Myoinjury transiently activates muscle antigen-specific CD8+ T cells in lymph nodes in a mouse model

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ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATISM Vol. 64, No. 10, October 2012, pp 3441–3451 DOI 10.1002/art.34551 © 2012, American College of Rheumatology

Myoinjury Transiently Activates Muscle Antigen–Specific CD8⫹ T Cells in Lymph Nodes in a Mouse Model Hua Liao,1 Emilie Franck,2 Manuel Fre´ret,2 Sahil Adriouch,2 Yasmine Baba-Amer,3 Francois-Jerome Authier,3 Olivier Boyer,2 and Romain K. Gherardi3 Objective. To investigate the influence of myoinjury on antigen presentation to T cells in draining lymph nodes (LNs). Methods. Muscle crush was performed in mice injected with exogenous ovalbumin (OVA) and in transgenic SM-OVA mice expressing OVA as a musclespecific self antigen. Antigen exposure and the resulting stimulation of T cell proliferation in draining LNs was assessed by transferring carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE)–labeled OVA-specific CD8ⴙ and CD4ⴙ T cells from OT-I and OT-II mice and by measuring the dilution of CFSE, which directly reflects their proliferation. The role of monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DCs) in T cell priming was assessed using pharmacologic blockade of DC migration. Immunofluorescence was used to detect CD8ⴙ T cells, inflammatory monocyte-derived DCs, and type I major histocompatibility complex (MHC)–expressing myofibers in crushed muscle, and to assess expression of perforin, interferon-␥ (IFN␥), interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-10, and transforming growth factor ␤1 (TGF␤1).

Results. OVA injection into intact muscle induced strong proliferation of CD4ⴙ and CD8ⴙ T cells, indicating efficient exposure of soluble antigens in draining LNs. OVA-specific CD8ⴙ T cell proliferation in draining LNs of SM-OVA mice required myoinjury and was unaffected by pharmacologic inhibition of monocytederived DC migration. On day 7 postinjury, activated CD8ⴙ T cells expressing perforin, IFN␥ and IL-2 were transiently detected in crushed muscle, and these cells were in close contact with class I MHC–positive regenerating myofibers. Beginning on day 7, the immunosuppressive cytokines IL-10 and TGF␤1 were conspicuously expressed by CD11bⴙ cells, and CD8ⴙ T cells rapidly disappeared from the healing muscle. Conclusion. Myofiber damage induces an episode of muscle antigen–specific CD8ⴙ T cell proliferation in draining LNs. Activated CD8ⴙ T cells transiently infiltrate the injured muscle, with prompt control by immunosuppressive cues. Inadequate control might favor sustained autoimmune myositis. Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIMs) are autoimmune diseases with distinct histopathologic features that suggest either humorally mediated processes, primarily targeting the microcirculation (in dermatomyositis) and myofibers (in autoimmune necrotizing myopathies), or CD8⫹ T cell–mediated and class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC)–restricted autoimmune attack of myofibers (in polymyositis and inclusion body myositis) (1). Pathophysiologic studies have mainly explored how muscle cells can participate in immune cell interactions in polymyositis (2). In this setting, myofibers strongly express class I MHC molecules at their surface (1) and are invaded by autoinvasive T cells (3) expressing perforin (4). Clonal expansions of T cells are found in muscle and blood (5–8), and autoinvasive T cells exhibit selective gene rearrangement of their T cell receptor (TCR) with restricted

Supported by grants from the Association Franc¸aise contre les Myopathies (NMNM2-2010 N 14194/14499/15155), the Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (MYO-REPAIR ANR-07BLAN-0060), the Region Ile de France (IngeCell program of the Regenerative Medicine Competitivity Pole postdoctoral award to Dr. Liao), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81171724). 1 Hua Liao, MD, PhD: INSERM U955, E10, Universite´ Paris-Est, Cre´teil, France, and Southern Medical University, Guang Zhou, China; 2Emilie Franck, PhD, Manuel Fre´ret, PhD, Sahil Adriouch, PhD, Olivier Boyer, MD, PhD: INSERM U905, Universite´ de Rouen, Rouen, France, and Institute for Research and Innovation in Biomedicine, Normandy, France; 3Yasmine Baba-Amer, FrancoisJerome Authier, MD, PhD, Romain K. Gherardi, MD, PhD: INSERM U955, E10, Universite´ Paris-Est, Cre´teil, France. Drs. Boyer and Gherardi contributed equally to this work. Address correspondence to Romain K. Gherardi, MD, PhD, Department of Pathology, INSERM U955-E10, Ho ˆ pital Henri Mondor, 94010 Cre´teil Cedex, France. E-mail: romain.gherardi@ Submitted for publication May 1, 2011; accepted in revised form May 17, 2012. 3441


amino acid sequences in complementary-determining region 3, suggesting muscle antigen–driven T cell expansion (9). Adult myofibers are one of the few cell types in the body that do not express class I MHC molecules (10). Therefore, they cannot serve as antigen-presenting cells (APCs) at steady state (2). In contrast, cultured myoblasts constitutively express class I MHC molecules and up-regulate these molecules upon exposure to interferon-␥ (IFN␥), lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and other cytokines (11). Whether in vivo myofiber expression of MHC molecules is induced by proinflammatory cytokines, by infectious agents, by a nonspecific response to tissue injury and regeneration, or by a combination of these factors remains to be elucidated (12). Attention has recently focused on the specific role of regenerating myofibers in IIM pathophysiology. These cells preferentially express 1) myositis autoantigens (13), 2) proinflammatory Toll-like receptors 3 and 7, which bind and respond to nucleic acids and endogenous ligands (e.g., necrotic debris) (14), and 3) class I MHC molecules, allowing autoantigen presentation and eventually inducing endoplasmic reticulum stress (15). Taken together, these findings suggest immature fiber– driven amplification of the immune response. We previously studied the coordinate immune cell reaction induced by myoinjury and found that resident muscle macrophages govern the inflammatory response to muscle injury in the mouse by specifically attracting neutrophils and circulating monocytes (16). Normal muscle hosts very few, if any, conventional dendritic cells (DCs), but, ⬃7 days postinjury, a conspicuous subset of CCR2⫹ monocyte–derived CD11cintermediate cells with APC function can be detected in the regenerating muscle (16). These monocytederived DCs, also called “inflammatory” DCs (17), are distinct from preexisting migratory or lymphoid organ– resident myeloid (MDCs) and from plasmacytoid DCs (PDCs) (18). Such monocyte-derived DCs have been shown to induce memory CD8⫹ T cell expansion on secondary antigen encounter in peripheral tissue (19). Whether myoinjury could influence T cell activation in vivo remains unknown. The primary activation of naive T cells after local antigen challenge takes place within the draining lymph nodes (LNs) and spleen, not in the peripheral tissue. In these lymphoid organs, “professional” APCs have the unique capacity to strongly amplify a minute subset of cognate naive T cells patrolling the lymphoid tissues (18). The respective contributions of the different DC subsets to these pri-


mary immune responses are still incompletely delineated. In the present study, using ovalbumin (OVA) as a model antigen, we investigated for the first time the influence of crush myoinjury on OVA-specific CD4⫹ and CD8⫹ T cells in draining LNs. This was achieved by adoptive transfer of carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE)–labeled TCR-transgenic OVA-specific CD8⫹ T cells from OT-I mice and CD4⫹ T cells from OT-II mice, allowing assessment of proliferationassociated fluorescence dilution in draining LNs. Using transgenic SM-OVA mice expressing OVA as a muscle autoantigen (20), we observed that muscle crush induces OVA-specific CD8⫹ T cell proliferation in draining LNs, not requiring monocyte-derived DC migration from the injured muscle to draining LNs. Activated CD8⫹ T cells transiently infiltrated the injured muscle, but the T cell reaction to myoinjury was rapidly controlled, likely through immunosuppressive cues physiologically associated with muscle healing. MATERIALS AND METHODS Mouse strains. C57BL/6 mice were purchased from Janvier. Transgenic mice harboring OVA-specific TCR were purchased from The Jackson laboratory. They included OT-I (C57BL/6) mice for CD8⫹ T cells and OT-II (C57BL/6) mice for CD4⫹ T cells. Briefly, OT-I mice carry transgenic inserts for mouse Tcra-V2 and Tcrb-V5 genes. The transgenic TCR was designed to recognize OVA residues 257–264 in the context of class I MHC (H-2Kb) presentation. OT-II mice express the mouse ␣-chain and ␤-chain TCR that pairs with the CD4 coreceptor and is specific for chicken OVA 323–339 in the context of class II MHC (I-Ab). To obtain OT-I and OT-II mice carrying the allotypic CD45.1 phenotype, we bred OT mice (CD45.2⫹) with Ly-5 mice (B6.SJL-PtprcaPep3b/BoyJ) carrying the CD45.1 antigen (Charles River). Donor mice used for adoptive transfer were F1 mice that were double positive for CD45.1 and CD45.2 (21,22). SM-OVA mice express a membrane-bound form of OVA under the control of MCK-3E, a mutated form of muscle creatine kinase. Skeletal muscle–restricted OVA expression has been documented by extensive reverse transcription– polymerase chain reaction–based tissue screening (20). Mice were 6–12 weeks of age at the time of study. All animal procedures were performed according to European Union guidelines. Mouse model of myoinjury. In a preliminary study, we first induced muscle injury by direct injection of notexin, a snake venom with phospholipase A2 activity, as previously reported (16). Notexin inhibited both CD8⫹ and CD4⫹ T cell proliferation and consistently exerted dose-dependent cytotoxicity on T lymphocytes in vitro (results not shown). Therefore, in the present study we used mechanical crush to avoid toxic effects interfering with immune cell responses. After cutting


the skin, the tibialis anterior (TA) muscle was exposed, dissociated, and entirely crushed from the distal tendon to the proximal extremity by 2 series of repeated short (5-second) forceps applications (23). The contralateral TA muscle was used as a noninjured control. In sham experiments, crush was replaced by simple skin incision and suturing. Adoptive transfer and analysis of T cell priming. TCR-transgenic CD8⫹ or CD4⫹ T cells were isolated from spleens and LNs of F1 (OT-I ⫻ Ly-5 or OT-II ⫻ Ly-5) mice, purified by negative selection using magnetic beads (catalog nos. 114.17D and 15D; Dynal Biotech, Invitrogen), and labeled with intracellular CFSE dye (C34554; Invitrogen) by 10-minute incubation at 37°C. One day after crush, CFSE-labeled OT-I and OT-II cells were cotransferred at a 1:1 ratio, by tail vein injection (5 ⫻ 106 cells per mouse), to wild-type (WT) or SM-OVA mice. Soluble OVA (10 ␮g per mouse; SigmaAldrich) was injected into the crushed TA muscle of some of the mice 1 day after T cell transfer. Proliferation of CD4⫹ and CD8⫹ T cells was assessed on day 4 and day 7 postinjury, or on the corresponding day 3 and day 6 post-transfer in noninjured animals: CD45.1⫹CD8⫹ and CD45.1⫹CD4⫹ cells were collected from draining LNs of CD45.2⫹ recipient mice, and their in vivo activation was measured by flow cytometry on the basis of proliferation-dependent CFSE fluorescence loss (24). Mice that underwent T cell but not myoinjury were used as controls. To inhibit DC migration to draining LNs we used the prostaglandin analog BW245C (catalog no.12050; Cayman Chemical), an agonist of prostaglandin D2 receptor (25). BW245C (100 nM) was injected into crushed muscle on day 2 and day 4 postinjury. DMSO was used as vehicle control. Cell sorting and flow cytometric analysis. Popliteal and inguinal draining LNs were removed under a magnifying glass, minced, and gently digested using 0.1% collagenase B (Roche Laboratories). Cell viability was assessed using trypan blue and propidium iodide. For isolation of inflammatory cells from mouse muscle, fascia of the crushed TA muscle was removed first. Muscle was dissociated in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium containing collagenase B (0.1%) and Pronase (1%), at 37°C for 60 minutes and 45 minutes, respectively. CD45⫹ cells were isolated using mouse CD45 MicroBeads (Miltenyi Biotec). A CyAnADP High-Performance Flow Cytometer (Dako) was used for flow cytometric analysis. Antibodies included phycoerythrin (PE)–conjugated F4/80, CD8␣, B220, and CD4; allophycocyanin-conjugated anti-CD8␣; fluorescein isothiocyanate–conjugated anti–mouse PDC antigen 1 (anti– mPDCA-1), Ly-6C, class I MHC, CD5, and CD11b; PerCPCy5.5-conjugated anti-CD11c and CD4; PE-Cy5–conjugated anti-CD11c; and allophycocyanin-Cy7–conjugated antiCD45.1 (all from eBioscience). Results were assessed by Offline analysis with Summit software (Dako). Immunohistochemistry. Snap-frozen whole TA muscle was transversely cryosectioned, and either stained with hematoxylin and eosin or prepared for immunofluorescence. For immunofluorescence, muscle was fixed with cold acetone and incubated with rat anti-mouse biotinylated antibodies against CD8␣ (clone 53-6.7; BD PharMingen or eBioscience), mouse monoclonal antibody against class I MHC H-2Kd cross-reacted with the ␣3 domain of H-2Kb (ab25334, clone 34-1-2S) (Abcam), rabbit anti-mouse perforin antibody (no. 3693; Cell Signaling Technology), chicken polyclonal antilaminin anti-


body (Abcam), rabbit anti-mouse CD3␧ antibody (clone 500A2; BD PharMingen), rat anti-mouse CD11b antibody (MCA711; Serotec or eBioscience), biotinylated anti-mouse CD11c (HL3) antibody (BD PharMingen), anti-B220 (eBioscience), and antibodies to the cytokines IFN␥ (eBioscience) and interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-10, and transforming growth factor ␤1 (TGF␤1) (Santa Cruz Biotechnology). Alexa Fluor 488– conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG (564513; Invitrogen), Cy3conjugated donkey anti-chicken and goat anti-rabbit IgG (703166-155; Jackson ImmunoResearch), tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate–conjugated mouse anti-rat IgG (40-212-025104; Jackson ImmunoResearch), and PE-conjugated streptavidin (554061; BD PharMingen) were used as secondary antibodies. Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI. Slides were viewed with a Zeiss Axioplan 2 microscope, and data were collected using a Zeiss Apotome and Axiovision 4.1 software. Statistical analysis. Each experiment was performed on at least 3 different animals. Statistical comparisons were performed using Student’s t test. P values less than 0.05 were considered significant.

RESULTS No effect of myoinjury on vigorous CD8ⴙ and CD4ⴙ T cell proliferation induced by exogenous OVA in WT mice. Crush of the TA muscle in WT mice induced myofiber necrosis and degeneration affecting ⬃40% of the muscle cross-sectional area at 4 days postinjury (Figure 1A). Damage was gradually replaced by smaller regenerating myofibers, and centrally nucleated myofibers became prominent on day 7. Accordingly, these time points were taken as the detection time points of necrosis and regeneration, respectively. Conspicuous mononuclear cell infiltration was detected on both day 4 and day 7 (Figure 1A). On day 10, myorepair was almost complete (Figure 1A). T cell priming in draining LNs was assessed by flow cytometric measurement of proliferationdependent fluorescence loss in CFSE-labeled OVAspecific CD45.1⫹CD8⫹ and CD45.1⫹CD4⫹ T cells transferred to CD45.2⫹ WT recipients. In the absence of crush injury, intramuscular (IM) injection of exogenous OVA resulted in a vigorous expansion of both CD8⫹ and CD4⫹ OVA-specific T cells in draining LNs, as expected from the results of studies using systemic OVA challenge (21,22). The proliferation rate of OVAspecific CD8⫹ T cells was in the range of 85–87% on day 3 and 75–82% on day 6 post-transfer, and that of CD4⫹ T cells was 80–83% and 52–55% on day 3 and day 6, respectively (Figure 1B). In OVA-injected mice subjected to muscle crush, T cell proliferation was similar to that in intact OVAinjected animals: proliferation of CD8⫹ T cells was 86–91% and 84–87% on days 4 and 7 after injury,



Figure 1. Myopathologic alterations and T cell reaction in draining lymph nodes (LNs) from mice after tibialis anterior muscle crush. A, Representative hematoxylin and eosin–stained muscle sections obtained at different time points. On day 0 (d0) (prior to myoinjury), the muscle appears normal. On day 4, full-blown necrosis and myophagocytosis are evident. On day 7, small regenerating myofibers with central nuclei neighbored by mononuclear inflammatory cells have appeared. On day 10, decreased inflammatory changes are seen in healing muscle. Insets surrounded by white boxes are higher-magnification views of the areas surrounded by black boxes. Bars ⫽ 50 ␮m. B, Quantitative results of flow cytometric analysis of cotransferred carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE)–labeled CD45.1⫹ OT-I and OT-II cells (5 ⫻ 106 cells transferred to each mouse) extracted on day 4 and day 7 from draining LNs of CD45.2⫹ intact mice or mice that had undergone muscle crush injury. Mice (wild-type [WT] or transgenic SM-OVA) were left untreated or were administered ovalbumin (OVA) intramuscularly. Cells were gated for CD45.1 and CD8 positivity or CD45.1 and CD4 positivity and further analyzed for CFSE fluorescence. Values are the mean ⫾ SD (n ⫽ 3 per group). P value was determined by Student’s t-test. C, OVA-immunoperoxidase staining of a specimen from an SM-OVA mouse obtained 9 days after myoinjury, showing an OVA-expressing myofiber surrounded by inflammatory cells. Bar ⫽ 10 ␮m.

respectively, and that of CD4⫹ T cells was 75–77% and 50–53%, respectively (Figure 1B). Notably, muscle crush alone elicited no proliferation of OT-I or OT-II cells at

4 days and 7 days (all proliferation rates ⬍10% for both CD8⫹ and CD4⫹ T cells) (Figure 1B), confirming the specificity of the observed T cell proliferation.

Figure 2. Effects of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on T cell reactions in draining LNs of SM-OVA mice. A, Flow cytometric analysis of CFSE dilution, indicating that LPS increases proliferation of CD8⫹ OT-I cells, but not CD4⫹ OT-II cells. The most pronounced effect is observed on day 7 after crush injury. One representative profile is shown for each tested condition (3 experiments performed, with consistent results). B, Percentage of OT-I and OT-II cells with low expression of CFSE (i.e., cells that have proliferated). Values are the mean ⫾ SD (n ⫽ 3 per group). P values were determined by Student’s t-test. See Figure 1 for other definitions.



Figure 3. Increased numbers of resident and migratory dendritic cells (DCs) in draining LNs from muscle after crush injury. A, Flow cytometric analysis of the relative numbers of macrophages (CD11c⫺Ly-6C⫹F4/80⫹), resident conventional DCs (CD11chighLy-6C⫺CD8␣⫹/CD8␣⫺), migratory DCs (CD11cintermediateCD8␣⫺), plasmacytoid DCs (PDCs) (CD11cintermediatemPDCA-1⫹), and B cells (CD11c⫺B220⫹) in the draining LNs of WT C57BL/6 mice on day 0 and on days 4 and 7 after crush myoinjury. Representative results from 1 of 3 experiments are shown. B, Frequency of macrophages, resident conventional DCs, migratory DCs, PDCs, and B cells. Values are the mean ⫾ SD (n ⫽ 3 per group). FSC ⫽ forward scatter (see Figure 1 for other definitions).

Proliferation of CD8ⴙ T cells, but not CD4ⴙ T cells, induced by myoinjury in SM-OVA mice. Because myofiber damage may expose self antigens and, in so doing, elicit an adaptive immune response, we next performed the experiments in SM-OVA mice, which were developed to selectively express OVA as a self antigen in skeletal muscle (20) (Figure 1C). In the absence of both crush injury and exogenous OVA injection, SM-OVA mice exhibited low proliferation of OVA-specific CD8⫹ and CD4⫹ T cells in draining LNs (all rates ⬍12% at 3 days and 6 days post-transfer) (Figure 1B). Crush injury alone in transgenic SM-OVA mice induced neither CD8⫹ nor CD4⫹ T cell priming on day 4 (proliferation rates ⬍8%). In contrast, CD8⫹ T cell priming was observed on day 7 postinjury, whereas CD4⫹ T cell priming was still absent. At this time point, the rate of proliferation of CD8⫹ T cells was 28–39% (versus 10–12% in intact mice), and that of CD4⫹ T cells was 5–7% (identical to the rate in intact mice) (Figure 1B). Notably, myoinjury-induced T cell priming selectively affecting CD8⫹ T cells was also observed in the spleens of SM-OVA mice at 7 days (proliferation rate 24–32%) (data not shown). We also injected exogenous OVA into muscle 1 day after T cell transfer. T cell responses to OVA were similar in WT and SM-OVA

mice, regardless of the presence or absence of crush injury, for both CD8⫹ and CD4⫹ T cells; results in WT versus SM-OVA mice and in mice with myoinjury versus intact mice differed by no more than 5–10% (Figure 1B). Since it was previously observed that OT-II cells are less sensitive to OVA antigen than are OT-I cells (20), we further examined the effects of adjuvant stimuli on T cell priming. LPS (100 ␮g) injected into intact muscle of SM-OVA mice had no effect on CD4⫹ T cell proliferation (all proliferation rates ⬍6%), whereas the proliferation rates of CD8⫹ T cells increased slightly, to 12–16% at 4 days and 22–28% at 7 days. In animals subjected to muscle crush, CD8⫹ T cell priming induced by LPS challenge occurred earlier and was strongly increased compared to that observed in mice subjected to muscle crush without LPS challenge. Injection of LPS into the crushed muscle on day 2 postinjury was associated with specific CD8⫹ T cell proliferation of 35–39% on day 4 and 60–74% on day 7. In contrast, CD4⫹ T cell priming remained unaffected by LPS challenge (proliferation rates ⬍10% at 4 days and 7 days) (Figures 2A and B). Increased numbers of both resident and inflammatory DCs in draining LNs after myoinjury. Specific T cell activation is initiated by physical interactions between naive T cells and APCs in secondary lymphoid


structures (18). To investigate changes in number and type of APCs in draining LNs after myoinjury, we performed muscle crush in WT mice and extracted draining LN mononuclear cells on day 0 (no crush) and on days 4 and 7 postinjury, for flow cytometric analysis. We defined resident MDCs as CD11c high Ly6C⫺CD8␣⫹/CD8␣⫺ cells, migratory “inflammatory” monocyte-derived DCs as CD11cintermediateCD8␣⫺ cells, PDCs as CD11cintermediatemPDCA-1⫹ cells, macrophages as CD11c⫺Ly-6C⫹F4/80⫹ cells, and B cells as CD11c⫺B220⫹ cells. In normal draining LNs (day 0), mononuclear cells included ⬃0.35% macrophages, 1% resident DCs (CD8␣⫹ 0.27%, CD8␣⫺ 0.61%), 0.62% migratory DCs, 0.03% PDCs, and 41.5% B cells. Four days after myoinjury, MDC, monocyte-derived DC, and PDC numbers remained stable, whereas macrophage numbers were slightly increased (0.76%) and B cells were decreased (29.7%), suggesting some maturation into plasma cells. In contrast, on day 7 there was dramatic increase in the numbers of DCs, involving both MDCs (8.2%: CD8␣⫹ 2.99% and CD8␣⫺ 5.21%) and inflammatory monocytederived DCs (5.73%), but not PDCs (0.04%), whereas macrophage numbers tended to return to normal (0.42%) and B cell numbers remained stable (29.8%) (Figures 3A and B). These results support our previous suggestion that inflammatory monocyte-derived DCs migrate into draining LNs at the muscle regenerating stage (16) and, in addition, show strong coincident increase of resident MDCs. Blockade of DC migration does not alter myoinjury-induced CD8ⴙ T cell priming in SM-OVA mice. To examine whether migratory inflammatory monocyte-derived DCs elicited by myoinjury have a role in T cell priming in draining LNs, we used BW245C, a pharmacologic migration inhibitor. This synthetic prostaglandin analog was previously shown to potently inhibit migration of both Langerhans’ cells and dermal DCs from skin to draining LNs (25,26). WT mice that were subjected to muscle crush injury on day 0 and injected IM with OVA on day 1 received no further treatment or were treated with either a single IM injection of 100 nm BW245C (on day 2) or 2 IM injections of 100 nm BW245C (on days 2 and 4). Mononuclear cells were extracted from draining LNs on day 9 and immunophenotyped by flow cytometry using the hematopoietic marker CD45, the myeloid cell marker CD11b, and the DC marker CD11c. The number of DCs (CD45⫹CD11b⫹CD11c⫹) in draining LNs decreased in a dose-dependent manner after BW245C administration (Figure 4A). With 2 doses of inhibitor,


Figure 4. Blockade of dendritic cell (DC) migration by intramuscular (IM) administration of BW245C. A, Dose-dependent inhibition of DC migration from injured muscle to draining LNs (dLNs) of WT mice by BW245C. Results shown are from flow cytometric analysis of cells extracted from draining LNs on day 9 after crush injury; BW245C was either not injected or was injected once (on day 2) or twice (on days 2 and 4). B, Lack of effect of BW245C on CD8⫹ OT-I cell proliferation in draining LNs of SM-OVA mice subjected to muscle crush injury with or without IM exogenous OVA administration. Values are the mean ⫾ SD from triplicate experiments. See Figure 1 for other definitions.

approximately one-third of DCs, presumably corresponding to resident MDCs, remained detectable in draining LNs (Figure 4A). Next, we analyzed the influence of DC migration blockade on CD8⫹ T cell priming in myoinjured SMOVA mice. Mice underwent OT-I cell transfer (1 day postinjury) and then received 2 doses of BW245C (days 2 and 4). As assessed by CFSE dilution on day 9, rates of T cell proliferation in these mice were similar to those in controls that did not receive BW245C (Figure 4B). Thus, crush injury–associated CD8⫹ T cell priming was unaffected by blockade of inflammatory DC migration. There was also no difference between BW245C-treated and non–BW245C-treated mice that received exogenous OVA (injected IM on day 2) after crush injury (Figure 4B). In the setting of exogenous OVA administration,



Figure 5. Migration of CD8⫹ T cells to regenerating muscle tissue. Regenerating muscle from WT or SM-OVA mice (CD45.1/DAPI staining) was examined by immunofluorescence staining on day 7 after crush injury. A, Scattered CD3⑀⫹CD8␣⫹ T cells in the endomysium. B, Perforin-expressing CD8␣⫹ cytotoxic T lymphocytes surrounding regenerating myofibers with internal nuclei. C, Sarcolemmal expression of class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC). Serial section shows that class I MHC–expressing myofibers are in close contact with CD8␣⫹ cells. D, Appearance of CFSE-expressing cells in regenerating muscle after intravenous adoptive transfer of CD8␣⫹CFSE⫹ T cells. Some of the CFSE⫹ cells coexpressed perforin. Detection of CD45.1⫹ cells confirmed the infiltration of OT-I cells in muscle from SM-OVA mice. E, Appearance of CD11b⫹CD11c⫹ dendritic cells (DCs) in regenerating muscle. F, CD11c⫹ DCs in close association with CD8␣⫹ cells. Bars ⫽ 50 ␮m. See Figure 1 for other definitions.

Figure 6. Cytokine expression in crushed muscle. A, CD8␣⫹ cells expressing interferon-␥ (IFN␥) are transiently detected in the infiltrate on day 7. B, Most CD11b⫹ cells already express the immunosuppressive cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10) on day 7. C, All CD11b⫹ cells still strongly express the immunosuppressive cytokine transforming growth factor ␤1 (TGF␤1) on day 15, at which time healing is almost complete. Bars ⫽ 50 ␮m.


OT-II cell priming was similarly unaffected by DC migration blockade (results not shown). Transient infiltration of muscle tissue by cytotoxic CD8ⴙ T cells. Muscle antigens have been shown to induce migration of T lymphocytes and immature DCs to the endomysium or perimysium during myositis (27). Although T cell infiltration has been consistently observed in experimental models of autoimmune myopathies (28,29), this has not been well documented after myoinjury. On day 4 and day 7, crushed and intact TA muscles of WT mice were studied by double immunostaining to assess the presence of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), inflammatory DCs, B cells, and class I MHC–expressing myofibers. CD8⫹ T cells were defined as CD3⑀⫹CD8␣⫹ cells, while, perforin-expressing CD8␣⫹ cells were considered to be the functional CTLs. CD11b⫹CD11c⫹ cells were considered to be inflammatory DCs, and B220⫹ cells to be B cells. Sarcolemmal class I MHC expression was assessed by comparison to basement membrane staining with laminin 1. Notably, when notexin was used to injure muscle, CD3⫹CD8⫹ T cell infiltration was not detected in muscle at 4 days or 7 days (results not shown). In contrast, as shown in Figure 5, CD8⫹ T cells were detected in crushed muscle at 7 days. B cells were not detected. CD8⫹ T cells were scattered in the endomysium among other mononuclear cells (Figures 5A–C). A number of them conspicuously expressed perforin as CTLs do, and some were in close contact with regenerating myofibers exhibiting internal nuclei (Figure 5B). CD8⫹ T cells had decreased on day 10 and disappeared on day 15. To further assess migration of T cells to injured muscle, CFSE-labeled OT-I cells were injected into the tail vein of mice 1 day postinjury. On day 4, CFSEpositive cells were not found in noninjured or injured muscle. In contrast, on day 7, CFSE-positive cells were detected in the regenerating muscle and exhibited perforin expression (Figure 5D). Detection of abundant CD45.1⫹ cells (Figure 5D), contrasting with CD45.2 expression in the leukocytes of the recipient transgenic SM-OVA mice, confirmed the presence of transferred OT-I cells in crushed muscle. Contralateral intact muscles exhibited no CD45.1⫹ cell infiltration. Some myofibers strongly expressed class I MHC antigen and were in contact with infiltrated CD8⫹ cells on day 7 (Figure 5C), but not before. Sarcolemmal fluorescence was not observed in noninjured muscle or when staining was performed using an isotypic antibody as control (results not shown). The regenerating muscle was abundantly


infiltrated by monocyte-derived DCs coexpressing CD11b and CD11c (Figure 5E). As expected, class I MHC antigen was strongly expressed by these cells. A number of CD8⫹ T cells were observed in association with monocyte-derived DC infiltrates (Figure 5F). We were unable to sort a sufficient number of viable OT-I cells to test antigen-specific cytokine secretion ex vivo. This poor viability of OT-I cells was presumably due to multistep handling of tissue (including noninjured muscle tissue digestion, extraction of mononuclear cells, and CD45⫹ cell selection before culture) combined with strong local immunosuppressive cues associated with myorepair (30). Consistently, immunofluorescence screening for cytokines showed CD8⫹ cells expressing IFN␥ (Figure 6A) and IL-2 (results not shown) on day 7, whereas CD11b⫹ cells already expressed the immunosuppressive cytokine IL-10 (Figure 6B) and TGF␤1 (results not shown). After complete disappearance of CD8⫹ cells (day 15), immunosuppressive CD11b⫹ cells expressing IL-10 (results not shown) and TGF␤1 (Figure 6C) were still conspicuously present. Although not evaluated long term, kinetics of myorepair appeared similar in WT mice and in SM OVA mice injected with OT-I cells. DISCUSSION Several experimental models of chronic autoimmune myositis have been proposed recently (20,28), and development of yet another new myositis model was not the main purpose of the current study. Instead, we used the inflammatory reaction phase of a previously described model, myoinjury achieved by mechanical crush, to assess the impact of myofiber breakdown on adaptive immune responses. The main objective of the present study was to examine the processes that occur in draining LNs after myoinjury. We used mechanical crush rather than the more commonly used notexin injection (16,30) to injure muscle because an exploratory study demonstrated dose-dependent toxicity of notexin to lymphocytes, possibly explaining why CD3⫹ T cells are not found in notexin-injured muscle. Consistently, notexin injection abolished the vigorous expansion of both CD8⫹ and CD4⫹ OVA-specific T cells elicited in draining LNs by injection of exogenous OVA into muscle, whereas T cell responses remained remarkably strong after crush. In contrast to the findings with exogenous OVA challenge, endogenous muscle-specific OVA exposed by crush injury in SM-OVA mice elicited selective CD8⫹ T cell proliferation in draining LNs on day 7. CD4⫹ T cell


proliferation, however, was not elicited by crush in SM-OVA mice. Concurrent IM injection of LPS increased proliferation of CD8⫹ T cells but did not induce CD4⫹ T cell priming. This was quite unexpected since a variety of CD4⫹ T cell reactions in draining LNs have been documented after acute inflammatory injuries, such as burn injury, brain injury, and surgical trauma (31–33). Why muscle autoantigen–induced CD4⫹ T cell priming does not occur after myoinjury is unclear. It is possible that the amount of endogenous OVA released by myoinjury was insufficient to elicit a CD4⫹ T cell response as OT-II cells are of lower affinity than OT-I cells and may therefore require a higher quantity of antigen to be activated. In contrast, selective proliferation of autoantigen-responsive CD8⫹ T cells was reminiscent of the pathophysiologic role of CTLs in human polymyositis and its murine models (28,29). DCs in lymphoid and nonlymphoid tissues encompass different subsets, with specific functions in the initiation of both immunity and tolerance induction (18). Among IIMs, MDCs are present in polymyositis and inclusion body myositis, whereas a distinct IFN␣/␤producing PDC subset is typically found in dermatomyositis (34). In the present study, crush myoinjury was associated with increased levels of MDCs and monocytederived DCs, but not PDCs, in draining LNs on day 7. Strikingly little is known about the exact functions of DCs in muscle (35–37). We previously showed that injury elicits formation of “emergency” monocytederived DCs in muscle (16), differing from MDCs in that they exhibit intermediate rather than high CD11c expression (37,38). These monocyte-derived DCs presumably attempt to substitute for the functions of conventional migratory MDCs occurring in other tissues (18). DCs responding to crush injury in draining LNs included monocyte-derived DCs coming from the injured muscle and draining LN–resident MDCs, mainly generated from blood-borne progenitors (18). Migratory and resident DCs appear to play complementary roles in CD4⫹ T cell priming, but their respective functions in CD8⫹ T cell proliferation are less clear. In draining LNs, resident DCs can capture antigens, either drained from peripheral tissues via the lymphatics or transferred from migratory DCs (39,40), and then trap and activate cognate naive CD4⫹ T cells, while migratory DCs specifically support proliferation of these CD4⫹ T cells (18). In the present study, efficient pharmacologic inhibition of monocyte-derived DC migration from the injured SM-OVA mouse muscle to draining LNs had no effect on OVA-specific CD8⫹ T cell proliferation. Thus, in our experimental setting, draining LN–resident


MDCs likely played the central role in autoreactive CD8⫹ T cell activation. This finding is consistent with the previous report that monocyte-derived cells are several orders of magnitude less efficient in presenting antigens to T cells than are conventional MDCs (41). CD8⫹ T cells, corresponding to activated IFN␥producing cells and/or perforin-positive CTLs, were transiently detected 7 days after myoinjury, but could not be expanded ex vivo in order to assess their response to muscle antigens. The possibility of nonspecific activation of CTLs in the inflammatory milieu cannot be formally excluded. However, CTLs were found in close association with regenerating myofibers, which transiently expressed class I MHC antigens at this time point. CD8⫹ T cells were also intermingled with monocyte-derived DCs. Such monocyte-derived DCs have been identified in several models of infection (42), where they exert local microbicidal activity through production of tumor necrosis factor ␣ and nitric oxide (43) and induce expansion of effector (44) and memory (20) CD8⫹ T cells within peripheral tissues. We previously showed that in the setting of myoinjury, inflammatory monocytes are initially attracted by muscle resident macrophages and convert locally into monocyte-derived DCs (16). These monocyte-derived cells initially express proinflammatory cytokines, with expression of tumor necrosis factor ␣ and IL-1␤ transcripts peaking 2–3 days after notexin injury, and they then switch to an antiinflammatory phenotype supporting myogenesis, characterized by up-regulation of IL-10 and TGF␤1 messenger RNA beginning on day 2 after injury and maintained throughout regeneration (30). Although the initial inflammatory phenotype of monocyte-derived DCs could have participated in the transient homing or expansion of CD8⫹ T cells observed after muscle crush in the present study, immunohistochemistry results were consistent with rapid and protracted up-regulation of the immunosuppressive cytokines IL-10 and TGF␤1 in monocyte-derived DCs, as previously documented by reverse transcription– polymerase chain reaction in the notexin model of myoinjury (30). Muscle crush mimics exercise-induced injury and is associated with a self-limited inflammatory reaction related to efficient regulatory mechanisms that both favor rapid decrease of the postinjury inflammatory reaction and promote myorepair (30). Physiologic protective mechanisms also prevent the occurrence of an autoimmune attack against regenerating myofibers. In normal individuals, tolerance mechanisms prevent sustained activation of autoreactive T cells by inducing



apoptosis, by skewing phenotype, by evoking anergy, and/or by inducing Treg cells (45). Although tolerization is incompletely understood, it has been found to be particularly strong in muscle and efficiently protects the tissue from immune attacks targeting muscle antigens (20). Reported attempts to induce experimental autoimmune myositis have consistently proven to be very difficult; the most recent attempt necessitated the combination of up to 4 immunizations with muscle myosin emulsified in Freund’s complete adjuvant plus pertussis injection plus depletion of Treg cells (28). Therefore, in our experimental setting, conspicuous modulation of the myorepair process by a single injection of autoreactive T cells was neither expected nor detected. It seems very likely that strong local production of IL-10 and TGF␤1 observed at the time of myorepair (30,46) participated in the rapid disappearance of CD8⫹ T cell infiltration elicited by crush myoinjury. Although not evaluated herein, it is possible that other mechanisms, such as Treg cell response, could also play a role in the control of autoreactive T cells after myoinjury, since administration of ex vivo–expanded Treg cells efficiently controls inflammation and ameliorates disease activity in experimental autoimmune myositis (28). In conclusion, myofiber damage induces an episode of muscle antigen–specific CD8⫹ T cell proliferation in draining lymph nodes. Activated CD8⫹ T cells transiently infiltrate the injured muscle, with prompt control by immunosuppressive cues. Our results suggest that inadequate control of the CD8⫹ T cell response could represent a prerequisite for the emergence of autoimmune myositis and that, in this context, myonecrosis may amplify autotoxic CD8⫹ T cell mechanisms and sustain muscle inflammation.



6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11.






AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS All authors were involved in drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content, and all authors approved the final version to be published. Dr. Gherardi had full access to all of the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Study conception and design. Franck, Adriouch, Authier, Boyer, Gherardi. Acquisition of data. Liao, Franck, Fre´ret, Adriouch, Baba-Amer. Analysis and interpretation of data. Liao, Franck, Fre´ret, Adriouch, Baba-Amer, Authier, Boyer, Gherardi.

17. 18. 19. 20.



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