Representación social de la sociedad civil en una muestra venezolana

May 31, 2017 | Autor: Gladys E. Villarroel | Categoría: Political Culture, Politics
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This article discusses the results of a broader study that made it possible to know the social representation (SR) of the object «civil society» in a sample of leaders and activists from Venezuelan civil associations. An SR is organized around contents and practices that are central, stable and shared by the group under study. Data comes from in-depth interviews with the members of 19 organizations. From this analysis, the progressive weakening of the political party system and the impoverishment of alternatives for political action and the exercise of influence emerge as a context for the recent development of civil organizations in Venezuela. In the SR of civil society, stable contents appear: the image of a network and categories referring to the equilibrium between state and market, to construction of the social fabric, to control over the public sphere and the public policies and promotion of participation, commitment and civic responsibility. The pragmatic components of the SR appear to be coordinated by the notion of citizenship. These daily practices are oriented toward educating politically, improving the functioning of public institutions, fostering the development of independent, sustainable civil organizations, and promoting experiences regarding respect and negotiation, dialog and the non-violent resolution of con- flicts. It concludes by pointing out the development of innovations in the public sphere and the persistence of a deep democratic impulse in Venezuelan society.Key words: Venezuela, democracy, civil society, social representation.
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