Travel and Tourism Potential in Solo City, Indonesia

May 28, 2017 | Autor: Benea Adi | Categoría: Indonesia, Travel and Tourism Industry, Surakarta
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The present paper was written after a six-month research in the field of travel and tourism in Surakarta City known as Solo, Indonesia. The research is presented in the first part as a journey in the history of human travel that later turned into tourism and finally became the travel and tourism industry. The data presented here relies on information known until present time. The second part is dedicated to travel and tourism potential in Solo City based on the research conducted in the city area, focused on the evaluation of the travel and tourism potential.My hope is that the information presented here will be helpful for any individual or organization that has interest regarding the subject and it can be used in the future work  for the development of the local travel and tourism potential of Solo City towards a world class, sustainable and social-aware local travel and tourism.
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