Memorias de mujeres guaraníes del noroeste argentino sobre la Guerra del Chaco (1932-1935)

May 27, 2017 | Autor: Natalia Castelnuovo | Categoría: Memory Studies, Indigenous Peoples, Women and Gender Studies, Etnography
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MeMories of Guarani WoMen of the arGentine northWest durinG the War of the ChaCo (1932-1935). An analysis of the stories about the War of the Chaco between Bolivia and Paraguay (1932-1935), and the re/construction of a common memory made by Guarani women of the Argentine Northwest. The decision to recover their thoughts is linked, on the one hand, with the intention to emphasize the effects of that event in their lives, and, on the other, to show how an identity and vision of the past are built, with a view to stand nowadays as political actors. This process highlights the potential of memory to forge claims for recognition and indigenous resistance actions.
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