Predicción del producto interno bruto mundial con base en los precios del gas natural, petróleo, cobre, mineral de hierro y maíz.

June 1, 2017 | Autor: Angel Paulo G C | Categoría: World GDP, Commodities, Mathematical Models, Prices, Modelos Matematicos, Precios, PIB mundial, Precios, PIB mundial
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With the purpose of predicting world gross domestic product (GDP) taking as its partial determinant, commodities prices such as crude oil, natural gas, copper, iron ore and maize, closely linked with the growth, it was proceeded to make a multiple regression analysis on collected data from 1991 to 2009; obtaining a model that explaine in 86%, with 95% confidence, the quantity of world GDP which was tested in a very probable scenario of 2010; it was concluded that proposed model performs a regular approach, that’s why it is requiring the addition of other independent variables that help to improve the prediction.
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