Perspectivas institucionales para la cooperación transfronteriza en el Mercosur.pdf

May 27, 2017 | Autor: Norbert Tuellmann | Categoría: Regional Integration, South American Integration
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This paper wants to contribute to the development of ideas and instruments for a boost of subnational co-operation in terms of regional integration. Thus, considering the achievements of the European Integration, it insists to pave the way for the transfer of successful co-operation between adjacent local and/or regional authorities of both sides of national borders from the European Union to the South American Mercosur. The Mercosur still lacks a coherent juridicial regime arranging cross-border co-operation between its member States' subnational authorities, which are municipalities, federal States, provinces and departments. There are no cross-border entities that could render public services, e.g., on both sides of an internal border.Having in mind the thematic and institutional experiences and forms in the field of european cross-border co-operation, we could identify possible archetypes to increase the effectivity of the corresponding process in the Mercosur which would upgrade at the same time the conditions as well as the quality of life especially of the citizens living in the border regions. Remains the necessity of will to get over the obstacles caused by the internal borders.
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