Ysidro Edgeworth Applied Economics

May 25, 2017 | Autor: Thomas Mcclure | Categoría: Political Economy, Applied Econometrics
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Ysidro Edgeworth Applied Economics by Thomas McClure I Introduction This is written on Ysidro Edgeworth Applied Economics. II

Ysidro Edgeworth Applied Economics

In his “Crisis in Ireland”, Edgewood gives a differential equation: dy^2/dx^2 = [ X^2 Y_2 – 2 ( X Y ) (XY)_2 + Y^2 X_2 ] / ( - Y^3 ) where X = q pi/q x Y = q pi/q y https://play.google.com/books/reader? id=StokAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover&output=reader&hl=en&pg=GBS. PA141 Robert L. Heilbroner. The Worldly Philosophers, paper, c. 1980. (p. 173) III

Elliptical Curves and Fermat's Little Theorem

such that p^(n(p) – 1) == p + x^2 y^2 or x^2 y^2 == p^(n(p) - 1) - p, substitute for X^2 and Y^2 dy^2/dx^2 = { Y_2 [ (p^(n(p) – 1) - p ] / y^2 – 2 XY_2 [ (p^(n(p) – 1] – p ) / xy + X_2[ (p^(n(p) – 1 ) - p ] / x^2 } / {- (p^(n(p) – 1) - p ] / y^2 }^3 Let p, prime = {2,3, … p} = 2 { Y_2 ( -1 )/ y^2 – 2 XY_2 [ ( - 1 ) / xy + X_2 ( - 1)/ x^2 } / { - ( -1)/ y^2}^3 Y_2/y^2 – 2XY_2/ xy + X_2/ x^2 } / ( -1) / {y^2 }^3

{Y_1/y – X_1/x}^2 / ( -1)/ {y^2}^3 IV Conclusion This is written on Ysidro Edgeworth Applied Economics.

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