Syllabus English L.1 Paralel A-2015

June 14, 2017 | Autor: Erick Medina | Categoría: Academic Writing
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Ninguno DOCENTE: GABRIEL EGUEZ ALAVA Título: INGENIERO Datos personales:



Ninguno E-mail: [email protected]

II.- RUTA FORMATIVA a.- DEL PERFIL DE EGRESO: Competencia: Dominar las macro destrezas del idioma ingles según los estándares requeridos por el CES y por el marco común europeo. Resultado de Aprendizaje: Dominar el idioma ingles como medio de comunicación de acuerdo a los estándares del Marco Común Europeo. b.- OBJETIVO GENERAL DE LA ASIGNATURA:: To develop the capacity of communicating through the four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing to get the international standards established by the Common European Framework of Reference Languages. c.- DESCRIPCIÓN DE LA ASIGNATURA: Elementary English ( level 1&2) has the purpose to develop the four skills: listening. Speaking, reading and writing through the interaction between teachers-students, students-students, having the Communicative Language Teaching approach as a paradigm to improve the capacity of communicating in English. The importance of this subject is based on getting level A2 into students according to the international standards proposed by the Common European Framework of Reference Language in 2001, helping students to get communicative competences for a better professional development.

III.- RESULTADOS DE APRENDIZAJE DE LA ASIGNATURA Resultados del Aprendizaje 1.-Talk about where you are from. Exchange information about your family. Understand and complete a simple form.

Formas de Evidenciarlos

Ø Start and finish a basic conversation Ø Fill in an employment form

2.-Talk about your daily routine. Write about a daily routine. Identify everyday objects.

Ø Complete a survey about advertisement or article about unusual jobs Ø Ask questions for information and understand the answers

3.-Talk about your free time. Talk about what you can and can’t do. Take and leave a simple phone message.

Ø Write a short article about your free time Ø Talk about other people’s abilities

4.-Talk about quantities and numbers. Talk about your diet and lifestyle. Order food and café.

Ø Role play how to shop food at a market Ø Write and answer to a letter

5.- Talk about your home. Talk about important possessions. Write an informal email about your country. t

Ø Talk about furnishing an apartment Ø Write and email to a friend

6.- Talk about your past. Give and follow simple directions. Describe your last vacations. 7.- Write an informal letter describing family members. Describe what you are doing. Understand an article. 8.- Write a request to a colleague. Describe what you are doing now. Take part in a factual conversation

Ø Write a paragraph about a vacation Ø Understand a directory and ask for things in stores. Ø Write about where you live and your family Ø Identify a person from a simple description Ø Make a complaint in a store Ø Write a letter requesting advice

N °


1 Unit 1: Getting to Know you




Unit 2: Work and Leisure


Unit 3: your free time -Reading: an article about routines. An article about a famous athlete. An article about text messages. -Listening: understand phone messages, identify sequences, and discern specific words. -Speaking: Talk about other people’s abilities -Writing: write a short article describing what you can do in your free time.

8 hours -Talk about daily activities/routines - describe vacations - inform possessions - use of simple present - demonstratives and plural nouns

-Reading: advertisement and unusual jobs -Listening: distinguishing times. Recognize key words. Identify objects -Speaking: verb endings, Short and long vowel sounds -Writing: Complete a questionnaire 3

8 hours -Talk about countries and nationalities - describe people and objects - provide family details - describe jobs - Beginning and ending a conversation.

-Reading: a website, an employment form -Listening: determine relationship. Perceive Personal details. Recognize greetings and expressions -Speaking: start and finish a basic conversation -Writing: fill an employment file




8 hours -Talk about activities - describe sports and games - make suggestions and request - can and cannot



4 hours -


Use a scrapbook to describe the family.


Record the voices describing daily activities


Record the voices describing free time activities

Write a paragraph describing 5 members of your family

4 hours -

Write a paragraph describing the routine in weekdays

4 hours -

Write a paragraph describing activities in the free time

4 Unit 4: Food



-Reading: an article around the world. An article about a famous athlete. -Listening: recognize key information as prices -Speaking: shop for food at a market -Writing: Write an answer to a letter 5 Unit 5: around the House



Unit 6: around town -Reading: an article about routines. An article about a famous athlete. An article about text messages. -Listening: understand phone messages, identify sequences, and discern specific words. -Speaking: Talk about other people’s abilities -Writing: write a short article describing what you can do in your free time.

Talk about food and drinks Recognize quantities and containers Ordering in a restaurant Count and non count nouns

8 hours -Talk about rooms, furniture, places, talking about where you live - there is / there are - Have / has Modifiers

-Reading: description of buildings, an article about a missing man. An article about navigation -Listening: Understand directions and distinguishing places. -Speaking: Understand a directory and ask for things in stories -Writing: an email to a friend.


8 hours


8 hours -Talk places - prepositions of location - asking for and giving directions - transportation - asking where something is - simple past of be - simple past: regular verbs

4 hours -


Record the voices describing manabitan typical food


Use butch paper and set pictures and word that describe your own house


Record the voices describing the perfect place for vacations

Write a paragraph describing manabitan typical food

4 hours -

Write a paragraph describing your house

4 hours -

Write a paragraph describing the perfect place for vacations

7 Unit 7: Describing People



-Reading: a letter from a student. An article about litter. -Listening: Identify people, recognize key words, understand gist. -Speaking: recognize people from a simple description -Writing: write about where you live.

8 Unit 8: Dressing right

8 hours



8 hours -

-Reading: an advice column about what to wear. -Listening: Distinguishing agreement and disagreement. -Speaking: make a complain at a store -Writing: Write a letter requesting advice.



Descriptive adjectives Starting and finishing and informal letter Ordinal numbers Months Pronouns Possessives pronouns Simple past: irregular verbs


Clothes Weather Giving your opinion and agreeing / disagreeing Making complaints Adverbs of frequency and manner Present continuous Simple present and present continuous

4 hours -


Make a poster with relatives pictures and characteristic


Record the voices describing free time activities

Write a paragraph describing your relatives

4 hours -


Write a paragraph describing what to wear in a punk party

V.- METODOLOGÍA Y RECURSOS There will be a participative interaction applying the communicative language approach to develop the four skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing.The resources to be used are: -Laptop computer, speakers, projector, -Books: VI.- PLANEACIÓN DE LA EVALUACIÓN La evaluación será potencializadora, la misma que dará prioridad a la valoración del desempeño del estudiante. Se aplicarán evaluaciones formativas al término de cada unidad, que permitan observar el avance de los estudiantes dentro de los resultados de aprendizaje. Se acreditará de acuerdo a los parámetros de evaluación establecidos por el Reglamento Interno de Régimen Académico de la Universidad. VII.- ACREDITACIÓN 1st TERM

2nd TERM



15 marks

15 marks



5 marks

5 marks


5 marks

5 marks


5 marks

5 marks


5 marks

5 marks


15 marks

15 marks





30 100%

VI.- BIBLIOGRAFÍA a.- Bibliografía Básica: AUTOR





Maria Samuels

English In Common 2

First Edition





b.- Bibliografía Recomendada: AUTOR

Betty Schrampfer Azar


Basic English Grammar

Third Edition




c.- Lecturas complementarias: Readers for level A1-A2 VII.- COMPROMISO ÉTICO ASISTENCIA ü La responsabilidad de asistir a clases a la hora puntual establecida en el horario es compromiso tanto de estudiantes como de docentes. ü La hora de entrada es a las 08:15 en punto y la de salida a las 11:45 en punto. No está permitido salir antes de esa hora.

ü En la planificación académica se han establecido periodos de dos horas de clases. En caso de que un estudiante no llegare a la primera hora o llegare atrasado, se le permitirá el ingreso a la siguiente hora con su respectivo porcentaje de asistencia. DISCIPLINA ü Los estudiantes y docentes deberán observar un comportamiento ético dentro y fuera del aula de clases. PUNTUALIDAD Y PRESENTACIÓN EN LA ENTREGA DE TRABAJOS ü Los trabajos presentados a tiempo serán calificados sobre el 100% de la calificación (dependiendo si completa los parámetros demandados por el profesor) ü Si el trabajo es entregado en la siguiente clase después de la fecha establecida por el profesor, será calificado por el 50% de la nota(dependiendo si completa los parámetros demandados por el profesor) ü Los trabajos idénticos serán anulados. ü Los trabajos de investigación contendrán su respectiva bibliografía y se basará en las normas internacionales APA, en caso contrario no serán revisados los trabajos de investigación basados en el “copia y pega” de internet, revistas o libros no serán calificados, pues se considerará plagio. ü Los docentes entregarán oportunamente todos los trabajos revisados y calificados a los estudiantes. ü Cada dos semanas el docente publicará a sus estudiantes sus calificaciones y porcentaje de asistencia y remitirlos a la Dirección de Carrera en forma impresa. COMUNICACIÓN ü La comunicación interpersonal entre el docente y los estudiantes será respetuosa y amable. IMPLEMENTOS ü El uso del teléfono será prohibido dentro del salón de clases (deberá estar apagado), excepto en el caso de emergencias, para lo cual el estudiante deberá comunicar previamente al docente para su respectiva autorización. COMIDA Y LIMPIEZA DEL SALÓN DE CLASES ü No ingresar comidas o bebidas al salón de clases, excepto agua. ü Docentes y estudiantes mantendrán el salón de clases limpio, así como el edificio de la Carrera y de la Facultad. EVALUACIONES ü En caso de que el docente identifique intento de copia en trabajos o el examen, éste será anulado y será calificado con cero, y el profesor informará a las respectivas autoridades para que ellos tomen las medidas necesarias en estos casos. ü Los docentes socializarán y entregarán el examen revisado a los estudiantes en la siguiente clase para que los estudiantes los revisen y sepan su calificación. Los docentes aceptarán cualquier pregunta al respecto. CALIFICACIONES ü El profesor dará a conocer a los estudiantes las reglas de calificación que regirán durante el semestre, las cuales constan en el sílabo de cada docente.

Director del instituto Licenciado Gabriel García Murillo

Coordinador del departamento de ingles Licenciada Katherine Vera

Firma del profesor

Coordinador Académico Licenciado Roberth Ponce

Lugar y fecha: Portoviejo 08 de Mayo, 2015




Needs Improvement





The timeline has an effective title that accurately describes the material and is easy to locate. The timeline contains at least 8-9 significant events. This includes date and description.

The timeline has a title that is easy to locate.

The title is missing or difficult to locate.

Documentation of Events

The timeline has a creative title that accurately describes the material and is easy to locate. The timeline contains all 10 significant events. This includes date and description.

The timeline contains at least 7-6 significant events. This includes date and description.

The timeline contains less than 5 significant events. This includes date and description.


Facts were accurate for all events reported on the timeline.

Facts were accurate for almost all events reported on the timeline. At least 9-12 of the dates are accurate or sequences are in the proper order.

Facts were accurate for most (~75%) of the events reported on the timeline. At least 5-8 of the dates are accurate or sequences are in the proper order.

Facts were often inaccurate for the events that were reported on the timeline.

Events are clearly described using accurate and vivid language

Events are described well, but language is sometimes vague or inaccurate.

Events are not described well and language is often vague or inaccurate.

Events are described using vague language or inaccurate information.

All graphics are effective and balanced with text use.

All graphics are effective, but there appear to be too few or too many. Marginally legible handwriting, typing, or printing.

Some graphics are effective and their use is balanced with text use.

Several graphics are not effective.



Sentence Fluency


All dates indicated on timeline are correct and are sequenced in the proper order.


Legible handwriting, typing, or printing.

Style & Organization

The timeline was set up to cover the relevant time period. It contains appropriate yearly gradations of set intervals

The timeline was set up to cover the relevant time period. It contains yearly gradations, but not at set intervals.


Punctuation, spelling, and capitalization were checked and are correct throughout.

Punctuation, spelling, and capitalization were checked and are mostly correct.

Homework is presented on time

The timeline is presented on time, having a great responsibility

There is not any mark for late homework

Writing is not legible in places. The timeline was set up to cover most of the relevant time period. It contains appropriate yearly gradations. Punctuation, spelling, and capitalization are somewhat correct and may or may not have been checked.

There is not any mark for late homework

Less than 5 of the dates are accurate or sequences are in the proper order.

Writing is not legible.

The time period covered was in appropriate. Yearly divisions were not uniform. There are many punctuation, spelling, and capitalization errors.

There is not any mark for late homework


Timeline Grading Rubric

TIME LINE RUBRICS Criteria Factual information







More than five separate facts are included in the

Five separate facts are

Five facts are included in the

Fewer than five facts are

No facts are included in

included in the cartoon. The cartoon has at least one major error or three minor errors.

the cartoon.

cartoon. All facts are accurate.

included in the cartoon. Facts are accurate with no more than one minor error.



Facts are accurate with no more than two minor errors.

All information is well organized and arranged

Information is well organized with no more

Information is well organized

Information is poorly

with no more


than one minor error. The message to the viewer is clear. It is easy for the viewer to

than two errors.

organized with more than

The message to the viewers is clear and strong. It is easy for the viewer to understand the



message. The illustration is drawn neatly with excellent details. It is free from smudges. The caption and the title are written neatly and fully explain the picture.

understand the message. The illustration is drawn neatly with good details. The caption and the title summarize the picture. The caption and title are neatly written.

The message to the viewer is clear. It is not a strong message

The illustration is drawn neatly. A caption and title identify the subject of the picture. The caption and the title are printed clearly.

three errors. The message is unclear or weak. It is difficult for the viewer to understand the point. The illustration is drawn poorly. There are few details. The caption and the title do not identify or explain the picture. The caption and title are not written neatly.

The cartoon contains more than two major errors or more than three minor errors. Information is disorganized and difficult to read.

No message is given to the viewer.

The illustration is missing. The title or caption is missing.

Speech Rubric

Speaker’s name: _______________________



Evaluator: __________________________








Needs Improvement

Points 10-9

Points 9-8

Points 8-7

Points 7-6

(1) Gets attention

Meets any three of the four criteria

Meets any two of the four criteria

Meets only one of the four criteria

Main points are

Main points

Main points

(2) Clearly identifies topic (3) Establishes credibility (4) Previews the main points Body

Main points are clear,

somewhat clear,

need clarity

are not clear

well supported, and

some support, and

and support

and have no support

sources are documented

some documentation

lack of

and no sources or documentation

sources and documentation


(1) Reviews main points

Reviews main points , brings

Brings closure

Does not bring closure; the audience is left hanging

(2) Brings closure (3) Memorable


Eye Contact

Eye contact with audience virtually all the time (except for brief glances at notes)

Eye contact with audience less than 80% of the time

Eye contact with audience less than 75% of the time

Little or no eye contact

Use of Language

Use of language contributes to effectiveness of the speech, and vocalized pauses

Use of language does not have negative impact, and vocalized pauses

Use of language causes potential confusion, and/or vocalized pauses

Use of language is inappropriate

(um uh er etc.)

(um uh er etc.)

not distracting

not distracting

(um uh er etc.) are distracting


Body language

Body language, gestures, and facial expressions

Body language,

Body language,

gestures, and facial

facial expressions and gestures

Body language, gestures, and facial expressions are lacking or inappropriate

adds greatly to the message

expressions compliment message

lack variety and spontaneity


Speaks clearly and distinctly all the time with no mispronounced words

Speaks clearly and distinctly nearly all the time with no more than one mispronounced word

Speaks clearly and distinctly most of the time with no more than two mispronounced words

Often mumbles or can not be understood with more than three mispronounced words

Topic is specific, follows assignment

Topic is specific,

Topic is clear appropriate and

Topic lacks clarity

No specific purpose-inappropriate for

appropriate and

and focus somewhat adapted

Adapted to audience



Within allotted time

audience or needs adapting to occasion audience

(Adapted from Dan Rooney)

Within 10% of allotted time

Within 20% of allotted time

Not within 20% of allotted time

Poetry Rubric Characteristics Content and Ideas





Content of poem is clearly related to the topic.

Content of poem relates to the topic.

Content of poem relates to the topic only minimally.

Content of this poem does not relate to the topic.

Engages reader immediately and continuously.

Engages reader.

Partially engages reader.

Reader is not engaged.

Focus is not clear and ideas are not well developed.

No clear focus or development.

Flows poorly and attempts to transition from beginning to end.

Lacks flow and transition.

Poem follows appropriate format with multiple errors.

Poem does not follow appropriate format.

Attempts vivid language and expression.

No vivid language and expression.

Ideas are very well focused and detail is powerful. Organization and Transitions

Voice and Style

Flows exceptionally well and has smooth transitions from beginning to end.

Flows and has a transition from beginning to end.

Poem clearly follows appropriate format.

Poem follows appropriate format with minimal errors.

Vivid and expressive

Some vivid language and expression.

Exceptional emotion and style


Ideas are focused and clear to the reader with sufficient detail.

Conventions contribute to the effectiveness of the writing.

No emotion or style. Evidence of Lack of emotion emotion and style. and style.

Only a few lapses of conventions.

Lack of conventions are distracting.

Lack of conventions make writing unable to read.

Comparative chart rubrics

5 marks

4 marks

3 marks

2 marks

1 mark

Outstanding manage of the comparative chart with clear and understandable content, clear contrast between one idea and other and accuracy is showed.

Very good manage of the comparative chart with clear and understandable content and contrast between one idea and other and accuracy is showed.

Good manage of the comparative chart with clear and understandable content, clear contrast between one idea and other and accurac is showed.

Not good manage of the comparative chart, content is clear and understandable content, but there is not contrast between one idea and other and accuracy is not showed.

Inappropriate manage of the comparative chart, information is not clear and there is not accuracy in the information given

Rubrics for essays




Topic Sentences








The thesis statement is clear and concise. It effectively introduces the writer’s argument.

The thesis statement is clear The thesis is relatively and introduces the topic clear and introduces the well. argument in a satisfactory fashion. It may lack clarity or be too general.

The thesis is present but does not effectively introduce the argument. It is vague and does not clearly establish the key argument or focus of the essay.

There is no distinguishable thesis. The essay begins without a clear statement of its key argument or purpose.

The introduction is clear and interesting. It follows the “triangle” format very well – it draws the reader into the essay and contains an effective hook.

The introduction effectively previews the content of this essay. It is fairly successful at drawing the reader into it and contains a hook.

The introduction is satisfactory as a “preview” of the essay. It is somewhat successful at drawing the reader into it.

The introduction is distinguishable but is not very successful at previewing the contents of the essay. It does not seem very interesting/ appealing to the reader.

The introduction is not present or is part of the body of the essay. It does not invite the reader to keep reading. It may be confusing or unclear.

Topic sentences are clear Topic sentences are clear and effectively introduce and effectively introduce each paragraph. each paragraph. They also effectively relate to and support the thesis.

Most topic sentences are effective but they do not always accurately reflect the content of the paragraph.

The essay contains some topic sentences but they do not reflect the content of each paragraph.

Topic sentences are difficult to find. Paragraphs begin without a clear topic sentence.

The conclusion effectively The conclusion is effective summarizes the at re-stating the key arguments and the thesis. argument, re-states key ideas and the thesis.

The conclusion ties up all The conclusion does not tie the loose ends in a up all the loose ends. It is short/the essay just ends. satisfactory fashion. The re-statement of thesis and arguments may be cursory or missing.

The concluding paragraph is missing.

The essay is very well organized. It exhibits command of focus, coherent organization, and interesting development. Body paragraphs develop ideas well and the argument flows very well throughout the essay.

The essay is well organized. It exhibits command of focus, coherent organization, and interesting development. Body paragraphs develop most ideas well and the argument flows throughout the essay.

Organization is satisfactory. Essay exhibits some command of focus and is developed fairly well. Most body paragraphs develop some ideas well and the argument flows for the most part.

This essay does not have a consistent focus. Some attempt at organization is visible but the essay is not structured well. The writer “jumps” from idea to idea and the information seems to lack purpose.

This essay lacks proper organization. Ideas seem to be thrown together without a consistent sense of development or focus. It reads like a random collection of ideas.

Arguments are very well supported (with insightful examples, arguments, and details). The essay includes quotes/ passages from the text and a strong analysis of their significance.

Arguments are well supported. The author uses specific examples, arguments, and details to support key ideas. The response includes some quoted material and some analysis of its significance.

Supporting details and information are relevant, but some key issues are unsupported. The main idea is clear but the supporting information is too general.

Supporting details and information are relevant, but several key issues are unsupported. Main idea is somewhat clear but there is need for more supporting information.

Supporting details and information are missing, unclear, or not related to the topic. There is a seemingly random collection of information.

Command of Expression Knowledge and Comprehension

Exhibits excellent command of expression (grammar, sentence structure, sentence variety). The writer does not make any mistakes and the prose flows exceedingly well.

Exhibits excellent command of expression (grammar, sentence structure, sentence variety). There are only minor errors and they are minor and do not impede the flow of this essay.

Exhibits a satisfactory command of expression (grammar, sentence structure, sentence variety). The prose flows relatively well but there are errors and they occasionally impede the flow of this essay.

Exhibits a weak command of expression (grammar, sentence structure, sentence variety). There are many errors which impede the flow of this essay. Many sentences are awkward and poorly constructed.

There are many grammar or spelling errors that distract the reader from the content. Most sentences are awkward and poorly constructed. The piece does not flow.

Responds precisely to topic, indicating an excellent grasp of the topic. All key concepts, themes, issues, ideas are thoroughly identified, explained, and analyzed. The essay indicates an exceptional understanding of the material.

Responds precisely to topic, indicating an excellent grasp of the topic. Most key concepts, themes, issues, ideas are identified, explained, and analyzed well. This response indicates a good understanding of the material.

Some key concepts, themes, issues, ideas are identified, explained, and analyzed. This response indicates a satisfactory understanding of the material.

The response does not address many key concepts, themes, issues, or ideas. Some ideas are identified but the explanation is limited. This response indicates a limited/partial understanding of the material.

The response lacks a proper analysis of key concepts, ideas, themes, and issues. There is no critical analysis of the material. The response is very vague, general, and/or short.

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