Three Hydraulic Masterpieces at 100BC- AD 300 Nabataean Petra (Jordan) -Conference proceedings-De Aquaductu Atque Aqua Urbium Lycieae Phamphyliae Pisidiae, Peeters Publishing, Leuven, 2014.

May 26, 2017 | Autor: Charles Ortloff | Categoría: Hydraulic systems and structures
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Examination of three of Petra’s water conveyance pipeline systems ( Siq, Wadi Mataha, Ain Braq) leading water to Petra's urban core using Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD) analysis permits discovery of the rationale behind design selections utilized by their hydraulic engineers.  Solution of fluid dynamics equations through CFDfinite-difference means (Flow Science 2016) permits calculation of internal pipeline water flow patterns associated with the three distinct hydraulic pipeline structures for different design options to reveals hydraulic phenomena within pipelines that would be familiar to  Nabataean engineers from past experience to guide their ultimate pipeline design/selection process to avoid system failures. Many of the pipeline systems are designed to maximize flow rate, eliminate leakage at pipeline segment joints and produce stable flows while matching the output of their spring sources, .CFD results demonstrating flow patterns within pipelines show what Nabataean hydraulic engineers intended (or avoided) in their hydraulic designs and permits insight into their civil engineering knowledge base.
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