Strongyloides hyperinfection simulating inflammatory bowel disease Hiperinfecção por estrongilóides simulando doença inflamatória intestinal

June 2, 2017 | Autor: J. Narciso-Schiavon | Categoría: Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Strongyloides Stercoralis, Strongyloidiasis
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SUMMARY Strongyloides stercoralis infection may present with acute gastrointestinal symptoms or persist for many years in the asymptomatic, immunocompetent host. Hyperin-fection usually occurs as a result of an alteration in immune status. The authors report three cases of Strongy-loides hyperinfection that presented as diarrhea and weight loss and the colonoscopy revealed either ulcer-ative colitis or pancolitis. One of them had a fatal outcome. The screening for this infection is mandatory for patients in endemic areas with a history of diarrhea, as an early diagnosis and therapy can have marked impact on the outcome of the disease.
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