Reflexiones sobre la efectiva latinización universae Hispaniae de los Flavios en la Meseta Norte

May 30, 2017 | Autor: Gabriel Gómez Martín | Categoría: Ancient History, Latin Epigraphy, Hispania
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The Edict of Vespasian and Pliny´s comment about the Latinization of the whole of Spain (PLIN. Nat. Hist. 3. 30) have been highly discussed themes by many historians but not coming to any conclusion that the majority of researchers could agree on. These doubts are more common in regions where “the native culture” has been exalted, based on the epigraphy, like in the Northwest or the Meseta Norte of Spain. In this article we planned a proposal to highlight that effective Latinization of the whole of Spain specifically in the Meseta Norte. It was extended too to remote towns where peregrin or native onomastic structures were predominant, including in the 3rd Century. By the way, in order to exemplify we have focused on three ciuitates: Pallantia, Auila and Maggauia.
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