvironment / Paleoethnobotany / Fire Behaviour / Charcoal analysis (Archaeology) / Forest fire / Scientific Archaeology / Archeobotany / Archaeology of Fire / Charcoal / Geoarchaeology and Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions / Charcoal Analysis / Archaeological wood, plant fiber and charcoal identification / Antracology / Fire and Landscape Ecology / Wood Charcoal / Fire and archaeology / Arqueobotánica / Enviromental Archaeology / Microscopic Charcoal / Pedoanthracology / Fire Dynamics / Charcoal and Wood Identification / Fire Ecolocy / Fire Behaviour / Charcoal analysis (Archaeology) / Forest fire / Scientific Archaeology / Archeobotany / Archaeology of Fire / Charcoal / Geoarchaeology and Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions / Charcoal Analysis / Archaeological wood, plant fiber and charcoal identification / Antracology / Fire and Landscape Ecology / Wood Charcoal / Fire and archaeology / Arqueobotánica / Enviromental Archaeology / Microscopic Charcoal / Pedoanthracology / Fire Dynamics / Charcoal and Wood Identification / Fire Ecolocy
Adsorción de Cromo (VI) en Solución Acuosa sobre Fibra de Carbón Activado
Engineering / Chemical Engineering / Water / Kinetics / Water Purification / Physical Activity / Industrial Engineering / Polymers / Multidisciplinary / Environmental science and technology / Cellulose / Adsorption / Activated Carbon / Biological Sciences / Environmental Sciences / Charcoal / Environmental Technology / Physical sciences / Temperature / Hazardous Materials / Chromium / First-Order Logic / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Natural and Synthetic Zeolite / Second Order / Activated Charcoal / Surface Area / Solutions / Sugar Beet / Reproducibility of Results / Water Resource / Correlation coefficient / Adsorption Isotherm Models / Batch Process / Quaternary Ammonium Compounds / Aqueous Solution / Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering / Experimental Data / Hydrogen-Ion Concentration / Granular Activated Carbon / Beta Vulgaris / Información Tecnológica / Informacion Tecnologica / Langmuir Isotherm / Freundlich Isotherm / Physical Activity / Industrial Engineering / Polymers / Multidisciplinary / Environmental science and technology / Cellulose / Adsorption / Activated Carbon / Biological Sciences / Environmental Sciences / Charcoal / Environmental Technology / Physical sciences / Temperature / Hazardous Materials / Chromium / First-Order Logic / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Natural and Synthetic Zeolite / Second Order / Activated Charcoal / Surface Area / Solutions / Sugar Beet / Reproducibility of Results / Water Resource / Correlation coefficient / Adsorption Isotherm Models / Batch Process / Quaternary Ammonium Compounds / Aqueous Solution / Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering / Experimental Data / Hydrogen-Ion Concentration / Granular Activated Carbon / Beta Vulgaris / Información Tecnológica / Informacion Tecnologica / Langmuir Isotherm / Freundlich Isotherm
Efecto de la nebulización dirigida de fármacos en la administración pulmonar
Anthropometry / Aerosols / Humans / Charcoal / Male / Young Adult / Drug Delivery Systems / Lung / Clinical Sciences / Spirometry / Adult / Radiopharmaceuticals / Biological Availability / Equipment Design / Cross-Over Studies / Respiratory Care / Young Adult / Drug Delivery Systems / Lung / Clinical Sciences / Spirometry / Adult / Radiopharmaceuticals / Biological Availability / Equipment Design / Cross-Over Studies / Respiratory Care
Aporte a los estudios paleoambientales del Valle de Ambato (Catamarca) a partir de la reconstrucción del paleo NDVI (442 – 1998 AD)
Archaeology / Anthropology / Geoarchaeology / Paleoclimatology / GeoArcheology / Paleoenvironment / Paleoecology / Biology / Argentina / Charcoal analysis (Archaeology) / Arqueología / Ecosystem Modelling / Aguada culture / Charcoal / Geoarchaeology and Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions / Geoarqueología / Paleoambientes y paleoecologia / Paleoambiente / Microscopic Charcoal / Ambato / Paleoenvironment / Paleoecology / Biology / Argentina / Charcoal analysis (Archaeology) / Arqueología / Ecosystem Modelling / Aguada culture / Charcoal / Geoarchaeology and Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions / Geoarqueología / Paleoambientes y paleoecologia / Paleoambiente / Microscopic Charcoal / Ambato
Paleobotánica del Epipaleolítico y Mesolítico vascos
Archaeobotany / Mesolithic Europe / Archaeology of the Basque Country / Holocene / Pollen / Charcoal / Epipalaeolithic / Seeds / Charcoal / Epipalaeolithic / Seeds
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