June 3, 2017 | Autor: J. Serna | Categoría: Location Based Services, Context-Aware Computing
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In spite of the great popularity which the mobile devices have in our days, the access to Internet through this type of devices is extremely limited. This due because Web sites have not been developed taking into account the characteristics and constrains from these devices in view of making the Web resources more accessible. Thus for example, the screen-restrictions, the low capacity of memory and storage, the communications through no persistent connections, the high costs and the deficient bandwidth of connection, among others, these characteristics have restrained the visualization of Web sites through mobile devices.The present work tries “to put the Web in the users’ pockets”. In order to guarantee that the users can visualize correctly the Web resources, two things are needed: a mechanism that control disconnections and allow to visualize Web content without concerning the connection state of the device (hoarding), and a mechanism that adapts the Web content to the own characteristics of the specific mobile device (transcoding). In this work a tool that integrates these two mechanisms and allows improving the navigation experience of the users in the mobile Web is presented.The goal of this thesis consists of which the Web resources are accessible independent of the device, when, where and how the users need. In addition, with this work it is possible to reduce the size of the Web resources when transcoding and hoarding them on the mobile device, energy save of the batteries, as well as speed up access times to the resources, which with takes to diminish costs of accessing to the Web or per time air or by volumen of information This aid to increase the access levels to the Web through mobile devices.
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