Una breve síloge cordubense desconocida de inicios del s. XVI (Liber Parmensis, ff. 4v-5r), in «A Baete ad fluvium Anam: Cultura epigráfica en la Bética Occidental y territorios fronterizos. Homenaje al profesor José Luis Moralejo Álvarez», Alcalá de Henares 2016, 289-309

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Among the papers of the so-called Liber Parmensis (a collection of inscriptions whose existence was pointed out in the 19th century, but has never been studied), a brief, independent collection can be found, made up of five inscriptions from Córdoba and another one from Alcalá de Henares. The fact that the collection was copied de visu, its very early date and the possibility of reconstructing its context turns it into an exceptional case in the epigraphic studies of the Spanish Renaissance.
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