Successful multiple pregnancy in renal transplant recipient

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Int. J. Gynaecol. Obstet., 1981, 19: 251-254 0 International Federation of Gynaecology & Obstetrics










Departments of Nephrology, Obstenics and Gynecology, and Pediatrics,Beilinson Medical Center, Petah Tiqva, and Sackler Medical School Universityof Tel Aviv, Israel (Received November 20th, 1980) (Accepted December 12th, 1980)

Abstract Boner G, Bott-Kanner G, Schweitzer A, Danon YL, Rosenfeld JB (Depts. of Nephrology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Pediatrics, Beilinson Medical Center, Petah Tiqva, and Sackler Medical School University of Tel Aviv, Israel) Successful multiple pregnancy in renal transplant recipient. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 19: 251-254, 1981 Twin females were born by Caesarean section to a patient who had undergone a living donor renal transplant 2 years previously. These infants have been followed for 6 years and have been found to have normal development. Tests performed during the first year of life showed that both infants have normal immunologic responses.

in transplanted females is very small. In a review of pregnancy in renal transplant patients Rudolph et al. have reported on 440 pregnancies with 280 live births [4]. Dialysis and Transplant The European Association (EDTA) reported on 79 successful pregnancies in transplant recipients as of December 31, 1977 [ 11. Taking into account the small number of pregnancies, it is not surprising that there are very few reports of multiple pregnancies in transplanted females. As far as is known to us, only four sets of twins have been born to transplanted mothers [4]. The purpose of this paper is to describe one of the instances of multiple pregnancies and to describe the immunology tests performed on the twins after delivery. Case report

Key words: Multiple pregnancy plantation Immunosuppression

Renal trans-

Introduction Renal transplantation has been relatively successful in restoring patients with chronic renal failure to a reasonable state of health, for varying periods of time. Most of the symptomatology of chronic renal failure disappears shortly after successful transplantation. However, in spite of the fact that normal sexual function is restored in some of these patients, the number of pregnancies

This female patient was born in Iraq in 1949. Her parents were cousins. Her brother was known to suffer from chronic renal disease and in 1964 received a living donor renal transplant from his mother. An additional sister died of chronic renal failure at age 19. Two sisters are mentally retarded. From an early age the patient was known to be polydipsic and polyuric. In June 1965 she was found to have a blood urea of 77 mg/ 100 ml. Percutaneous renal biopsy was diagnostic of chronic interstitial nephritis. Further deterioration in renal function was gradual and in December 1970 with the ZntJ Gynaecol Obstet I9

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worsening of her clinical condition she was admitted to a maintenance hemodialysis program. In June 1971 following bilateral nephrectomy she received a HLA identical living donor renal transplant from her younger retarded sister. The transplanted kidney functioned immediately and serum creatinine soon reached a value of 1 mg/lOO ml with a creatinine clearance of 85 ml/min. Immunosuppressive therapy, when stabilized, included 10 mg Prednisone on alternate days and 100 mg Azathioprine daily. The patient, who had been amenorrheic, started menstruating 6 weeks after transplantation. Early in 1973 she became amenorrheic and was found to be pregnant. The dose of Azathioprine was reduced to 50 mg daily whereas Prednisone was not changed. Renal function remained stable throughout pregnancy as did her blood pressure. She did not have proteinuria at any stage of her pregnancy. In the 24th week of pregnancy she was found to have twins. An elective cesarean section was performed on October 4, 1973, the patient being in her 38-39th week of pregnancy. The patient continues to have stable renal function 6 years after her pregnancy with only minimal immunosuppressive therapy 50 mg Azathioprine daily and 10 mg Prednisone on alternate days. The twin female infants were liveborn weighing 2.5 kg and 2.6 kg, respectively. The estimated gestational age by clinical examination was 38 weeks. Physical and neurologic examination of both babies revealed no abnormalities. The infants were inoculated with BCG during the first post-natal week. Clinical follow-up of the infants till the age of 6 years revealed normal physical and psychologic development. Laboratory investigations Table I summarizes the laboratory investigations performed during the first 12 h after ZntJ Gynaecol Oktet I I)

Table 1. Laboratory the first day of life.


of the newborns during

Infant No. 1 Hgb Cm/l00 ml 21.8 WBC/mm3 16200 Ttiombocytes/mm3 174000 Na mEq/l 132 K mEs/l 4.9 Cl mEq/l 103 Glucose mg/lOO ml 63 Urea mg/lOO ml 24 Cortisol r/l00 ml 7.5 Serum proteins Gm/lOO ml 4.6 Albumin Gm/lOO ml 2.8 Globulin Gm/lOO ml 1.8 IgG mg/lOO ml 400 Traces IgM mg/lOO ml Normal thymic Chest X-ray shadow

Infant No. 2 19.7 17100 190000 128

52 30 7.7 5.1 3.0 2.1 450 Traces Normal thymic shadow

delivery. All the results were within normal limits for neonatal infants. The immunologic response of the infants was examined at the age of 8-10 months. Blood group of infant No. 1 was different to that of the mother and each infant had one HLA incompatibility with the mother (Table 2). An HLA Cytotoxic cross-match between mother and siblings was negative. Cell mediated immunity was examined by measurement of lymphocytic transformation with phytohemaglutinin, by estimation of the secretion of macrophage migration inhibition factor (MIF), by the PPD skin test according to David’s method [ 21 and by delayed hypersensitivity skin tests (Tables 2 and 3). The patients were inoculated with 0.1 ml of Candida Albicans antigen diluted 1 : 100 (Israel Biol. Inst.), 0.1 ml trichophyton antigen diluted 1 : 1000 (Israel Biol. Inst.), 50 units streptokinase (Lederle Laboratories), and 0.1 ml PPD (Israel Min. of Health). Antigens were inoculated intradermally on the volar surfaces of the forearm, the various antigens being inoculated one after the other with an interval of 1 week between tests. The inoculation site was examined at 24 h and 48 h and the diameter of the erythema was

Multiple pregnancy in renal transplant recipient

Table II.

Immunologic response of infants.

Mother Infant 1 Infant 2

Blood group

HLA tYPim.7

0 A 0

1,1,3,5 3,w-lO,l,S 3,w-10,3,5

HLA cross match with mother

MIF with PPD

Lymphocytic transformation with phytohemaglutinin

Negative Negative

80% 85%

Normal Normal

measured. An area of induration of 10 mm or greater at 48 h was accepted as a positive reaction. All the abovementioned parameters of cell mediated immunity were within normal limits in both siblings. Discussion The Eighth EDTA Report states that as of 31st December, 1977, 15,203 patients in Europe had received one or more renal transplants [ 1I. @f these 7402 had a functioning graft at this date, i.e., 43% of grafts performed were functioning [ 1I. Of these patients 11.8% received their grafts from living donors. The 5-year survival of these patients is 68.8% [ 11. When the rehabilitation of living donor graft recipients is examined it is found that almost 80% return to full-time work. Thus it is clear that renal transplantation, especially that of living donors, offers a reasonable survival with excellent rehabilitation. The patient described in this paper received a kidney graft from her sister, who

Table III.

25 3

Delayed hypersensitivity

skin test in the infants.




Candida AlbicansC


1 2

Positive Positive

Positive Positive

Negative Positive

Positive Positive

a PPD - 0.1 ml. b Trichophyton - 0.1 ml diluted 1 : 1000. c Candida Albicans - 0.1 ml diluted 1 : 100. dStreptokinase - 50 units.

was identical as regards blood typing and the HLA system. This undoubtedly increases her chances for long-term survival. The patient’s brother has a renal graft from his mother which is functioning normally 14 years after transplantation. An essential ingredient in the rehabilitation of women of child-bearing age is the ability to become pregnant and be delivered of normal children. In spite of the large number of such women who have undergone transplantation there are reports of less than 500 pregnancies and only about 60% were delivered of normal children. The low incidence of multiple births reported is not surprising in that the total number of births is small [ 1,4]. The ability of patients with renal grafts to bear normal children in spite of immunosuppressive therapy (azathioprine and corticosteroids) is well established [ 3,4]. This patient with a graft from an HLA identical living donor was only receiving minimal therapy. The effect of this therapy on the long-term immune response of the infants was examined in our patient. Their normal cellular response to BCG inoculation (positive PPD) as well as their normal response to the other skin tests described and normal T-cell activity as measured by the lymphocytic transformation with phytohemaglutinin all indicate normal” cellular immunity. The serum immunoglobulins were also normal for newborn infants. This report thus describes the birth of twins to a living donor renal-transplanted mother with documentation of normal development over a long period and of normal cell-mediated immunity and reemphasizes the Int J Gynaecol Obstet I9

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previously stated view that a well controlled renal transplantation is not a contra-indication to pregnancy. Even a multiple pregnancy is compatible with a renal transplant.

3 Jacob ET, Greensteln S, Shapira Z et al. Successful pregnancy in a recipient of a cadaver kidney allograft. Isr J Med Sci 10: 206,1974. 4 Rudolph JE, Schweizer RT, Barters SA: Pregnancy in renal transplant patients - A review. Transplantation 27: 26,1979.

References Combined Report on Regular Dialysis and Transplantation in Europe, VIII, 1977. Dialysis Transplantation Nephrology -Proceedings of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association, Vol. 14, Pitman Medical, London, 1978. David JR: Delayed hypersensitivity in vitro: its mediation by cell free substances formed by lymphoid-cell antigen interaction. Proc Nat1 Acad Sci (Wash) 56: 72, 1966.

Int J Gynaecol Obstet 19

Address for reprints:

Geoffrey Boner Department of Nephrology Beilinson Medical Center Petah Tiqva 49 15 1 Israel

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