Promoção Internacional da Empresa O Marketing Digital

May 30, 2017 | Autor: Vitor Silva | Categoría: Marketing, Digital Marketing
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The curricular internship had as a reference the area of International Business Management and occurred during the period of 2nd of March until 1st of May 2015 in Bricantel, a company of Bragança.Bricantel is a company with a history of 30 years, over those years they had been amplifying and modernizing their headquarters to improve their exposition space and to reinforce the capability of response in a market even more demanding. The opening of a new production unit in Spain in the recent years proves the point and also shows their intention to consolidate and reaffirm their presence in the Iberian Peninsula. They also wants to support more the several European and African markets were they already are present.Bricantel is present in the area of commerce by gross of electrical material, electro domestics, electrical installations, pool building, recreation and sport infrastructures and construction.The work fulfilled on the internship has not a direct connection to the subject of this project, these were accomplished in different periods, however the subject of the project isn’t inserted on the curricular internship, the choice of the subject, was influenced by the work done in the period of the internship.The internship had as a purpose the international promotion of the company. This, according the advisor of the company, was directed to Portuguese speaking-countries more specifically Angola, Mozambique and Cape Verde.Following the indications given by the advisor of the company the disclosure of the company was done by promoting the products that were sold at a national level without much impact at an international level. With this process the company required certain goals, that until the end of the internship since advertise the company Bricantel in Angola, Mozambique and Cape Verde, advertise also products of the company to potential customer; create a list of contacts of each countries according the type of their sector of investment.Referentially to the products that the company pretended to promote, these can be divided in two kind of catalog – “Road Painting Machinery and Professional Removal and High Pressure” and “Cargo Handling Equipment”.The methodology used to accomplish the tasks given by the advisor were mainly the definition of the target market, information about potential customers,  contact with the customers, dispatch of catalogs to the contacts that were arranged, organization of the contacts and information about each client.In the practical point of view the work started by gathering information about these countries. Researches were made about geography, legislation, work Schedule and administrative organization. These kind of information facilitate the moment of contact with the client, realization of strategic action maps and the manner of interaction with the target companies.Besides the definition of the objectives purposed by the advisor of the company, the way that the information arrived to the potential customer was also suggested by the advisor.In a first approach the contacts gathered were organized by the area of action, using physic and digital telephone directories.In one second approach was stablished the contact by telephone with potential customers, which besides getting them to know the company were given by the organization the personal and commercial mailing contacts in order to inform the products available in the company.In the third and last approach, was created a direct e-mail marketing, in which was informed the products available and the personal information about the organization, as the website and social network.After the conclusion of the curricular internship several personal question appear about the strategy used for the international promotion of the organization. One particular question emerged – Were another strategies that could be more efficient to promote the company and the products in the target countries? With this question arise the idea to realize a Project in the area of the International Promotion of the Company – Strategic Plan of Digital Marketing.The project works as a guide for the companies and marketing professionals to implement a digital marketing plan with several strategic references that aim to facilitate the implementation and to get better results.After reading this Project, the objective is that it can provide all the essential tools and the necessary knowledge to implement any kind of action in the digital marketing area, besides collecting the attention of the companies to the growing importance of the digital marketing and the profit gain using these methods in their business.
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