Política e intimidad en Diario de una princesa montonera

May 26, 2017 | Autor: Silvana Mandolessi | Categoría: Memory Studies, Literatura argentina
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The article explores the redefinition of the private/public dichotomy in Argentine Postdictatorial literature written by the second generation. It focuses on the analysis of Diario de una princesa montonera (2012) by Mariana Eva Pérez. I argue that the origin of this book, a blog written by Pérez under the same name, is crucial to understand the new configuration of private-public categories. After discussing the different senses that this dichotomy implies—in terms of citizenship and sociability—I focus on the analysis of the subject of enunciation in the Diary, the community to which it appeals, and the new sense of the political that results from these rhetorical strategies.
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