Part 2 of EC Presidency POS 3413 Spring 2015

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Part 2 of Extra Credit POS 3413 The Presidency Professor Shastri Spring 2015 This part of the Extra Credit (EC) assignment comes with a maximum of 15 points, but it’s only eligible for those who completed Part 1. If you complete this assignment (fully), then you automatically receive 5 of the 15 points. However, if you don’t do Part 2, all of the points you’ve received for Part 1 are gone. You’re welcome to turn in an optional rough draft, due by April 30th, 11:159PM EST, 2015. Regardless, the Final Draft for this is due, May 3rd, 11:59PM EST, 2015. I’d advise not looking at this until at least AFTER Exam #3 on Tuesday evening, April 28th, but of course, that’s up to you. So, Part 2 is mainly a correction. For every component (A, B, & C) you received +0 on, you must write a 75-150 words to rectify my criticism. For every answer that you received +0.5, please provide me with 50125 words on addressing my criticisms. Any part you received +1, your answer is good enough as is. How it’s scored is for every answer at +0 that is not revised sufficiently, that’s how much comes off (so if it’s completely insufficient -1, or partly then -0.5). If you had +0.5, then lacking of sufficient revision renders -0.5). If it’s revised sufficiently, then you remain at the max score of 15. I do this to reward those who did well on Part 1 (FYI: the three best scores on Part 1 were those who turned in a rough draft). Remember, ALL of you are eligible to earn the full 15 on Part 2.

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