Manganese Deficiency in Canola Induced by Liming to Ameliorate Soil Acidity

June 5, 2017 | Autor: Ross Brennan | Categoría: Plant Biology, Plant Nutrition, Soil sciences
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Applying lime to ameliorate soil acidity has been observed to induce manganese (Mn) deficiency in canola (Brassica napus L.) crops grown on acid sandy soils near Albany and gravelly acid sands of the Great Southern Districts of southwestern Australia. These soils were often Mn-deficient in patches for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production when they were newly cleared for agriculture requiring application of Mn fertilizer to ensure grain yields were not reduced by the deficiency. Since then, these soils have acidified and in the 1990s, canola started to be grown on these soils in rotation with wheat and lupins (Lupinus angustifolius L.). These limed soils may now have become marginal to deficient in Mn for canola production. The effect of liming may change the effectiveness of fertilizer Mn. In addition, the effect of liming on the residual value of Mn fertilizer applied to these soils for canola production is unknown. Therefore, a glasshouse experiment was conducted using Mn defic...
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