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My writings are filled with the directive that one must keep their eyes on the spirits in order to receive their guidance and blessings. But, in reference to the blessings, I find that many are not fully understanding what I am actually saying. So I felt that it needed a bit more clarification. Many think that what I mean, by this directive, is that if one simply believes in the concept of serving the ancestors and spirits, then, they simply need to go to them, ask for what they need and the blessings will automatically flow. No my lovelies that is not what I mean at all.

In practical terms what I mean is that one must literally put the spirits first in all things. They must become your God and your first desire. In the Fon language we have the term "si"....meaning "wife of". We can observe it in the word Mamisi...meaning the wife of Mami Wata. Whether male or female, in vodun, we are the "wife of" this or that spirit. This means that we become the wives of all of the spirits that dwell within us. And, in pursuing the initiation process it culminates into a spiritual union between us and our spirits which takes precedence over any physical marriage. In the spiritual realm the spirits are our true husbands and our physical mates, taken in this realm, are the boyfriends and the girlfriends. So this, specifically, is what I am referring to when I speak of keeping one's eyes firmly on the spirits with obedience being the ultimate trump card. However, in order to obey the spirits one must be actively pursuing the things that they have commanded of us.

So, for the person seeking that mate or future fortune, both may have been heralded by the great Ifa and seen in our futures; however, they will only become realities AFTER we are obedient to will of the spirits. But here is the catch folks. If we are only pretending to obey in order to get the things we want...that mate, those riches, that job, that new car or any other blessing...that will slow the process down as well. Why? Because these divinities continually examine the hearts of every man woman and child. And, even if you succeed in hiding your true motives from the priest or priestess they cannot be hidden from them. The spirits, at all times, know your heart, your TRUE motives and hear every word that flows from your mouth. Your obedience to them must be based on your genuine love, for them, and not on what you hope to get from them. They will know the difference. And, another thing, if they do bless you with your desires (i.e. a good income or monies to do your ceremonies) they are doing so that these things are to be used in their service or you may be subject to lose them.

So, if all of these things are in place and you are serving the spirits in genuine love and sincerity of heart; then, when they consider it the appropriate time, they will give you the desires of your heart when you least expect it. And, believe me when I tell you that it will be far more than you could have ever imagined or done for yourself.

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