Poética y comunicación. Aportaciones a la teoría de la comunicación y a la teoría de los objetos desde las Odas de Neruda

May 27, 2017 | Autor: Octavio Uña Juárez | Categoría: Communication, Poetry, Pablo Neruda, Poetical Communication
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The present study is classified within a research line related to elaborated kinds of languages and to the communication theory, in which two types of studies are included, those studies about the poetic work by Octavio Paz and those studies about Gadamer's thoughts on language and the work of art. We establish a first approach to Neruda's Elemental Odes form the phenomenological perspective of the objects, the consideration of poetic language and its contributions to communication (Bousono maintains that "poetry is the type of communication, established by using new words, of a very special kind of knowledge"). Objects that look at and converge toward men, everyday life objects, objects from warm and nearby environments: the construction of objectivity kingdom, "metaphor provider". A whole poetic inventory from the "at hand" world, from proxemics, an account and a chronicle of the poet's experience, which is dialogic, and of the heritage of the common experience. Polisemic objects, which express, inform and say "structured sygn systems".
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