Participacion Ciudadana en la Gestion de Proyectos Sociales de los Consejos Comunales de la parroquia Francisco Eugenio Bustamante del municipio Maracaibo del estado Zulia

May 29, 2017 | Autor: Paola Lesneigly | Categoría: Investigación social, Ciencia Politica, Políticas Públicas
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Piña Rojas, Paola Lesneigly (2014). "Citizen Participation in the social project management of Community Councils Parish Eugenio Francisco Bustamante in Maracaibo, Zulia state." Degree work for the degree of Magister Scientiarum in Public Management. University of Zulia. Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences. Division of Graduate Studies. Maracaibo, Venezuela. 2014. 149p.ABSTRACTThis research will aim to analyze citizen participation in the management of social projects of Community Councils, parish Eugenio Francisco Bustamante in Maracaibo, Zulia state, during the period 2009-2013. It is a descriptive study with no experimental design field research. One addressed to the spokesmen of Community Councils and the other for members of the community for two data collection instruments were designed. The collection instrument is a questionnaire with closed questions and open questions. Among the mechanisms of participation, the Assembly of Citizens Community Council and Social Control, both of the activities carried out by the Common Council as economic resources that account evidence. Also in identifying the actors involved in the management of social projects of Community Councils in the activities involved mostly instances of Government (PDVSA Fundacomunal, Safonacc, Corpoelec, etc.) and then community leaders. Finally, the areas of social projects revolve around housing and all related services planning that goes with it. Keywords: Citizen Participation, Community Councils, participation mechanisms, modalities of participation. Email:[email protected]
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