Suárez-Romero, M. (2014). La nueva Dama de Hierro de Europa: la creación de la imagen de Angela Merkel en la prensa española (estudio de caso de El Mundo). Ámbitos. Revista Internacional de Comunicación, 27, pp.21-30. ISSN-e 1139-1979.

June 14, 2017 | Autor: Miriam Suárez Romero | Categoría: Public Opinion (Political Science), Angela Merkel
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This article analyzes the opinion pieces referring to Angela Merkel that have been published in the Spanish newspaper El Mundo during the week before and after the last three federal elections (2005, 2009 and 2013). In this sense, this article has its starting point in the consideration of the media as key players in the formation of public opinion and, therefore, as causative factors of the –as we will see- predominantly negative image that Spanish people have of German Chancellor.
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