Restaurant - Incredible Customer Service

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Starship GalleyImagine taking a new girl friend or a business associate to a restaurant, both very common activities toward two very different goals!  As you stroll down a darkened entryway (or after you have waited in line in that entryway), you turn a corner and confront a robot-like creature, very similar to the robot in the TV series "Lost In Space."  A computer monitor is in the robot's chest.  As you approach, the robot politely asks your name.  You say "Bill Wireling" (your name), and a moment later, a menu shows up on that monitor in his chest.  As it happens, the last time there, you had ordered a Porterhouse steak, medium well done, with mushrooms on the side, a salad with Thousand Island dressing, Iced tea with lemon and sugar, no salt, etc.The computer monitor now shows the "Special of the House", with that EXACT meal description, with the prominent title "Steak a la Wireling".  Your companion HAS to be impressed!  Maybe you are a more important person than was first perceived.  After all, how important does a person have to be before a restaurant names a meal after him?  Now, when the robot asks if you again want the Specialty of the House, you can just casually say yes!Since that meal is exactly what you had ordered last time, and most humans are very predictable, there is a pretty good chance that you will want the "Specialty of the House."  Of course, you could tell the robot, "Maybe not.  I think I'll look at a menu."  and things would also proceed with you looking VERY important!Of course, after you have passed, and the robot asks the next person in line, the "Special of the House" then becomes "Chicken Watterson"!
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